Chapter 947: Unretaliating

ay as he could. 。Before his car could turn around, a deafening explosion erupted. The Rolls-Royce Phantom's front was suddenly met with a scene of utter devastation – a Bentley sedan had instantaneou..."Hey kid, you said if your woman got disfigured would you still go near her That's something I'm looking forward to." Tie Guangtou chuckled.

Ye Fan sighed, he still had no chance at all. He could only say that this bald man was indeed very cautious. Although he said he wanted to ruin her face, the dagger in his hand was still firmly pressed against Lin Bingyue's throat. At such a distance, Ye Fan was still not sure if he could ensure Lin Bingyue's safety even if he made a full-strength attack.

Ye Fan did not act rashly, but he could not remain passive any longer. Ye Fan decided to retreat and seek something else; he decided to do something.

Ye Fan suddenly forced a nonchalant smile, looking at Tie Guangtou's eyes full of disdain, his expression arrogant to the extreme.

"Why are you laughing" Tie Guangtou looked at Ye Fan, his pupils shrinking suddenly.

"Do you think I wouldn't dare to touch her"

Tie Guangtou felt his authority being questioned. The hand holding the knife unconsciously tightened, and the dagger at Lin Bingyue's neck inched forward half an inch.

Lin Bingyue's neck already had visible bloodstains oozing out. With Ye Fan's eyesight, he could clearly see everything. He never expected these people to attack Lin Bingyue. He had only shown a slightly close relationship with her, but these people were ruthless in their pursuit of their goals.

If this time because of himself, and implicated Lin Bingyue, then Ye Fan would be uneasy for life.

The hostage is in the hands of others now, he doesn't dare to act recklessly. In order to prevent Tie Guangtou from being so impulsive, he had better busy way: "You just want to deal with me, this is not difficult first let her go, I'm standing here, you can beat me as you please, how"

Ye Fan had no other choice but to do this; at least it could distract Tie Guangtou for now.

Tie Guangtou looked at Ye Fan, laughing non-stop, looking very proud. His small eyes widened, "Boy, you reminded me. This beautiful woman is actually someone I can't bear to harm. Since you want to be a hero, then I'll give you the opportunity. Go over there and beat him up for me!"

Ye Fan cursed inwardly, this bald head was truly a cunning fellow. He hated Ye Fan with every fiber of his being, but he wanted to keep the hostages in his hands and have his underling beat him up. At this time, he was extremely cautious.

Now what Tie Guangtou completely disrupted Ye Fan's plan. He didn't even fall for the distraction tactic that he had painstakingly created. This is truly a troublesome situation.

He was stunned, but his legs were trembling slightly. Ye Fan had kicked him away with one kick, and the spot in his lower abdomen where he had been kicked by Ye Fan still ached faintly. He didn't dare to take another kick from Ye Fan.

But he absolutely couldn't disobey his big brother's orders. Though he was terrified, he still had to slowly walk towards Tian Ye Fan.

He moved slowly, afraid that Ye Fan would suddenly do something. If he sensed the situation was wrong, He Er wouldn't hesitate to run away.

"He Er, you haven't eaten Get lost and beat him up hard."

Tie Guangtou had been waiting impatiently.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and close his eyes, charging straight towards Ye Fan. He cursed his senior brother for being unrighteous in his heart. Why did he have to do such a dangerous thing himself

He's so skilled in martial arts, why doesn't he come up and fight Ye Fan himself

He Er had already prepared to be severely beaten by Ye Fan at any time, but after waiting for a while, he found that nothing happened to him.

He couldn't help but open his eyes, and saw that the devil was already in front of him.

"I'm being forced, it's not my fault"

When He Er faced Ye Fan at such close range, a deep-seated terror that reached his very bones rose in his heart. His legs trembled uncontrollably, and he desperately wanted to turn and run away right then and there.

"I know, you do it." Ye Fan nodded, his expression unreadable.

But Ye Fan, this insignificant husband Deng, scared He Er even more. He thought Ye Fan was fearless and undeterred. His crotch was wet with fear, his face contorted in terror, and he stretched out his fist but didn't dare to strike Ye Fan.

"Damn you, He Er! What are you dawdling for Get over there and beat him up!" Tie Guangtou roared incessantly.

Tie Guangtou closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and punched Ye Fan in the chest.

Just die already, die sooner to be reborn earlier

He'er felt a surge of determination in his heart. If he didn't take action soon, he feared this oppressive atmosphere would drive him to madness.

He didn't expect that, however, Ye Fan would actually not dodge or evade. He Er felt his fist really hit Ye Fan.

Ye Fan let out a low hum, his body involuntarily taking a step back.

"Not painful at all, come again," Ye Fan shouted to He Er.

Because Ye Fan had already seen that when He Er's fist landed on him, the attention of the iron-headed man was completely focused on him. And his hand holding the dagger unconsciously moved to the side, but it was still very close to Lin Bingyue. Ye Fan couldn't make a move yet.

Seeing that Ye Fan was actually standing here giving himself a beating for nothing, He Er suddenly felt at ease and strangely stopped being afraid. Holding his fist, he charged towards Ye Fan once again.

He hadn't expected his punch to actually land on Ye Fan just now, so he didn't put much strength into it. He was saving his energy to escape.

But this second punch, He Er unleashed all his might. He only regretted not eating a few more bowls of rice at night, otherwise, he could have punched this person who dared to kick him to death with one punch.

This punch directly sent Ye Fan staggering back several steps. Ye Fan snorted again in determination.

He Er was extremely excited. This feeling of being able to hit without retaliation was so satisfying. Although he wasn't a stranger to physical altercations in his usual life, he had never experienced this before. Suddenly, he felt invigorated all over.

Tie Guangtou on the other side was also extremely delighted, couldn't stop laughing triumphantly. He really wished he was the one going up to praise Ye Fan, that way his heart would definitely feel a lot lighter.

But he also knew that the only reason they were able to beat Ye Fan at will right now was because of the hostage in his hand. He had fought against Ye Fan before and knew how terrifying he was. Whether it was speed or strength, Ye Fan was far beyond what any of them could compare to. So he had to hold the hostage tightly in his hand until he completely crippled Ye Fan.

Seeing Ye Fan willing to take a beating for her, Lin Bingyue's eyes were already blurry. She kept crying, "Stop it, please stop!"

But no one answered her at all, and no one paid any attention to what she said.his vehicle had excellent performance, coming and going like the wind, and its braking system was extremely sensitive. Ye Fan knew that this was the most advanced military vehicle at Weinei.Could it b...