e had finally finished the rice in her bowl, she silently pushed back her chair and went into her room. Outside, the excitement continued, but it was theirs, not hers.Outside, the rain had lessened to...When a man loves a woman, he's advised to be kind to other women Where can he stand that!

Holding back, he replied in a dry voice. "My gentleness is only for the right person! She..."

Jiang Chengfeng looked at He Wen with coldness and indifference. "It's inappropriate!"

He Wen's face turned cold instantly. Even with her thick skin, she couldn't stand Jiang Chengfeng being so harsh in front of others. She was a proud woman, and countless people fawned over her. Who dared to disrespect her Jiang Chengfeng made her heart flutter, but she also had her limits with him! Usually, his sarcasm was fine, but today, in front of other women, she couldn't swallow this insult!

After a moment of thought, she raised her meticulously groomed eyebrows and scoffed coldly. "Oh I wonder what kind of person would be suitable for you! Feng...-"

She paused for a moment, then reached out and gracefully picked up the teapot sitting beside her. She poured it slowly into the cup in front of her, filling it to the brim. Then, she lifted her long, dark eyelashes and smiled at him, a smile that was both amused and sarcastic.

"Tell me, I'm all ears!"

"Little Wind!" Jiang's mother immediately voiced her disapproval, shaking her head at Jiang Chengfeng. At the same time, she gave him a warning look.

Turning back, she comforted He Wen again. "Wenwen, Xiao Feng was just joking, don't take it seriously."

He Wen lightly swirled her teacup, then delicately ran a finger over her pale pink lipstick. A small smile curved her lips.

"Aunt, it's nothing. I just wanted to hear what the standard for "Riding the Wind" is like so I can also strive towards it!"

Saying that, he looked at Jiang Chengfeng with a half-smile.

Mother Jiang was a little embarrassed. It seemed that He Wen truly loved her eldest son deeply. So, she hurriedly signaled to Jiang Chengfeng with her eyes, asking him not to talk nonsense anymore and best just stop there. Even if he kept quiet, it was better than talking nonsense. However, Mother Jiang miscalculated one point - Lin Meng was also present now. Jiang Chengfeng had her in mind, so how could he flirt with other women in front of her

To sum up, you are not the right person!

"Little Wind!" Jiang's mother was unhappy. She reached out and slammed her hand down on the table. The noise wasn't loud, but it certainly wasn't small either. It drew the attention of several tables nearby, all their guests turning to look at them.

"Apologize!" Mother Jiang glared at Jiang Chengfeng, commanding. "Apologize to Wenwen. Even if you're joking, there has to be a limit!"

Jiang Cheng narrowed his eyes, a dark glint in them. His tightly pressed lips betrayed his restraint and displeasure.

"Apologize!" Mother Jiang shouted again!

Jiang Cheng stood unmoving, his face an impassive mask. His eyes were fixed on the distance, yet seemed to gaze at nothing in particular.

Mrs. Jiang was so angry that she suddenly drew her hand back and slammed it down on the table with a resounding thud! As everyone watched, the tablecloth under her hand slightly warped and twisted. This revealed the anger churning in Mrs. Jiang's heart.

This subtle atmosphere made things feel a bit tense. Lin Meng wanted to speak, but subconsciously, she felt it was best to say nothing at all. Unable to help herself, she turned her gaze to He Wen. In fact, at this moment, having He Wen come forward to persuade them would be ideal, because she was the cause of everything that had transpired. But He Wen just smiled, with a clear air of arrogance, looking at Jiang Chengfeng. With one hand, she elegantly twirled her teacup, letting it sway as the faint ripples in the tea danced within. It seemed that this current situation, akin to the swaying tea and the imminent overflow, was exactly what she desired.

Moved her lips, Lin Meng sighed inwardly!

She began to feel that this dinner was going to be a disaster!

At that very moment, Little Youyou's innocent voice, like a timely rain shower, instantly diffused the tension at the table.

Grandma, don't be angry, anger isn't good, it makes you age faster!

When Jiang Mu heard this, her expression immediately softened.

The little boy said again, "Grandma, I want to drink that mushroom soup!"

Having said that, he looked up at his mother with an unusually charming face. His mother was furious, but at this moment, nine out of ten of her anger had vanished, leaving only one tenth remaining.

"Good, good, good." Mother Jiang smiled, just like a kind grandmother. She mumbled, "Grandma will serve you, Yoyo, don't be impatient," and then she was scooping up rice with a bowl and a spoon. Of course, this was a very young grandma!

The stalemate has been broken.

He Wen glanced at the little boy and then gently opened her mouth, making a smooth transition.

"Hee hee, I think I understand what riding the wind means. I definitely wouldn't be the right person for it. But if I said so, I could become an exception! Haha, that's not bad either!"

This open-minded and able to find joy even in hardship personality also made Jiang's mother like him a bit more. She placed the bowl of carefully prepared mushroom soup in front of the little boy, letting him drink it slowly on his own, then turned around to coax He Wen.

"You young people, sometimes you just love to talk back. You don't really think that way in your hearts, but the words that come out of your mouths become like that. Anyway, Wenwen, you know Feng isn't truly malicious, right Besides..."

Jiang's mother reached out and gently patted He Wen's hand, while also winking at her affectionately. "Auntie is on your side, understand If Chengfeng gives you a hard time, Auntie will stand up for you!"

"Mom—" Jiang Chengfeng couldn't help but speak.

Jiang Mu turned back, her eyes cold.

Jiang Cheng today has already disobeyed her multiple times. This time, he could only choose to keep his mouth shut.

He Wen just chuckled. "Mother-in-law, I'll remember your words. From now on, I'll have to rely on you to make the decisions!"

"Hee hee..."

Mother Jiang laughed, and suddenly this meal felt like a spring rain that nourished everything, so warm and comforting!

Lin Meng looked, and no longer felt so tense. But for some reason, even though everything was fine, He Wen insisted on bringing up old things and steering the conversation towards her.

"I think Lin Meng is definitely the right person. Hehehe, well then, I'll observe and learn from him a lot more in the future!"

Lin Meng was astonished!

Jiang Cheng was startled by the wind!

"Lin Meng, is that right!" He Wen stared at Lin Meng with a smile.

But in reality, Lin Meng had only just met this woman today. The woman's familiarity made her feel at a loss. She couldn't answer yes or no. Lin Meng could only choose to return a smile to her.

"Why aren't you talking!" He Wen said reproachfully. "This is being rude, isn't it! Let me introduce myself, my name is He Wen, and I currently run an import-export company. You can call me Wenwen just like you call my mother."

At such a young age, she had already started her own company. This made Lin Meng look at the woman across from her with a fresh perspective. She looked to be around twenty-five or six. Originally, Lin Meng thought she was some wealthy heiress's daughter, but now it seemed this woman had quite the talent!

She admires capable people, so she made herself seem more approachable.

"My name is Lin Meng, but you can call me Mengmeng. I'm currently a freelancer and usually do some work in securities and futures."

"Oh..." He Wen lengthened her voice, her eyes twinkling with interest. "This isn't a simple matter. From what I know, some men don't even understand it!"

Lin Meng's answer was naturally humble. "I'm just scraping by!"

"I see, you're not just someone who scrapes by for a living." He Wen laughed. "Since Feng values you so much, you must have something special about you. I heard that you guys need to attract clients for this kind of work. So, Lin Meng, since we're friends, I'll give you two million, you invest with me, how about it If we win, we split the profits. If we lose, well, no harm done!"


Even though Lin Meng cooperated with He Wen's affectionate introduction and stated that she preferred to be called "Mengmeng," He Wen still addressed her as "Lin Meng" instead. This clearly drew a line between them. The casual statement about losing two million and not caring sounded like charity, or perhaps a deliberate display of generosity in front of Jiang Chengfeng.

Lin Meng keenly sensed that, despite appearing friendly and approachable, this woman actually harbored a subtle rejection or even disdain for others.

A faint feeling of unease arose in her heart. If He Wen had given this investment of two million out of face for Jiang Chengfeng, that wouldn't have been necessary. She had her own clientele, and moreover, it would be stable, and only increase or decrease slightly, so she certainly wouldn't covet his two million!

"No need, He Wen!"

"Winnie, that's just polite talk! She wouldn't be silly enough to actually call her 'Winnie'!"

"I just dabble in small things, hehe. It's really just for making a living. With this two million coming your way, I'm afraid I can't handle the pressure!"

Lin Meng smiled naturally, a pair of beautiful eyes like glazed glass, looking at He Wen, refusing softly but firmly!

He Wen's words were nothing but polite formalities. Bringing up such a thing was meant to humiliate Lin Meng more than anything else. Who doesn't know what kind of situation Lin Meng is in now Her husband is still in debt! She has some self-awareness, which is good! Someone like her, who probably counts every penny and worries about how to spend it, should just be sensible and stay with her poor husband!

"Well, well, since you put it that way, I won't pressure you any further. But whenever you need me, just come find me. Remember what I said earlier It still stands!"

Saying that, He Wen gracefully pulled out a card with a faint fragrance from her LV bag and handed it to Lin Meng. Lin Meng took the card with a smile, putting it in her bag but not even glancing at it. What was written on the card!

He Wen just squinted her eyes, out of spite for Lin Meng's nonchalance. When two heroes meet on a narrow road, the braver one prevails. This saying actually applies to these two beauties as well. Beautiful women, especially those born with superiority, subconsciously repel those they perceive as more beautiful. Lin Meng's beauty surpassed He Wen's by a significant margin. She couldn't bear the thought of letting Lin Meng get away with it. Uncomfortable at heart, He Wen decided to find a way to put her down. Moreover, observing Jiang Chengfeng's attitude towards Lin Meng, she knew this woman named Lin Meng was not only her rival but also an absolute enemy, never a friend!

So, she made up an excuse.

"Speaking of which, I seem to have seen you before!" He Wen laughed. "I think it was in the newspaper!"

Lin Meng nodded slightly. In this Kyoto, those who hadn't seen her were truly missing out. A while back, the commotion she caused was bound to leave a lasting impression! Take that waiter from the restaurant who had greeted her previously, for instance. He went out of his way to give her a bowl of "Xi Tuan Yuan" soup, saying that the chef had specially prepared it for her upon hearing of her arrival! How did the chef know, then Probably because the waiter tipped him off!

Behind the scenes, she has quite a few "fans"!

"That was you, wasn't it!" He Wen stared at him with wide eyes and continued to ask.

Lin Meng nodded again.

"Hmph, those two million yuan are really nothing compared to the esteemed Chairman's wife. It's certainly beneath her notice. Oh, my apologies, my apologies!"

Lin Meng slightly furrowed her brows.

Let's eat!

"Coldly spoken, from Jiang Chengfeng's mouth."

He Wen just ignored him and instead nuzzled close to Lin Meng, "Let's ignore him and talk about our own business! By the way, I heard you were quite seriously ill before. Are you alright now!"

"He Wen, why do you talk so much nonsense!"

"We women talk, you big man, go away!" He Wen scolded with a frown, her beautiful eyes sparkling as she looked at Lin Meng.

"You got it wrong!" Lin Meng explained naturally. "I'm divorced, not the chairman's wife of Guangda anymore, and besides, I remarried!"

She understood the ins and outs of this marriage, so she wouldn't feel ashamed. If He Wen wanted to see her shame and embarrassment, then she would be disappointed. He Wen could see her previous reports, so why didn't she see the statement published by Old Master Ruan in the newspaper! At that time, so many people were paying attention to Guangda. As the CEO of a prestigious foreign trade company, if she didn't even know about this news, then as a leader, she would be a complete failure! She almost had to mourn for the employees under her company. After all, as the CEO, if she didn't pay attention to surrounding news, bankruptcy would probably be the company's final destination!

"My current husband is Rong Ling, you probably know him!" Lin Meng smiled and added softly.

"Eh! It's him!" He Wen exclaimed dramatically. "This...this is a pity!"

Lin Meng suddenly frowned, a hint of displeasure appearing on her face. How could she possibly be sorry for marrying Rong Ling

A normal person, seeing her expression, should know they had said something wrong and either apologize or change the subject. But He Wen wasn't like that; she was like a nerve cable directly connected to a sewer pipe, continuing to speak as if nothing had happened.

"He suddenly wasn't the CEO of Rongshi anymore, it's truly a pity. You remarried like this..." He Wen looked at Lin Meng with eyes full of sympathy. "What a pity!"

"I don't feel sorry at all!" Lin Meng raised her chin proudly. "On the contrary, I feel incredibly happy right now, haha, probably even happier than He Wen you!"

She mischievously narrowed her eyes and flashed He Wen a sweet smile! Her endearing tone, however, carried an undeniable force of rebuttal!

He Wen sensed that Lin Meng wasn't easy to deal with, and she stopped being polite. As for Jiang Chengfeng, out of his own selfish interest, he chose silence at this moment! He was happy to see any way that could destroy the relationship between Rong Ling and Lin Meng!

"Oh, I guess I misunderstood! People always strive for higher positions. I thought you had bet on Rong Ling and thus gave up the position of Chairman's wife at Guangda Group. It seems things changed unexpectedly—"

"Miss He!" Lin Meng suddenly stopped her, a cold glint in her eyes. She knew what the other wanted to say, it was nothing more than saying that she was obsessed with vanity and ended up losing both people and money!

But she knows nothing!


"Don't say what you shouldn't, or else! If you want to stay here!"

This is a threat!

He Wen found it ridiculous. This such a weak woman, actually threatened her!

"Uh... I thought I was just telling the truth, hehe..."

"I feel like you're targeting me!"

"How is that possible!" He Wen exclaimed, her laughter exaggerated. "[..tw lots of good-looking novels]" "Oh, I'm a straightforward person, I always say what's on my mind. My friends all know my personality!"

"I have to remind you, being straightforward isn't a bad thing. But casually criticizing others is a big problem!"

He Wen's smile receded, her expression turning cold. Then she let out a snort of disdain.

"How could I have criticized others!"

Now many people have such a bad habit, that is, they can casually say others, but they can't stand others picking on themselves! He Wen is like this!

She felt offended, so she glared at Lin Meng with her eyes narrowed.

Even the little ones could feel that this situation was about to explode!

"Mommy!" the little boy cried out suddenly, tugging at Jiang's mother's arm and scrambling off her. He then squeezed his small body outwards, rather rudely bumping into He Wen who was sitting outside, and made his way towards Lin Meng.

He wants to protect Mommy!

He Wenju snorted. "Little pretty boy, you're so rude!"

The little guy turned around and glared fiercely at He Wen. Then, he climbed onto Lin Meng's leg and sat on her lap. His two small hands were placed on the table, clenched into tiny fists, staring menacingly at He Wen.

"You are not welcome here, get out!"

"When adults are speaking, children shouldn't interrupt!" He Wen reprimanded, then looked at Lin Meng and sneered. "This child is so unlikeable, how could his stepfather like him!"

Stepfather, of course refers to Rong Ling!

This is ironic, absolutely enough!

When Jiang Mu heard He Wen say that the young boy was not likable, her heart immediately ached. He Wen said that Lin Meng, she didn't care, but she said her baby Youyou, she couldn't ignore.

"Wenwen!" she called out softly, giving a gentle tug.

He Wen ignored Jiang Mu, simply continuing to stare at Lin Meng with a strong sense of dominance. Such arrogance, looking down on others, was He Wen's true face. Her previous grace and pleasantness towards Jiang Mu were nothing but disguises after she had ulterior motives!

Lin Meng was slightly angry!

She pulled her son and her husband into the mess!

These two people are the ones she's willing to sacrifice her life for, no one is allowed to harm them!

"My husband, he loves my son very, very much, and there's no doubt about it, this child is our biological son!"

"Aha!" He Wen grinned mischievously. "It seems, Ms. Lin, your life experiences are truly fascinating. This roundabout relationship almost makes one dizzy, hehehe. It really does prove that you can't judge a book by its cover!"

The malicious humiliation was like an invisible slap across Lin Meng's face. Lin Meng felt a slight burning sensation on her face, and at the same time, she reached out with one hand to hug the little boy's waist. Because she could feel that the little boy sitting on her lap seemed restless, feeling like a wild animal about to jump off her and pounce on He Wen!

"I'll take that as a compliment!" Lin Meng took a deep breath and still smiled.

Good vibes bring good fortune!

She is willing to endure!

He Wen was taken aback for a moment, somewhat startled by Lin Meng's upbringing. She could even endure this kind of atmosphere.

Well, that's it! She just couldn't take it anymore!

She shook her head slightly and tsked. "I'm sorry to tell you, this is definitely not a compliment!"

Completely tore up the face!

Jiang Chengfeng couldn't help but speak up. "He Wen, if you don't want to eat this meal, just leave!"

"That won't do!" He Wen shook her head. "You all have eaten almost everything, and I haven't had a bite. If we're leaving, it should be someone, oh no, some people going first!"

He said, looking pointedly at Lin Meng and the little one.

The little boy clenched his fists and slammed them onto the table with a resounding "bang bang". He'd reached his limit. If it weren't for Lin Meng forcefully holding him back, he would have bolted out of there!

When Jiang's mother saw this, she was heartbroken. She could only go to pull He Wen again. "Wenwen…"

He Wen smiled lightly, feeling that it was probably time to call it quits. Just as she was about to say something conciliatory like "Forget it," Lin Meng's cold voice cut through the air.

"Let me tell you, this meal was invited by Aunt and Brother Jiang. You, as someone who just barged in uninvited, have the nerve to chase away the real guests!"

She, Lin Meng, is not some pushover anyone can just bully!

If you give me face, I won't take it!

Then why should she be polite!

He Wen was suddenly so angry her eyelids twitched. She clenched the hem of her skirt with all her might, trying to suppress the surge of rage that threatened to overwhelm her in front of everyone. She didn't want to do anything embarrassing!

“I don’t know, it was my mother-in-law who invited you!” She gritted her teeth, saying each word slowly as she tried to defend herself. “If I had known this would happen, I definitely wouldn’t have come to this gathering. To be honest, meeting someone like you makes me feel awful and I can’t even eat my food!”

"Each other, each other! All I know is that before you arrived, the four of us got along famously and ate very happily. So, unwelcome guest, could you please leave!"

He Wen almost lost control!

She's so powerful, who dares to talk to her like that! Who has the guts and audacity to ask her to leave! Besides Jiang Chengfeng, anyone else with the courage would have been eliminated by her long ago!

"You probably don't know who's sitting in front of you!" He Wen stood up, her eyes narrowed, and threatened directly!

"I'm not interested. Please leave!"

“I won’t be leaving, it’s you who has to leave!”

Lin Mengbeng straightened her body and looked at her with disgust. "You really want to be so shameless!"

He Wenqi's lips trembled, this woman dared to say she was shameless!

Darn it!

Keeping her body stiff, she leaned forward and glared coldly at Lin Meng.

"As a pair of worn-out shoes that have been stepped on by many people, do I have the right to call someone shameless!"

"Whoosh!" A cup of tea splashed onto He Wen's face. Then, with a loud "bang," Lin Meng slammed the white porcelain teacup in her hand onto the table!

"Respect yourself!" she said in a low voice, her words echoing through the room.

He Wen's personality was always a bit fiery. She spent her time in bars, smoking, drinking, and fighting. She had done it all. Now, someone had splashed her face with something. A certain nerve in her brain immediately went haywire. Without thinking, she let her subconscious take over, grabbed the plate of food in front of her, and flung it at Lin Meng.

Congratulations, Wen!

Screams erupted, and Heng stretched out both hands!

Yes, not one, but two big hands, giant palms!

Following the palm upwards, one was a pristine white sleeve untouched by dust; and the other, bronze-toned reddish skin. The sleeve that should have been as white as snow was now red and yellow from splattered vegetables. At the hem of the sleeve, pale yellowish oil dripped down slowly.


A shout of surprise came from the little guy. He was about to jump up, but Lin Meng held him down!

A plate of food was deftly passed between Rong Ling and Jiang Chengfeng, ensuring not a drop landed on the little child or Lin Meng's face. Instead, because of the force of the impact, some splashed onto He Wen's hands and clothes!

He Wen got used a lot of effort, just to hold back from screaming. And at this time, if she screamed, she'd never be able to scream again. Because, Rong Ling's dark and gloomy face, as well as his cold and sinister eyes, frightened her so much that she felt like her whole body was frozen in place! She felt like she was being stared at by the King Cobra, the sensation of her entire body turning cold was something she had never experienced before!

Her mind was tense, her nerves throbbing in pain. A dull ache pulsed through her temples. She had to bite down with all her might to keep from trembling like a leaf before this man. If she had to describe him, if she had to find a word for this cold presence that seemed to cut even the air itself, it would have to be...death personified!

She watched in horror as the man casually flicked his hand, then picked up a napkin from the side and meticulously wiped the sauce and oil off his sleeve and hands. She was terrified, her breath coming in short, careful gasps. This was because the man had been staring at her the entire time, his eyes seeming to gleam with the threat of a blade ready to strike. Her intuition screamed at her that this man was building up to something, that he might explode at any moment. So she couldn't move rashly, she couldn't, absolutely couldn't!

Then, she watched the man with those hands that couldn't be completely clean, pick up a plate of food and walk toward her. She shuddered instantly, instinctively wanting to stand up, but damn it, her legs were so weak, she couldn't move! She guessed at something, her body could only try to dodge backwards as much as possible, but the man's hand suddenly landed on her shoulder and pressed down hard! She felt like she was being clamped by some unbreakable steel claw, unable to move at all!

She opened her mouth, wanting to cry for help, but the man holding the plate of food simply ducked his head and poured it over her!

It's pouring straight down!

She is just like a trash can!

"Róng Lǐng――" Lin Meng let out a soft cry, feeling a twinge of pity. She couldn't help but shift her position slightly, trying to get up. But this time, the little boy pressed down harder, using his entire body weight to hold her in place, not allowing her to move. He even coldly said to her,

"Mommy, don't move!"

Two tiny hands, pressed tightly against the table, exerted their strength to keep Lin Meng down. The little fellow's face was as cold and ruthless as his father's. His eyes held a chill that mirrored his father's chilling severity!

Lin Meng was speechless at this.

And He Wen trembled all over, her body convulsing like a trapped animal. But no matter how violently she shook, one spot on her shoulder remained stubbornly fixed. The man's grip was relentless, like a machine devoid of life, faithfully executing its programmed directive, pinning her shoulder to that point!

She should have screamed, instinct urged her to scream, but years of experience prevented her from doing so. She, the daughter of Department Head He, was the object everyone vied to curry favor with, she couldn't scream, she couldn't attract attention to herself!

She can't afford to lose face!

So, the expression on her face suddenly became extremely comical! She was clearly gaping and wide-eyed, looking like she was about to shriek, but she only made a deep, rough grunt, without even a hint of a high pitch!

When all the dishes had been devoured, and the plates were clean, Jiang's mother finally took action, letting out a low cry. "That's enough!"

Because the previous changes were too unexpected, and Rong Ling's aura was too intimidating. Even Jiang Mu was stunned, she just watched helplessly as He Wen suffered such humiliation!

Rong Ling glanced at Jiang Mu with a cold look. His dark eyes emitted a murderous aura, which made Jiang Mu's entire shoulder shrink back in fright. Facing him directly, Rong Ling at this moment was something no one could bear. This chilling aura seemed to be able to swallow people, skin and bones! Jiang Mu had seen the world and her husband was someone with status; she had even seen those hardened criminals. However, no one had ever given her the same feeling of horror as Rong Ling at this moment, a feeling that made her heart feel stiff.

Her lips trembled, and she couldn't speak!

And he, picking up a plate of food again, splashed it onto He Wen's head!

And another round!

He Wen trembled, her lips quivering. Tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes, a mixture of terror and humiliation. Her face was now a canvas of green and red, with clear tears streaming down like a playful creek running through the forest. But this was certainly one amusing creek!

He let go of her hand, and she, however, remained as if frozen, her entire body trembling, but only her shoulders were still!

"Let's go!"

With a cold toss of a single word, he pulled the little boy up with one hand, lifting him from Lin Meng's legs and holding him in his arms. With his other hand, he yanked Lin Meng up as well!

Lin Meng looked at He Wen, whose figure was pitiful, then glanced at Jiang Mu, who looked terrified, and Jiang Chengfeng, whose expression was uncertain. She didn't know what to say. So, she simply said nothing, and let Rong Ling drag her away!

This bustling restaurant suddenly fell silent, as if a pin could be heard dropping to the floor.

Everyone stared at the tall man with unusual expressions. He seemed cold and intimidating, sending shivers down their spines. Yet, he cradled a tiny child in one hand and held the hand of a stunning woman with the other. Coldness and warmth seemed like clear boundaries, yet they were subtly intertwined. This strange scene was deeply etched into the minds of some, becoming an unforgettable memory for a lifetime!

After he left, the restaurant fell silent for a long time. That's another story for later.

Here, Rong Linghan was wearing a stern expression as he brought Lin Meng and the little one out. He found his car, opened the door, pushed her in, then handed Little Youyou who he was holding to her, placing him on her lap before closing the door. He then crossed over the hood of the car and sat down in the driver's seat on the other side.

The car started, but his face remained extremely grim, cold and sullen. His jaw was clenched tight, as if carved from stone, or like someone owed him tens of millions!

Lin Meng felt a wave of displeasure coming from him. He hugged the little one tightly and kept silent. The little one, although his small face still held a cold expression, his grape-sized black eyes shone brightly at Rong Ling. His eyes were filled with admiration.

Suddenly, Rong Ling opened his mouth, his voice laced with suppressed displeasure.

"From now on, if someone upsets you, don't be a fool and stay there to fight with them. Remember to leave quickly, and come back to me. I'll help you take care of that person!"

Lin Meng was stunned. She never expected that this man, who still radiated the aura of "I'm very upset and want to kill someone," would say something so touching.

His eyes, uncontrollably, became moist. Then, tears accumulated more and more, quickly overflowing, rushing out of his eye sockets, drop by drop. A few drops splashed onto the little boy's neck. The little boy looked up at his father with adoring eyes, then turned his head to look at his mother. Seeing that his mother was crying, the drips falling onto his neck were obviously tears. After that, the little boy anxiously yelled out.


Then, as if afraid of scaring his mother, the little guy immediately became like a cat, meekly calling out softly.

"Mommy!" she reached out again with her tiny hand, gently catching her tears. She asked, very confused and troubled, "Mommy, why are you crying!"

"Screech—" The tires skidded across the ground, making an extremely terrifying sound. Rong Ling suddenly slammed on the brakes and pulled over to the side of the road. This move almost hit someone. The nimble young man quickly jumped aside, couldn't help but curse, but when he saw the military license plate hanging on the car, his eyes widened immediately, he touched his nose, and ran away silently!

Whatever was happening outside, Rong Ling simply didn't care. Right now, his eyes and mind were solely focused on the little woman who had suddenly burst into tears!

He stared, but she kept crying.

Unwillingly, he unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over, embracing her.

"Why are you crying!" he asked somewhat dumbly, at a loss like an awkward oaf facing his newlywed wife. He then used his big hand to gently pat her back, as if soothing a child.

"That woman hurt you, I'll go back and teach her a lesson later. Why are you crying"

Her tears started falling even harder!


Muttering to herself, she hugged him tightly.

The little boy was caught between two people, but he obediently didn't move. He opened his clean eyes and watched quietly.

"No…" she murmured again, shaking her head in his arms.

She cried because she was so touched by this man that she didn't know what to do!

Because there was this strange woman suddenly living in her home, she felt uneasy and even resentful towards him. She thought that a man who would bring a woman into his home without explanation about her background wasn't really paying attention to her anymore. For example, when he went to the office that afternoon, he didn't even call her, which left her feeling very disappointed. Lost in her thoughts, she agreed to Jiang Chengfeng's invitation and came to dinner with Youyou.

But, looking at the man's actions just now, he didn't even ask what was going on, just stood by her side without any reason, and reprimanded He Wen so unceremoniously. Moreover, with his imposing aura, he overwhelmed everyone. And at that critical moment, the man descended like a god, reaching out to block her face directly. That sudden feeling of being deeply protected struck her heart intensely, filling it with both fullness and a bittersweet ache.

Now, he said again, making her feel in danger. Don't be foolish and stay put, just leave everything to him!

He was clearly protecting her, caring for her!

"Woooooo…" She suddenly burst into tears, urgently calling out his name. "Rong Ling... Rong Ling..."

He is still her love!

He hasn't changed!

Nothing has changed!

"Rong Ling… Rong Ling…"

Rong Ling frowned, looking at her like this, she seemed about to cry uncontrollably. He had no choice but to use his trump card, he lowered his head and forcefully covered her mouth with his own. After brushing over her lips roughly, his hot tongue entered her small mouth, wildly sweeping and changing angles in a heated kiss. At the same time, his big hand repeatedly pinched and kneaded her sensitive ears and the back of her ear. Sure enough, this method was very effective, when he let go of her, her tears stopped. Her cheeks were flushed like a breathtaking sunset, with a few strands of water mist in her eyes, her expression was dazed, shy yet alluring as she looked at him! And her soft small hand, one even hooked around his neck, as if she was reluctant to let go!

It seems she's also falling for him!

He bloomed with a faint smile, now devoid of any trace of ice or the terrifying aura of murderous intent.

He reached out and gently caressed her lips, which were as tender and plump as cherries. His eyes were deep and his voice was slightly hoarse as he asked.

"Why were you crying just now!"

She batted her long, curled lashes—thick enough to hold several matches—with an alluringly slow blink, then averted her gaze. With one hand she gently cupped her face, as if a child hiding from something, and then shook her head.

This look totally stunned little Youyou!

Rong Ling laughed again!

Thus, it seems she's crying because of a small matter!

"That kind of scum, next time I'll deal with him!" he said, lightly placing a kiss on the back of her hand. Then he moved away, fastening his seatbelt again.

"Let's go home!"

She took her hand away only when she felt the car start, then gave a soft "hmm".

Let's go home!

She likes this sentence!

Xiaoyou immediately hugged Lin Meng's waist, then her eyes twinkled and she said in a delicate voice.

"Mommy, you are so cute!"

Lin Meng's mouth twitched, unable to hold it in any longer. She burst into laughter.

My son said I was cute!

This... should count as praise, right

My mood suddenly became exceptionally good, just like the azure sky after a rain shower, clean and without a single cloud!

"Heh heh..."

Huddled close, she buried her face in the little one's shoulder and burst into laughter!

The man driving glanced at the scene, a slight upward curve forming on his lips.

also laughed!

---- Aside ----

Although the final result of [Ten Years Classic] hasn't been announced yet, I still want to thank everyone for their votes and support. Thanks o(n_n)o~!will be difficult to go deeper!r, referring to Rong Ling!"l, referring to Lin Meng!"She exited the webpage, took her phone, walked around the house, and then stood by the window for a while. After abo...