Chapter 441: Attack Target

from the wall. He immediately pulled back the bolt of his gun, but the sun four claws flashed out of sight, disappearing into the dark alley like smoke."Such a big rat"Someone whispered in astonishme...The old serpent didn't object to Shao Shu's decision, but he felt they were used by the government this time and got nothing in return. It was very disappointing.

Wang Meimei mainly wanted to follow her brother Xiao, so she had no objection. She also sent someone to Ripple with a message, telling her their departure time and asking if she would like to travel together.

After receiving the message, Lian Yi decided to act with these people from the martial arts world. This way, there would be more excitement, and it would be less likely to encounter robbery.

"You, you! I don't think you are afraid of being robbed, but you are afraid of not having a good show to watch."

Wang Zhenzhen tapped the ripples on the brim of her brain and said with a smile.

"Auntie, you've discovered it! I do think there are too many people around. That young master Qi seems to have a special status. If we don't want to expose our identities, we should keep our distance from him for now."

Besides, the bandits near Huai'er County are said to be Mongolian spies. I estimate there's more to investigate. This also involves human trafficking, with children and women being sold to Mongolia. Things run deep here, so let's not get involved. Anyway, I've already given all the help I can.

Ripple smiled and spread her hands.

These spies are indeed despicable, but they serve the Mongol nation. What is even more hateful are those Han Chinese who betray their own country for personal gain. They truly deserve to be called "blinded by greed."

These people probably won't have any good outcomes. As the news spreads, Huaiyu County will also become the center of a storm. It's best for us to start our journey as soon as possible.

Wang Zhenzhen thought about it for a moment and said.

"Yes, Aunt Zhen, I think so too. Wang Meimei just came to deliver a letter, and we will set off together tomorrow."

After things were decided, Lian Yi prepared in advance and sent Wang Ya Zou to buy some food and dried rations, so they could use them on the road.

Wang Ya zu, carrying the silver coins, went to Huai'rou County's commercial street. Before leaving, Lian Yi gave him a list of things that needed to be purchased and promised him that as long as he had the ability to bargain, the remaining silver would be his.

"Hmph! Just five taels of broken silver, you want to have a surplus I estimate it won't even be enough to spend. I knew you were going to squeeze me!"

Wang Yaizu muttered to himself as he walked.

Even though he knew the price, he still subconsciously compared prices at three different shops and began bargaining with the vendors, hoping to get the best goods for the least amount of silver. It wasn't about having leftover silver, but about proving to himself that he was capable.

So he didn't notice someone following him, and the person following him was Hai Zang Hong's attendant. He also had some doubts about his own eyes, unsure if it was the Wang family's second young master that was being followed. He had never seen a wealthy son of the Wang family haggling over prices.

Two people, one in front and one behind, then the attendant saw the second master dressed as a coachman happily carrying a large basket on his back, chuckling with satisfaction. He kicked the remaining sliver of silver back into his pocket and hurried all the way back to Ruyi Inn.

After making sure the other party hadn't come out, the attendant immediately went to report to his master.

"Young Master, you said that Young Master is staying at the Ruyi Inn."

Can you see who is walking with him

He went alone to Guangshen Street to buy things, and then carried them back alone, without a single attendant.


Hai Zang Hong tapped his palm with a folding fan, and said with a smile. He then whispered two words to his attendant, who immediately went to carry out the order.


The attendant hesitated.


Hai Zang Hong immediately pulled a stern face, scaring the attendant who immediately bowed and left the room.

The next morning, Wang Ya zu first went to the鏢局 and handed over his child and carriage to the head of the鏢師 escort. Then he returned to Ruyi Inn and continued to be a coachman, driving Mrs. Zhen and Lian Yi to meet with the various chivalrous heroes of the rivers and lakes.

Both parties had a decent impression of each other, and since they were all headed to the same destination, it was natural for them to leave Huai'an County together and head to the next county.

After leaving the city, Lianyi rode on Bailong and chatted with Wang Meimei in a fitful manner.

"Ripples, who are your master"

"I was a disciple of the Sushe Palace."

"Really That rumored sect known for eternal youth!"

Wang Meimei immediately became interested, her bright eyes starting to look up and down at Lianyi.

“As you said, it’s just a rumor and we don’t know who started it. It’s simply because the internal martial arts of Suxing Palace are more suitable for women to practice. If they cultivate successfully, they can indeed delay aging, but they cannot achieve eternal youth.”

Ripples waved his hand to deny.

It is said that this rumor originated from the mistress of Suxin Palace attending the wedding of a childhood friend's son. Attendees at the wedding described the palace mistress as beautiful, elegant, and possessing an exceptional air, even surpassing the bride in grace.

Wang Meimei, as a young girl, naturally loves beauty and hopes to maintain her youthful appearance.

That's just a rumor, you know, just hear it and don't take it seriously.

Then, may I ask, what is your age, Ripples

Wang Meimei asked in a low voice.

"I'm eighteen years old, at the prime of my youth. Don't mistake me for an old woman hiding under a youthful facade."

R ripples said with a smile.

"Hehehe! You saw right through me, didn't you"

Wang Meimei pursed her lips and smiled lightly.

"Whoosh!" A sound broke the tranquility of the advancing troop. An arrow flew past and landed beside Bai Long's horse's hoof, startling the white dragon so badly that he reared up on his hind legs. After landing, he paced restlessly.

Then, a shower of arrows rained down, the target being the ripples' carriage.

As the White Dragon stood, ripples already flipped over and leaped onto the carriage roof. Holding the Lei Yao Sword in his hand, he spun once and landed on the side of the carriage, pushing the terrified Wang Yaizu into the carriage.

"Ripple, focus on your opponent. I'm fine."

Wang Zhenzhen's voice came from the car, she was very calm, this little scene ripples could be dealt with.

A ripple responded with a sound, then she drew her sword flower back and forth. The Leiyuan Sword flew out of her hand and spun rapidly in front of her, striking down the rain of arrows. In a moment, the ground before her was littered with arrows.

And the martial artists at the front of the procession also realized that the team was under attack. They immediately turned their horses around and came back to provide support.

"Damn it! They dared to scheme against us! We'll make sure they have no way out!"

The people in the squad cursed and waved their weapons, hacking down arrows.

Ripple frowned, slashing the water bag Wang Yaozu had left on the chariot's shaft. The moment the water flowed out, she sucked it up with her hand and then injected internal force into it before dispersing it with a wave of her hand. Her target was directly where the arrows were flying from.

The sound of "plink, plonk" was incessant, each drop a tiny missile imbued with inner force. They pierced through leaves and trees, striking the attackers and thudding into the ground. A chorus of wails rose from the nearby woods as their assault immediately faltered.

Riding the wave of momentum, she pressed her attack, launching water droplets like projectiles into the forest. After three such strikes, no more arrows flew. against Wu Lianyi has definitely been exposed.She immediately dialed Gao Yang's number. After a long pause, the call finally connected, and a weak voice came from the other end:What's upWhere are you...