Chapter 194: Girl A-Qi

Xin was stunned. He didn't expect Su Baihu to ask him this question when he found him, but he still nodded, "It should be possible"Yeluo, you try," Su Baihu commanded."Ye Luo nodded, walked to Su Xin'...A-qi girl Su Xin stepped into the farmhouse.

"Su Xin, you're here!" Aqi immediately stood up.

She had already received a message from Su Xin before this, which is why she has been waiting here.

"This is the treasure that can cure your mother-in-law's eye ailment. Quickly take it to her and have her consume it." Su Xin took out the Qixing Zhen Guo.

"Good. Ah-Q nodded, took the fruit, and immediately went inside the house."

Su Xin also followed behind and entered the house.

As soon as he entered the room, a thick smell of medicine hit him. Su Xin also saw the old woman lying on the bed, her head completely white with hair, and her face haggard and blind.

The old woman's cheeks were still somewhat swollen, and her breathing was very weak. She was obviously at the end of her life.

"No wonder this girl Ah Qi wants me to hurry up." Su Xin sighed inwardly.

He could see at a glance that this blind old woman was just an ordinary person with no cultivation and was terminally ill, only having days left to live.

“Grandma, Grandma……” Remember the URL

At A Qi's call, the old woman gradually regained consciousness after a while. Afterwards, A Qi cut the Qixing Zhen Guo into dozens of portions and fed each portion to the old woman.

Under the influence of the Qixing Zhengu fruit, it didn't take long for the old woman's gray-white eyes to gradually recover their color.

"I see, I can see now."

"A Qi... Come here quickly, let grandma have a good look at you."

The old woman strained to lift her head and looked at Ah Qi.

A Qi also immediately leaned forward.

"Is this what you look like My Ah Qi, so handsome" The old woman slowly reached out and stroked Ah Qi's cheek.

Su Xin stood beside her, silent. When he saw the old woman's vision had returned, he turned and left the house without disturbing the two of them.

Not long after, A-Qi also walked out of the house and closed the door.

"Is Mother resting" Su Xin looked over.

"Hmm, A-Qi nodded and said, "Su Xin, thank you this time."

"It's nothing, don't mention it," Su Xin replied with a smile.

That seven-star Zhen Guo is only worth 1.3 million battle merit points, which isn't much to him at all.

Actually, Ah Qi is just inexperienced in the world. Otherwise, with her abilities, she could easily join any sect or force and obtain treasures like the Qixing Zhen Guo to treat her mother-in-law's eye disease.

"Aqi, excuse me for speaking frankly, but your mother-in-law's health..." Su Xin's words trailed off, but his meaning was clear.

"I know," Aqi nodded, "Grandma won't live for many days."

"I do have some pills on hand, perhaps they could alleviate the Madam's condition and let her live a little longer," Su Xin said.

"Don't worry, " Aqi smiled slightly. "My grandmother is lonely and has no one to rely on. After I came along, she finally had a real family member in this world. But her body and mind are already exhausted. She once said that for her, living another day is a torment, so she told me beforehand not to force her to stay, just let things take their natural course."

All I can do is try to fulfill her wishes as much as possible.

And the only wish of the mother-in-law was to see me truly with her own eyes before she died, to see clearly what I looked like. Now, this wish has been fulfilled.

Su Xin couldn't help but feel a stir in her heart.

He was just very curious, why would Ah Qi still be so persistent in treating her grandmother's eye ailment even though Ah Qi Po was about to die.

It turns out this was her mother-in-law's last wish, just to be able to truly see her clearly

“Su Xin, you have fulfilled your grandmother’s wish, I am very grateful to you. My grandmother always said that if someone does you a favor, you should repay them. Unfortunately, my grandmother and I have lived in the mountains for many years, and there is nothing good we can offer you as a reward. Why don't you stay here for a few more days I can pick some vegetables for you to eat They are homegrown vegetables, very delicious,” said Aqi.

"How many days will you stay" Su Xin hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

I'm not in a hurry to return to Jiusheng Mountain.

Since he arrived in this mountain village, everything he saw felt very comfortable and warm. Perhaps staying here for a few days would also be a good choice.

"Then I'll go to the village and get a room ready for you," A-Qi smiled, then immediately went to tidy up.

By nightfall, the farmhouse was filled with villagers.

The people in the countryside were mostly simple and hospitable. After they knew that a guest had arrived and cured Ah Qi's eye ailment, they all took out their best things to entertain him.

There was game brought down from the mountains, as well as home-raised chickens and ducks, homemade wine, and homegrown vegetables, making it quite a feast.

Su Xin even drank with several men from the village.

Until late at night, everyone dispersed.

The next day, Su Xin casually sat on the farmhouse roof, watching the simple girl barefoot in the vegetable garden. She hummed a song while watering the vegetables, and a strange feeling arose in his heart.

According to what the villagers said last night, A-Qi was four years old when her grandmother picked her up from a beggar's pile. After that, her grandmother brought her to live in this village, and they have lived here for twenty years!

At first, her mother-in-law was still nimble and could take care of herself even though she couldn't see. When Ah Qi grew up, she took over the responsibility of caring for her mother-in-law. She cultivated her own vegetables to support herself and occasionally sewed clothes for villagers to earn extra income.

And the villagers were all certain that Aqi had lived in the village her whole life and had never left. Only recently, to fulfill her mother-in-law's wish, did she leave the village alone to search for various natural treasures outside.

I can see that these villagers are not lying. Qi has indeed always lived in this village, which is why she is so simple and innocent.

She may be inexperienced, but her abilities...

Su Xin's brow furrowed slightly.

Last night, he also asked Ah Qi. According to Ah Qi herself, when she was young and picked up by her mother-in-law, her mind already remembered her name 'Zhao Ah Qi', as well as a cultivation method.

Over the years, she has been cultivating that method, although she hasn't gone out of her way to practice diligently, her cultivation level has been steadily rising naturally.

As for her skills... she didn't really have any.

It is merely the most instinctive means of attack, with no techniques or ultimate moves. Yet, this simplest and most primal method, purely driven by bodily instinct, becomes terrifyingly effective when wielded by her.

He had always lived in the village, but over twenty years, no one had taught him. Yet, his strength was comparable to that of the top ten experts on the Eastern Desolation Venerable List!


When Su Xin first heard about Ah Qi's experiences, he couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. His mind was already churning with a tempest of emotions.

No one taught...

...has not undergone any battles or trials....

...didn't even deliberately cultivate to improve his strength....

Like an ordinary person, he lived a peaceful life in the village. But his strength naturally increased like a rocket.

What is this innate talent

It is said that bloodline awakeners are all favored by heaven and possess extraordinary talents.

And as for himself, being the awakened one of the supreme bloodline, he was even more gifted.

Only now, after meeting this girl named Aqi, did Su Xin realize what true talent truly was!

Compared to Ah Qi, one's own supreme bloodline seems rather unremarkable.

“With such extraordinary talent, A Qi's background must be extraordinary!”

Its origins, I'm afraid, are beyond our reach!

Su Xin thought to himself.

At that moment…

Su Xin

The innocent girl who always went barefoot in the garden waved to Su Xin, "If you have nothing to do, come down and water the vegetables with me."


Su Xin smiled and nodded, then leapt down.

One afternoon passed, stepping into dusk.

A Qi sat by the creek, just a hundred meters from the farmhouse. She propped herself up on her hands, her feet rhythmically slapping the water. Su Xin stood beside her, and they both gazed out at the distance. The sun was setting, painting the sky a brilliant red.

A cool breeze blew, bringing a refreshing feeling.

Su Xin only felt an unprecedented calmness and ease in his heart. All kinds of worries had been left behind.

He hadn't felt this way in a long time.

Since the fall of the Su family, I've been constantly on edge, striving for my family's resurgence. Even after restoring the Su family to its former glory and eliminating its enemies, I learned about my father's past suffering and hatred. To this day, I haven't dared to relax even for a moment.

He has always been working hard, always yearning to become stronger.

Never relaxed.

But now, by this little stream, he was completely relaxed.

Maybe, after I find that 'silver hair and purple eyes' who persecuted my father back then, settle the grudge, and reach a certain level of strength, no longer pursuing anything, I can also find a secluded mountain village, living a carefree life of sunrise and sunset.

It would be best to also find a suitable partner and spend life together.

Su Xin murmured, but her eyes subconsciously looked towards the girl beside her who was barefoot, laughing by the stream, watching the sunset.


Just as Su Xin'an settled down in the village.

In the state capital near this village, there was a jade building known in private as the "money pit," within its elegant private rooms.

A young lord, dressed in fine clothes and with a hint of arrogance, was being flanked by several beauties. In front of them, other beautiful women were playing music and dancing.

At that moment, a servant hurried in and whispered a few words into the young master's ear.

The young master, who had just been enjoying himself, immersed in the pleasures of wealth and indulgence, suddenly showed a look of astonishment and anger.




This young master smashed the goblet in his hand directly to the ground.

"Such audacity! Within the borders of Ningzhou Prefecture, someone dares to snatch the woman this young master has set his eyes on!"

"Hurry, prepare my horse! This young master is going to ride there tonight. By tomorrow morning, I will have that man chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs! As for that beauty… this time no matter what, I must bring her back to the manor. If she still refuses, forget about her blind grandmother; I will slaughter her entire village!"


With murderous intent, the young master immediately set off with his men under the cover of night.

……r.When Xia Mang and Su Xin, along with two others, gathered together, the young man with blood-red hair kept eyeing them."Four Void-Breaking Mid-Stages""Those who dare to come to Tianshui's secret rea...