Chapter 1: The Beautiful Village Head

one side, it's surrounded by the sea, with beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. Unfortunately, it's enclosed on three sides by mountains, a ring of nine mountain peaks that have made it a place...Yuehai Village is located in a corner of Qingyun City.

On one side, it's surrounded by the sea, with beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. Unfortunately, it's enclosed on three sides by mountains, a ring of nine mountain peaks that have made it a place of poverty and isolation.

"After six years away, I, Xu Fang, am back."

A mountain rarely visited on ordinary days, saw a handsome young man hurrying towards the village tonight.


28-year-old Zheng Xiulan was lying in bed, but she couldn't sleep at all.

It's been two months since I came to Yuehai Village. Thinking about my life here makes me feel incredibly heartbroken.

The constant weddings at home almost drove me insane. I heard that Yuehai Village was still looking for a village head, and with the help of a friend, things have been settled. I'm going to be the village head of Yuehai Village.

I had wanted to come here, but I didn't know how the message got back home. As expected, everyone strongly opposed it.

Zheng Xiu Lan also tried to explain, saying she only wanted to pursue a career and wasn't running away from marriage. Her father, however, pointed out that this village had a difficult economy and moving there would be a waste of time. He suggested marrying the person they introduced instead, saying that she could still climb the ranks if she wanted to pursue a career in the future.

Zheng Xiu-lan, unwilling to follow her parents' arrangements, made a bet with her family. Within a year, if she couldn't get Yuehai Village's economy going, she would comply with their wishes and agree to an arranged marriage.

I didn't expect my family to oppose it again, but surprisingly, my father readily agreed.

Zheng Xiu Lan came to the village with high spirits. With her knowledge, leading a village to development was child's play, wasn't it

But after coming here for two months, things were not as easy as Zheng Xiulan had imagined. The village is nestled between nine mountains, making it incredibly isolated and backward. Infrastructure is extremely poor, with electricity only being installed three years ago.

Talking about electricity, it's exactly what kept me up all night.

The electricity in the village has been unstable lately. After washing up and going to bed past eight, I wanted to use a hair dryer. Suddenly, there was a "pop" sound, and the fuse at home blew again.

It's a pity that it's so late, all the electricians in the village have already rested. If you want to find someone to fix it, you can only do it tomorrow.

The three hottest days of the year are right now. It's stifling without a working fan, and Zheng Xiulan, wearing a sleeveless top, is sweating profusely. Her clothes are already soaked through with perspiration.

"Go take another shower, Xi'en might fall asleep." With a sigh, Zheng Xiu Lan got up and walked towards the door.

"Finally back." Standing outside the front door, Xu Fang was about to push it open when the door swung open before his hand even reached the doorknob.

This startled Xu Fang. What the heck, is there a ghost in the house

Upon closer inspection, it was a beautiful person with fair skin. Their eyes were double-lidded and big, staring wide open.

She was just wearing a small sleeveless top, her full and magnificent breasts were on display. The tiny top couldn't cover much, this moment made Xu Fang feel hot all over.

She was still a beautiful ghost, Xu Fang yi le. Then his heart skipped a beat. What kind of ghost existed in this world Could it be a human

Zheng Xiu Lan finally reacted, and was about to cry out in surprise, when the other party, quick as a flash, quickly covered their own mouth.

Xu Fang glared at the person before him with a ferocious expression, and roared, “It’s dark out here in the middle of the night. If you come out now, my innocent reputation will be ruined by you!”

Cheng Xulan's eyes widened. Stained your reputation This woman is a pure and innocent flower. You looked, and now you want to blame me Is there anyone in the world so shameless

However, Zheng Xiulan had seen the world after all. She quickly calmed down and composed herself. If she truly panicked, it would only hurt her reputation.

Seeing that Zheng Xiulan made no struggle or resistance, Xu Fang finally felt relieved.

After making out with Xu Fang, Zheng Xiulan's face flushed red. She tried to pull her vest down awkwardly.

"Who are you"

Both spoke at the same time, each taken aback.

"This is my house!"

It's still the same answer, and for a moment both of them were somewhat stunned.

"You go first!"

Once again, they chorused in unison, leaving the two speechless.

Originally, Cheng Xiulan was wary of this unexpected visitor. However, within these few sentences, her heart gradually calmed down. If it were truly a bad person, they would have probably acted by now instead of giving time to speak.

Zheng Xiulan also sized Xu Fang up. Her delicate features were very clean, and she looked quite strong. Overall, she gave off a sense of spirit and steadiness.

Xu Fang prepared to turn on the lights first. This person was so beautiful, although the moon was bright, it was still not as clear as seeing under the light.

"It's burned," Zheng Xiulan reminded.

"I'm going to get it fixed."

After Xu Fang left, Zheng Xiulan sat on the stool. This sudden young man bursting into the house really stunned her.

A few minutes later, when Xu Fang had fixed the electricity, he came back to see Zheng Xiulan still wearing only a sleeveless top, her eyes also fixated.

As if struck by a burning gaze from Xu Fang, Zheng Xiulan jolted awake. But now, if she stood up, wouldn't she be more noticeable to this creature She forced herself to stay put and asked, "Who are you"

"I'm Xu Fang, this is my house. How could the villagers sell my house" Xu Fang was quite angry.

Upon hearing Xu Fang's words, Zheng Xiulan finally understood.

When they arrived at the village, the villagers said that this family had disappeared. They were arranged to move in, and for two months, they hadn't seen the homeowner. They also got used to treating the house as their own property. Now, the original owner is back.

"I'm Yue Hai Village's newly appointed village head, staying here temporarily," Zheng Xiulan also explained the events briefly, and then wryly smiled: "I'll move out tomorrow morning."

Xu Fang glanced at Zheng Xiulan. She had fair skin, a voluptuous figure with prominent curves. Though her short vest partially covered her, she still exuded an elegant and dignified air.

If it weren't for his strong willpower, he would have pounced long ago. Taking a deep breath to quell the fire in his heart, Xu Fang said, "The other houses are all full too. You can stay here, I'll sleep in the east room."

Having said that, Xu Fang glanced at Zheng Xiulan once more and turned toward the east room.

Xu Fang Zheng Xiulanars away, I, Xu Fang, am back."A mountain rarely visited on ordinary days, saw a handsome young man hurrying towards the village tonight.……28-year-old Zheng Xiulan was lying in bed, but she couldn't s...