Chapter 48: Find Her Husband to Redeem Her

inside. She roughly guessed that the SOS Huo Chen Xi mentioned before was a special way of communication between him and Qin Shi."What about the women and children who were abducted" Su He took the m...A foul odor, mixed with the stench of fermenting feces, wafted into my nostrils.

Su He opened his eyes and found his hands bound tightly behind him with rough ropes, lying in a corner of a small pigsty.

A plump old sow with five piglets was grunting contentedly as she ate the leftovers not far away.

There is pig dung all over the ground.

Su He's heart trembled, the nightmare she had finally forgotten returned, following her like a shadow. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake it from her mind.

“If you’re hungry, just go eat some river water. I knew from the start that you were a money pit. Back then, I shouldn’t have brought you back.”

You can't even cook a pot of rice properly, you're not even as good as the pigs in the yard.

“You're eating my food, living in my house, and one day I'll sell you for a good price.”


The vicious scolding and the merciless whips seemed to lash Su He harshly once more.

This is her childhood experience.

Sleeping in a pigsty, competing with pigs for food, and having to do so many things that are way beyond what a child her age could handle.

Had it not been for her foster mother's protection, she would have been killed by her alcoholic and abusive foster father.

The pigsty before her eyes, bearing a striking resemblance to the one in her memory, suddenly brought back memories of her most unpleasant past.


A dull thudding sound of footsteps arose.

Su He's breath caught, and she hurriedly closed her eyes, pretending to be unconscious after being knocked out.

While she was waiting for Zhao Binrui at the wonton shop, she noticed someone looking at her suspiciously.

Su He subconsciously thought it was someone from Zhou's secretary.

After all, at this crucial juncture, the ones most likely to be keeping tabs on her are only Zhou's secretary who discovered her secret and Hu Yang, the deputy general manager of the sales department.

She didn't want to implicate Zhao Binrui, so she told her boss and gave him a heads-up, even ordering some food for him. She left before him.

To my surprise, in broad daylight, she was attacked from behind and knocked unconscious. She only woke up here.

"How come he's still not awake Didn't you go a little too hard, Third Brother"

"I guess this little girl is just too weak. I didn't even use much strength."

Have you told her husband

"Just got off the phone, agreed to send money over right away."


The bickering conversation gradually faded away, Su He suddenly opened his eyes and let out a long sigh.

The person is not an employee of the company, but a kidnapper who kidnapped someone and is demanding ransom.

But, her husband

Su He's pupils dilated violently, only then did she realize that the phone which had run out of battery earlier was nowhere to be seen.

In her phone, the man noted as "Husband" is Huo Chenxi.

This was something she had saved before, after the divorce she only blocked his number, but forgot to change the note.

Previously, she had told Huo Chenxi righteously to forget the past and coexist peacefully. However, the kidnapper called him, reminding him that her phone's note for him hadn't changed.

What surprised Su He even more was that the kidnappers said Huo Chen Xi agreed to send the money immediately.

Given his temperament, to threaten him is asking for trouble. Don't even talk about sending money; someone coming over and ransacking their place would be considered polite.

Su He struggled frantically, her wrists were scraped raw by the ropes, burning with pain, but she managed to break free.

She carefully climbed up and quietly escaped from the pigpen.

This is an ordinary farmhouse.

In front is a two-story building, behind it is a pigpen, and on either side of the front are vegetable gardens.

A wall encircled the house, not particularly high but topped with broken beer bottles. The shards glinted menacingly in the sunlight.

Su He crouched down and circled around to the front of the house. After much effort, he reached the door and gently pulled it, only to discover that it was locked from the outside.

"Where did the person go"

"Someone, get help! The hostage has escaped!"

At this very moment, a sharp shout suddenly came from behind the house.

Hasty footsteps could be heard coming from inside the house.

Su He was in a panic, quickly looking around before darting to hide behind a haystack next to the vegetable patch.

Footsteps moved quickly from the back of the house to the front door.

The big iron gate rattled and swayed, but it was still locked. The fat middle-aged man at the front let out a sigh of relief and shouted, “He’s still in the yard. Keep looking.”

Scanning the area, the man's eyes fell on the lone haystack that could conceal someone. He exchanged glances with the others, and they all moved to surround the haystack together.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, Su He even forgot to breathe, her mind racing to come up with a plan.

"Knock, knock, knock—"

Outside the door, a sudden flurry of urgent knocking echoed through.

"Iron brother, someone's here. I checked, it's really red-hot money." A man's voice from outside the door couldn't contain his excitement.

"Open the door." The fat man ordered, his voice laced with anticipation.

With a creak, the rusted iron gate swung open.

Then, in the blink of an eye, Su He furiously flung aside the straw and bolted towards the recently opened door, disappearing outside before anyone could react. The stout man and his accomplices were left dumbfounded.

"What are you standing there for, chase him!" the fat man roared in anger.

A roar finally brought his men back to their senses, and they sprinted after Su He.

As soon as he burst out of the courtyard, he realized Su He had already collided with the one-eyed guard, directly getting his two arms broken and being shoved and nudged inside.

"One-eyed, it has to be you."

"This little girl looks so skinny like a monkey, and she runs like one too, really fast."


A sharp pain shot from his shoulder, Su He's face turned pale. Beads of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. His two arms hung limply at his sides, and he stumbled forward, being pushed along.

...was shut back into the pigpen.

This time, probably afraid she would run away again, Su He tied her up with rough ropes, making her look like a big dumpling. Her mouth was stuffed with a piece of tattered cloth picked up randomly somewhere, the stench stinging her eyes.

"Money, I brought it. Where's the man" A low and indifferent male voice came from the front yard.

The familiar timbre.

Su He's pupils trembled, and she struggled again.

"Give me the money first, and you'll see the person later."

"Sure." Huo Chenxi didn't hesitate and directly threw the suitcase full of money to them.

That group of people, having received all the previous funds, were immediately excited with their eyes bloodshot.

"Bring him here and tie him up as well." The portly man, after receiving the money, grinned strangely at Huo Chenxi in his suit and ordered his men.

Ho Chenxi made no resistance, allowing them to tie him up and shove him into the pigsty in the backyard.

He saw Su He in the haystack in the corner at once.

Su He also saw Huo Chen Xi, unable to tell if it was cold sweat or tears, sliding down his cheek.

Looking at her disheveled appearance, Huo Chenxi's heart suddenly felt a sharp pain as if being pierced by a needle. His eyes flashed with a dark and dangerous light.

Seeing the person pushing her towards him, Huo Chenxi impatiently returned to the front yard to divide the money. He untied the ropes binding himself in three or five strokes and strode over to pick her up.

She ripped the rag out of his mouth and cried, "What's wrong Where does it hurt" the car jolted violently. Su He, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was thrown forward and then slammed back into her seat.Before she could even turn around to see what had happened, Huo Chenxi h...