Chapter 381 The Most Profitable Medicine

h overflowed with blood again, clearly indicating a serious injury.The Robe Man burst into another fit of triumphant laughter: "Chinese man, I, the Great Witch King Oleg, am ranked third on the Dark L...Thinking about this, she became even more excited and continued, "According to my market estimation, with the competitiveness of our products, even if we increase the profit margin by 10 times or even 20 times, we can absolutely dominate the market. After all, there are no products like ours that have such effectiveness."

"Ye Bufan shook his head. 'These kinds of medicine are also necessities in people's lives, there's no need to sell them so expensively. Just add a 20% profit margin is enough.'"

For example, if the production cost is 1 yuan and the operating cost of the company is 3 yuan, then selling it for 5 yuan would be fine.

An Yimo said: "This... Xiaofan, isn't the profit margin too low It's barely profitable at all, and it can't even make up for the losses on those medicines."

"Don't worry, I said our pharmaceutical factory is going to make money, but not from these products."

Ye Bufan said to the crowd, "You are all experts in the pharmaceutical industry. What do you think is the most profitable way to sell medicine"

There was a slight lull in the meeting room, and finally, that sales manager said with some awkwardness, "Based on my market research, the most profitable products are those male enhancement drugs. Those things are definitely a surefire way to make money."

"Unfortunately, we don't have products like that at our company. Developing them would require a significant investment in research and development, most importantly, it would take a long time."

Ye Bufan remained noncommittal and continued, “What about the others Are there any more”

"An Yimo said: 'Most of the high-profit products on the market are Western medicines. Most traditional Chinese medicines tend to be priced at a flat rate, and there aren't many with really high profits.'"

At that time, the female supervisor in charge of production said: "Actually, women have the strongest purchasing power in the market. If we could produce beauty products, that would be great."

As women get older, it's inevitable that they develop some age spots on their faces. I spent 10,000 yuan a few days ago just trying to remove them.

Beauty products are really profitable, but this stuff isn't medicine. It can only be applied externally and cannot be taken internally.

She had merely complained idly, but Ye Bufan's eyes lit up: "That's it!"

An Yimo said in surprise, "Xiaofan, what do you mean Don't you want us to shift our investment to the beauty industry"

Ye Bufan said: "Turning around is not necessary, but I happen to have two recipes in my hands. One has an excellent tonic effect and no side effects."

Another benefit is its ability to beautify the skin, whiten and reduce wrinkles, leaving it with a radiant and smooth complexion. Removing blemishes is just child's play.

"Really There are medicines for beauty too"

An Yimo immediately became excited. If she could produce and market these two types of medicine, it would be like printing money, a guaranteed source of huge profits.

If these two products can be put into production, the other pharmaceuticals could even lose money and it wouldn't matter. They would make a fortune in minutes.

"Of course there is, just wait."

Within Ye Bufan's inheritance, there are countless prescriptions. Formulas like this one for aphrodisiac and beauty elixir are considered low-grade; they are rarely used in the cultivation world.

But the influence of these two things in modern society is completely different, they immediately become money trees and treasure chests.

He said, "Now do as I say, immediately lower the prices of the medicine, and prepare the other three products for sale right away."

After finishing his words, he left the conference room and returned to his own room, beginning to refine both types of pills.

According to the records in the tradition, these two medicines are called Lung Yang Dan and Mei Fu Tang, respectively.

However, the medicinal herbs used in these two recipes have very high requirements for age and some are particularly expensive, making mass production unsuitable. They need to be improved.

He was busy in the room for half a day, didn't even eat lunch, and only succeeded in refining it near three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

Although this improved version of Dragon Yang Pill and Beauty Soup is not as good as the original pills, its effects absolutely crush those of similar products on the market, possessing incomparable advantages.

Half an hour later, An Yimo and others sat back in the conference room.

Ye Bufan asked, “How is everything going”

The sales manager said: "As you instructed, I will sell the drugs at cost price."

For our rock-bottom sales prices, chain drugstores had no choice but to restock our products without hesitation.

According to market research, the product with the revised price has absolute competitiveness and instantly regained the market share.

Ye Bufan nodded and said, "Not bad!"

An Yimo said anxiously, "We've been selling our medicine at a loss. How is your research going"

"The result is already available."

Ye Bufan said, taking out three black pills, "These are my newly developed Longyang Pills. They're a powerful aphrodisiac with no side effects. Anyone here want to try one"

"Here I come!"

The sales manager immediately said, As a man in the workplace over 30 years old, his body inevitably feels less energetic, and he naturally has an urgent desire for this kind of medicine.

Most importantly, he had absolute trust in Ye Bufan's research and development abilities and wouldn't worry at all about the drug having side effects.

After finishing his sentence, he seemed to sense the strange looks from his female colleagues and added, "That's right, I'm just trying out medicine for the company."

"Well then, all the male colleagues here can try it."

After he finished speaking, he divided the three dragon teeth among the sales manager and two other male subordinates.

Then he pulled out three small jade bottles and said, "This is my beauty elixir. Drink it and your skin will instantly improve, becoming fairer, smoother, and removing freckles..."

"Mr. Ye, I'm willing to try the medicine!"

Before he could finish his words, several female subordinates immediately cried out, not a single woman could resist the allure of beauty.

Ye Bufan divided the three small jade bottles among his three female subordinates, excluding An Yimo. "Everyone, meet here early tomorrow morning for a meeting and give a detailed account of your feelings after using the medicine."

After the meeting, several subordinates left the conference room. An Yimo said to Xiaofan with some dissatisfaction: “Xiaofan, why didn't you give me a bottle of your beauty serum”

“Those are just simplified versions of skincare fluids designed for mass production, so they're a bit less effective. I'll make you a separate full version.”

Ye Bufan said, "Besides, your skin is already so good. Even if the improvement is significant, it wouldn't be enough to reach the effect of a trial drug."

Having received both a promise and praise, An Yimo's face flashed with a hint of satisfaction. "That's better."

At this time, Ye Bufan's phone rang. It was Lu Banxia who called, "Xiaofan, where are you Can you come to the company"

"Okay, I'm coming right away."

He knew the company was new and busy, so he hung up the phone and drove to his brother's investment firm headquarters.

He was driving a yellow Porsche 918 today. He Pengfei and Tang Kui and those guys had his underground parking lot full of sports cars. He just grabbed one at random when he came out.

This car costs around 20 million yuan, and its performance is excellent. It arrived at the company headquarters very quickly.

After entering, Lu Banxia reported the work situation of the film and television company from beginning to end after its establishment, and then said a little embarrassedly: "Xiao Fan, can you do me a favor"

"Sure, just let me know what's up."

Although the two were in a superior-subordinate relationship, Ye Bufan always treated this girl as a friend.

Lu Banxia bit her lip and said a little shyly, "I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend." the King Yama your name properly when you get there."As soon as he finished speaking, his wrist flicked, and the sword in his hand turned into a dazzling rainbow, directly piercing towards Ye Bufan's...