Chapter 2629: Forcefully Extinguishing Iron Gorilla

突然出現在他們麵前。這讓所有人都大驚失色!“見過丹長老!”三百多人連忙行禮道。丹長老是一個女人,她穿著潔白的長裙和一頭烏黑秀髮披肩而下。讓沈翔失望的是,她臉上竟然帶著一個黑色麵具,隻露出兩隻眼睛,但那兩隻眼睛卻冒著火紅色的光芒,根本看不見她臉上的任何表情。“不用多禮!”丹長老抬起手,說道。她的聲音聽起來有些慵懶卻很冰冷,充滿一種睥睨天下的氣勢。這讓沈翔覺得她和神兵天國的那個女帝有些相似。沈翔突然覺...Chapter 2629: Forcefully Extinguishing Iron Gorilla

The onlookers all felt that Shen Xiang should hurry up and ascend. After all, he had already beaten Zhou Tianqiang, there was no need for him to continue fighting. After all, he didn't have any weapons anymore, and the two steel-armed apes were already working well together. The steel-arm ape who had thrown a spear earlier had restored its strength after eating the body of its companion.

If they really can't hold on, Chen Xiang would definitely step in.

It's just starting for him. Having already defeated Zhou Tianqiang, his next task is to challenge himself. Furthermore, he aims to make sure that Zhou Tianqiang surrenders completely in defeat!

Only by demonstrating one's great strength can they earn the respect of the warriors here.

Eating-satiated steel-armed ape charged towards Shen Xiang, flailing its arms wildly. Shen Xiang hastily dodged, his speed still fast; the month of seclusion had significantly increased his capabilities.

Now it's the turn of this steel-armed ape to fight, taking over from another, allowing that steel-armied ape to replenish its energy. These steel-armored apes knew that only through this strategy could they overcome the humans before them.

Eating to satisfaction, the steel-armed ape has indeed become stronger. There is a significant improvement in its strength, speed, and response to various actions!

Finish off the gorilla with the steel arm as quickly as possible, or else my burden will increase when the other one is full," Shen Xiang thought while dodging, strategizing his approach.

“Let's see if we can try with strength first, my strength isn't weak either!” Shen Xiang looked at the giant steel fist that was being thrown towards him. Instead of avoiding it, he tightened his fists and charged forward to meet the giant steel fist.係,而且還知道我也是太丹王院的,所以整天都纏著我,讓我把戰書轉交給你。”沈翔笑道:“原來這樣呀,還真是委屈你了!對了,你被誤認為是我的情人,你覺得委屈嗎?”吳芊芊怔了怔,冇想到沈翔會這麼問,她嬌啐了一口,臉更加紅了!她跳下屋頂,快步離開了太丹王院。“這女人太容易得手了,隻要你肯開口,我敢說今天晚上你就可以和她躺在一起快活!”龍雪怡咬牙說道。“小屁龍,你原形畢露了,你果然是條壞龍!我以後可要提防著點...