Chapter 689: Biting Each Other

that he had died in the first year of the apocalypse, killed by Yun Rou. The public explanation was that Ma Tao had killed his best friend.As the tasker Wu Lianyi saw this, her brows furrowed, and a..."Yes, I listen to my mother's arrangements."

Yao Dajun immediately said that since he knew his true origin, he was destined to stand by his mother's side. Otherwise, the consequences waiting for him were self-evident.

"Don't worry about the rest, just take care of your wedding first. I'll figure out the other things."

After her son left, Madam Yao went to the Buddhist hall where she usually prayed. She took out a paper with a plum blossom pattern and wrote a few words on it. She then asked her trusted maid to send it out while doing errands the next day.

The weather in Kyoto was getting colder day by day, and the Yao family from top to bottom were busy with the marriage of their young master. A month later, Dong Qinglian finally got her wish and married Yao's eldest son, becoming Mrs. Yao Xiao. Upon entering the Yao mansion, she also tried her best to be humble and polite, dealing with things gently, which earned her a good reputation.

But good times don't last. While she and Young Master Yao were still in their honeymoon phase, the two of them along with Mrs. Yao were kicked out of Yao Mansion.

The reason turned out to be that Young Master Yao was not actually the son of Old Master Yao, but the product of Madam Yao's infidelity with her cousin. The affair even came to the attention of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and ultimately Madam Yao was divorced in court.

When Mr. Yao received the judgment from the Jingzhao Mansion, he immediately wrote a divorce letter and had the yamen servant take Mrs. Yao's dowry list. On that very day, all of Mrs. Yao's dowry was cleared out of the Yao Residence, and Dong Qinglian's dowry was also sent out of the mansion.

Mrs. Yao was not foolish; she knew there was no saving her husband's side of the story. She directly sued her cousin, claiming she had been forced into it and that he had been blackmailing her ever since, demanding money from her every year. In the end, her husband found out about it. Since this was the case, she would fight for justice.

Yao Fu's cousin was no pushover either. He adamantly refused to admit that he had forced Yao Fu into marriage, claiming that his relationship with his cousin was a mutual love affair. He said that they were only separated due to the pressure of a family arranged marriage. To prove his point, he even presented poems written by his cousin to him as evidence.

For a time, the magistrate of Jingzhao Prefecture didn't know how to rule. Madam Yao insisted that before her marriage, she was indeed acquainted with her cousin, but only considered him as a brother and had no other thoughts. Those poems were also written down under the dictation of her trusted cousin. She claimed to be the victim and now bore the stigma of being unchaste.

This uncle immediately presented the letters he had exchanged with the former wife of Yao after she remarried, to defend himself and successfully cleared his name. However, this action made his niece's family despise him.

The whole affair was truly a rollercoaster. The common people and dignitaries of Kyoto had a free show, the aftershocks of which didn't fade until Chinese New Year.

Former Mrs. Yao, Yu Wanwan, has truly lost all face and reputation. The Yu family considers her to be discarded and will not allow her to return home. They have even severed ties with her completely.

And once the young master Yao was also removed from the Yao family genealogy, completely losing that layer of identity protection, becoming a person without backing and could be bullied at will, the difference made him completely depressed.

And the most shocking of all was Dong Qinglian, she never expected that after much deliberation, the person she married turned out to be someone so embarrassing. She regretted it so much, her intestines were turning green, she could only wash her face with tears every day. Although the other party's identity was problematic, the marriage certificate between them was fine. She was now his wife, an undeniable fact.

Yu Wanwan had experienced such things, knowing that their family could no longer stay in Kyoto. She was also afraid of the Yao family's revenge. Originally, she wanted to drag her cousin down with her, at least earning some sympathy for herself, but now that she had gotten herself wet, she immediately ordered her son to pack up and leave Kyoto as quickly as possible before things got worse.

Dong Qinglian and her elder brother arrived in Kyoto with great fanfare, but when they left, they were in disarray, having even sold off her dowry. Their destination was Yongfeng County, the highest rank in Wanshan Town.

Though a starved camel is larger than a horse, Yu Wanwan's dowry wasn't taken back. So, she decided to move elsewhere, wait for her son to have children, and focus on raising her grandchildren well. She believed that one day, she would be able to hold her head high again.

She soothed Dong Qinglei in the same way, and even handed over the management of the household to her daughter-in-law, making her feel more a sense of belonging to this home. She barely managed to get Dong Qinglei to perk up and handle things along the way. The group left Kyoto just before the first snowfall.

And Dong Qinglian's fate was all told by Shiju to Lianyi, after all, the mastermind behind her tragic situation was none other than Lianyi and Shiju themselves. The incident was a joint effort between the two.

When the ripples learned that Dong Qinglian had successfully married Young Master Yao and was happily honeymooning, she placed the letter, jade pendant, and the location of her lover in Stone Mill's hands, leaving them on Mr. Yao's desk.

...After Lao Ye Yao got the evidence, he didn't make a fuss. He secretly sent his confidants to bring back Yao's wife's cousin's adulterer. After verifying the birthmark on Young Master Yao, he directly accused Yu Wanwan of infidelity and confusing the Yao family bloodline. Because he was well-prepared with both human and physical evidence, the matter was resolved smoothly.

After kicking Lady Yao out, he elevated the biological mother of his concubine to be his main wife. The concubine's son also officially became his legitimate heir. After chopping down the lush forest on top of his head, he felt particularly good. Shortly after the New Year, news spread that the newly appointed wife was pregnant. People watching the excitement all said this was Master Yao's spring.

And the women who understood the secrets of the inner house privately said that Yu Wanwan was ruthless, using means to ensure that Old Master Yao had only one illegitimate son. Now that she has been divorced, Old Master Yao has good news, which shows how firmly she controlled the inner courtyard. If it wasn't for Madam Yao taking action personally, she would have continued to live a carefree life.

However, they were also wary of this elevated concubine. After all, under Yu Wanwan's tight security, the other woman was able to give birth to a son successfully and raise him so well, which showed that she was also a woman of considerable skill.

Only the parties involved know the true nature of things. The turmoil in Kyoto is far removed from Song Dachuan's family, who are worried about the lack of snow.

There's an old saying, "A good snowfall heralds a bumper harvest," which has been summed up by generations of farmers. This is because if it doesn't snow in winter, wheat will have a hard time surviving. Snow acts like a blanket, covering the wheat seedlings and preventing their roots from freezing. After the snow melts next year, it also nourishes the roots, allowing them to grow rapidly.

More importantly, it can kill the insect eggs hidden in the soil, so there won't be a large-scale insect infestation next year. But now it doesn't snow. Although it's a warm winter, the soil becomes a breeding ground for insect eggs. The day before yesterday, Song Dachuan went to turn over the soil and sure enough, he saw many living insect eggs.

"Father, while it's Chinese New Year, go buy more food and store it. If this winter doesn't snow, next year might be a bad year."

Although Ripples didn't want to admit it, she could feel that next year was going to be tough.pen to be your strong suit."Wei Yi smiled and said."Okay, I understand."Ripples didn't feel embarrassed at all and smiled in response.Then he took off his military jacket, rolled up his sleeves, and b...