In the live stream, all members of the production team officially entered the main topic.,The flamboyantly dressed host, holding a small card, began interacting and chatting with Meng Luo-ning and Shen Xing-chun. They chatted about variety shows, work, brand endorsements, co-branded fruit teas, and after talking about the co-branded tea, they returned to the All-Star Variety Show. The host looked at the question on the card and smiled as he asked Meng Luo-ning: "Lemon, in the last episode of the variety show, you and Shen Xing-chun were trapped in a room for a few minutes. It seems like... Shen Xing-chun was even injured. Was there any exciting behind-the-scenes story inside Can you share it with us,Thankfully, our little Pure Pure is fine. Otherwise, I would have definitely gone and flipped that escape room place upside down.。