Chapter 666: Selfish People Do Selfish Things

n't know anything, let alone be afraid. 。But those who cared about her must have been terrified, Tang Danni being one of them, and perhaps the only one. 。"Sigh... I'm not the only one worried, am I C...Qin Jingyi continued to speak

Although my sister said she was wrong, I don't believe her. 。You've been dating your sister for such a long time, you should know by now that she's someone who knows her limits and boundaries in everything she does. 。No matter what, in any aspect of life, she would never do anything that goes against her conscience or her will. 。"especially when it comes to things in front of you or about you, her principles become even more stringent." 。Because she knew her status was low, she tried every way to make up for it in other areas. 。Such an attitude couldn't possibly do something that would make you want to break up. 。Qin Jingyi absolutely couldn't believe that her sister could have done something wrong. It was precisely because of this that she spoke with such conviction. 。When she had nothing to do, she analyzed the reasons for her sister and Joe Shunchen's breakup. 。Sister said that what's wrong is always about feelings, otherwise she wouldn't choose to break up so easily. 。When it comes to matters of the heart, Qin Jingyi trusts her elder sister even more. 。For all these years, she has never had any ambiguous relationships with anyone. You could say she has a cleanliness in matters of the heart, and she wouldn't easily fall for just anyone. 。Once you like someone, it's for life. 。Once again, Qiao Shunchen was made to doubt what his own eyes were seeing by these people who blindly believed. 。But how do those videos explain it, the two people were clearly Qin Jing's gentleness and Luo Zhenghao. 。"Jingyi, your sister might fall for someone else." 。"This kind of thing, anyone..." "It's impossible. To fall in love with someone After you broke up with her for so long, she just worked and worked. I never heard her take a call from a stranger. Can you tell me who she likes" Qin Jingyi interrupted Qiao Shunchen angrily, saying that other things about her sister were fine, but she couldn't stand up for her sister when it came to matters of the heart. 。My sister's heart, until now, has always been with Qiao Shunchen. 。Anyone can say that the elder sister likes someone else, but he cannot. 。Jo Shunchun did not continue immediately, but was thinking about Qin Jingyi's words. 。She said Qin Jingwen had never received a call from a man, just like what Chen Shu said, there was no strange man calling her, and she had never seen her with Luo Zhenghao. 。What's going on here Weren't they supposed to be together Aren't they supposed to get married Other people might not know, but Qin Jingyi should. 。What was the reason, Qin Jingwen was hiding something again"She told me that day she wanted to get married…" Qiao Shunchen just probed, wanting to know more, wanting to better analyze what was going on with Qin Jingwen. 。As soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Qin Jingyi. 。"Marriage Brother Qiao, you're really joking." Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!。"May I ask who she married Apart from you, who else could she possibly…"

Qin Jingyi suddenly stopped, not for any other reason than that she had said too much. 。If she continues, she'll expose the fact that her sister still loves Qiao Shunchen. 。"Well, I'm not getting involved in your affairs." 。Since you two have broken up, there's no need to keep in touch anymore. 。" Qin Jingyi shut up in time. No matter what, it's never good to talk too much. " 。Qin Jingyi's hesitation made Qiao Shunchen even more puzzled, wondering if she was suddenly thinking of who Qin Jingwen's marriage partner was, or if there was something else hidden. 。At the same time, suburban villas 。After saying goodbye to Qin Jingyi, the two children sat on the grass and pulled out weeds one by one, looking lonely and helpless. 。Joe Xiang was in his nineties and couldn't bend down, so he only brought a small stool and sat beside the two children. 。"Why don't you have a chat with Grandpa" 。“Joe Chiang spoke with certainty. If he asked the two young ones for their opinion, they would definitely refuse him.” 。At this time, the attitude needs to be more firm. 。"Everything you and your aunt said, Grandpa heard it all." 。The old man felt that you were right, it was the old man's fault, and I apologize to you. 。“This seems to be the first time in Joe Chiang’s life that he has apologized. He has never done anything wrong in his whole life, except for feeling guilty towards the two children.” 。"Will you change then Will you accept Mom"Ban Yue thought this was an opportunity, thinking that Tai Ye Ye's attitude had changed, so she asked Joe Xiang in surprise. 。"This..."Jo De Xiang couldn't answer, because he hadn't decided to accept Qin Jing Wen yet. 。"Grandfather, if you can't accept your mother, then you haven't done anything wrong, and there's no need to apologize to us. " 。"Joe Hsiang hesitated, and Joe Tzu-Hsien knew his attitude. " 。An apology is just a formality, he still can't accept it from his mother. 。"Things that adults do, you little ones don't understand." 。I can't understand. 。Many things are beyond our control, and we can't just think about ourselves. We can't be held back by love and romance. 。"When you grow up and come into contact with all sorts of people in society, you will understand the good intentions of your grandfather." 。Faced with the child's displeasure, Joe could only patiently persuade. 。He didn't know how much the two children could understand. 。But I hope they don't give up, I hope to see innocent smiles return to the children's faces. 。However, Qiao Xiang's well-intentioned actions only further fueled the child's resentment. 。But you understand our situation, and you can empathize with it, but you just don't care about us. 。But there's one thing you say that I really like to hear. 。 。"Have you ever asked yourself if you are selfish" Half-Moon's words were sharp and piercing as she questioned Qiao Dexiang. She thought that the Grandfather was chatting with them because he was going to accept their mother, that he was here to give them good news. 。But Grandfather still only cared about himself, not considering anyone else's thoughts, which made Ban Yue very disappointed. 。My mom always said that when you talk to elders, you have to be polite and respectful. 。But she really couldn't do what her mom asked for today. 。Joe Xiang was stunned by the questions from the half-month. 。"Grandfather, actually I think you're the most selfish person in the world. " 。You forced your grandfather and father to become your slaves to get what you wanted. 。This is the most selfish thing a selfish person does. 。" Grandpa, I want to interview you. What else do you want Give you all the money and power in the world, what can you do 。A disdainful look hung in Ban Yue's eyes, a disdain for everything Taigong possessed and everything he still hoped to acquire. 。At a young age, he appears innocent and cute, but possesses a discerning heart and a sharp tongue. 。However, that wasn't all she wanted to say. She hadn't fully expressed her thoughts yet. 。"Grandpa, please admit it, you are the most selfish person in the world." 。You've been so heartless. You've cruelly torn our family apart, separating me from my child. 。You are doing great, keep it up! 。But your ability is to make sure that neither me nor my brother hates you. 。"

Half Moon finished speaking and turned away to continue weeding. She didn't want to see Grandpa anymore. " 。The world and thoughts of her grandfather were too complex for her to accept. 。Both Half Moon and Xuan Xuan wanted to say something. 。But Xuxu felt that if he said it out loud, it wouldn't have the same sharp effect as Half Moon's. 。So I remained silent, allowing Half Moon to express herself freely. 。Now that the lunar month has ended, he still needs to replenish himself. 。"Grandfather, I can fulfill all your dreams of being rich beyond imagination for you." 。Dad is also willing to give everything for you, and he likes your assertive attitude towards things and people. 。He was trained very successfully by you. To fulfill your dreams, he even disregarded me and my sister. 。"He is a good father, you are a good grandfather. " 。Your perfect partnership, continue it always. 。"But I want you to know, I won't be controlled by you like my father was. I won't live a life without myself. " 。If you keep pushing me and my sister, we'll have Mom take us away and never come back to the Qiao family. We'll never see Dad or you again. 。“ Qiao Zixuan’s voice was harsh, filled with anger. 。He vented all the things he had been suppressing for so long. 。He knew he shouldn't say these things, and he knew that even if he did, nothing would change. 。But his and Ban Yue's attitude must be let the adults know. 。After Qiao Zixuan finished speaking, he got up and took his sister aside. 。 Qiao Xiang was shocked by what the two children said, he couldn't believe that these two young children could say such things. 。Is he selfish Is he heartless Did he tear their family apart Even these little kids call him selfish, say he's wrong. Could everything he's ever done be wrong What does he want Even if the world's money and power were his, what then The two children's questions, one after another, hammered at Qiao Dexiang's heart. 。Shouldn't he ask himself, shouldn't he stand in the perspective of others, to reflect on what he has done all these years 。The conversation between the child and Qiao Dexiang not only shocked Qiao Dexiang, but also left Qiao Liang feeling ashamed and embarrassed. 。He could hear clearly the conversation between the child and the elderly person from a distance. Things had come to this, who should be blamed It wasn't just the father alone. 。If he had been able to resist and rebel like XuanXuan and BanYue are now when all this pressure was on him back then... 。If the father had shouldered all the burdens for himself instead of placing them on Qiao Shunchen's shoulders, and stood up to defend his son and share his responsibilities, none of this would have happened today. 。The children hated not only the elderly but also Qiao Shunchen. 。Perhaps he hated his grandfather even more, for failing to protect everyone and for not balancing all the relationships. 。

The child is right, everyone included, who has ever truly put themselves in the shoes of these two children and thought about them

Has anyone ever felt the inner torment 。After Qin Jingyi got home, she saw that her older sister was still busy, so she didn't bother her. 。She went straight to the kitchen to cook. She only talked about Qiao's family matters with her sister when they had lunch together. 。"You said the chairman went to see his child" Qin Jingwen raised her eyes and asked Qin Jingyi. 。"Yes, he said when he wanted a child he went to see..." 。Joe said that last time he went to the old house, they refused to go and said they would never go back to the old house again. 。Just as we said, it seems our persuasion has had no effect at all. 。Qin Jingyi roughly explained why Qiao Dexiang went to see the child. 。"Sigh, as I grow older, I have more and more thoughts, and I also know that you are just going through the motions. 。They shouldn't treat elders like that. It's disrespectful to them and will warp their hearts. 。It does not benefit their growth at all. 。Qin Jingwen was a little worried, but she was helpless. 。Growing up in such an environment, a child wanting sunshine, wanting freedom, wanting to grow up mentally healthy, is probably not an easy thing. 。d. 。"Ye Wen, before this I truly didn't want Wen Wen and Qiao Shunchen to have any relationship, but after hearing your warning, I think going against it might lead to better results. 。Besides, you c...