Chapter 1631

of his car How dare she swagger to your house!"What is she trying to do""Where did this fox spirit come from, let me teach her a lesson!""Even Sasha's fiancé dares to think about it, count me in!"A fe...How could you slap her

It can be seen that this slap, Madam really put her all into it. Miss Yu Sha's face was red and swollen from the beating...

Song Qiao-ying seemed unwilling to let it go, and slapped Li Yu-sha again with another heavy slap.

The crisp, loud sound echoed through the air, startling even the two gardeners working not far away.

What's going on

They still thought that Madam had come out to take Miss Yusha back...

This slap was too heavy, Li Yusa couldn't bear it, she fell to the snow all over, and didn't understand why her mother hit her.

Song Qiao Ying trembled with her hands, throwing a thick envelope hard at Li Yu Sa's face. Li Yu Sa was stunned for a while before she picked it up and took a look. It was a lawyer's letter from Kiki...

The lawyer's letter only has two pages, the next ten or so pages are screenshots of her online insults against Shengxia, including her arguments with Shengxia's fans.

"In such a noisy concert environment, how could they sing so perfectly flawless It must have been pre-recorded."

"All the sounds you've heard have been processed. I personally know Sheng Xia, and her voice isn't that good at all. She doesn't dare to sing in public, she just mimes."

I know Shengxia. She's a distant relative of mine. Her singing is just average, and her face under the mask is also quite ugly. Her eyes are the only decent thing about her, I guess. All in all, she's not even one-tenth as good as me...

"And her lyrics and arrangements weren't written by her herself, she has a team of one hundred people behind her, don't ask me how I know."

This is a bit of a tricky one! It looks like you've got some code or gibberish in there. Could you please provide more context For example:* **What is the purpose of this text** Is it part of a website, a document, a program* **Do you know anything about the original language** Is it supposed to be English, another language, or something else entirely The more information you give me, the better I can understand what you need and provide an accurate translation.

Not only that, even her arguments with Shengxia's fans were screenshotted and printed out.

"Summer indeed sings badly, is ugly, and lacks talent. In this day and age, shouldn't people be allowed to speak the truth"

"I really know her, she's currently a freshman in college. If you don't believe me, you can go investigate yourself."

"Would I be jealous of that ugly thing What a joke!"

You guys are brain dead!

You guys are shaking your heads, did you hear the sound of the ocean One or two brains got waterlogged, "Fensi Xia" is trash like this.

"Yeah, she is trash, I just called her out. What are you going to do about it"

You, you barking dogs, come on! Come and bark some more! I'm vaccinated against rabies, so don't even try it!

If you guys are really bored, you can come and guard me. I'm afraid to tell you who I am.

What is the meaning of Let me know if you have any other questions!

Li Yushsa didn't finish reading it, but she knew what she had said.

She grabbed Song Qiao Ying's pant leg, wanting to explain things properly, but Song Qiao Ying retracted her foot and said incredulously, "You actually insulted your sister like that... On the surface, you put on an act of remorse, but behind closed doors, you're still the same!"

"Mom " Li Yuansha looked surprised, "Is my sister Shengxia I really don't know... no one told me about this... I've been locked up next door for a long time, and my heart is very uncomfortable. I just happened to see Shengxia singing in a video, she sang so beautifully, at first I just raised questions, but I didn't expect Shengxia's fans to bite me relentlessly, so I deliberately replied a few words... I didn't know my sister was Shengxia... Really, you have to believe me..."

Li Yushasha was crying, tears rolling down her cheeks, looking particularly innocent and pitiful.

"You didn't know your sister was Shengxia You clearly told netizens that you knew her, she's in her freshman year! " Song Qiao Ying's voice was filled with anger, "You called her a trash and a monster, and slandered her words and music weren't her own creations... there isn't any hundred-person team behind her!! You really disappointed me! It's terrifying!!"y other text you'd like me to translate!"Is Yan Yan alright tonight" Si Yechen asked softly."Get in your car." Ou-yan turned the camera."Did you guys fight" Si Yechen's voice held concern, "Are you hu...