Chapter 328 Speaking of Song Yien

to Qin Jingwen. But upon closer inspection, there are also similarities in their features, such as their foreheads, ears, and the expressions in their eyes. They bear a resemblance to him. 。How happy...Just as Chu Yang hesitated, a serious and cold voice suddenly appeared behind him: 。"How did you get here"Xue Yao stayed at home and overthought things, so she went out with friends to clear her head. After a tiring day, she returned to her doorstep only to see Chu Yang standing there 。The relaxed feeling of the day returned to its original point the moment I saw Chu Yang. 。I came to find you, I have something to tell you. 。Chu Yang was honest this time, not daring to say that he was worried or depressed. 。"What's the matter" Xue Yao's one word implied that at this time, Chu Yang's so-called "matter" could only refer to Qin Jingwen. 。"Yes, I haven't told anyone about us, not even my parents." 。Wenwen called me this afternoon saying she wanted to get together. 。Tomorrow night at Dani's house. 。She made me insist on taking you. 。" While Qin Jingwen was speaking, Chu Yang began staring intently at Xue Yao from head to toe. 。Although she was wearing makeup, her complexion was still not good. Although she wore loose and casual clothes, it could still be seen that she had lost weight. 。It seems she's not as carefree as she claims. 。Chu Yang's heart ached inexplicably, watching Xue Yao like this, listless and disheartened. He felt even more self-blame. 。Whether to speak or not, and to whom you speak, is your business. 。But I promised to help with Wenwen's things because I also want to see her doing well. 。I will drive there myself tomorrow night. 。Xue Yao didn't want to hear Chu Yang's words, because listening to them would only give her room to overthink. 。She had already guessed that no matter who Chu Yang told, he wouldn't tell Qin Jingwen, because he liked her. To make her feel at ease, he had to keep it a secret. 。Xue Yao finished speaking and walked towards the gate of her villa. She reached out to push the door open, but stopped halfway without turning around or looking at Chu Yang. She just said in a cold voice: 。"In the future, don't call. If it's something about Wenwen, just text me, and I promise to do what I said." 。After he finished speaking, the act of pushing the door continued. 。" Xue Yao, give me some time. I want to talk to you." 。“

Chu Yang hurriedly stopped Xue Yao 。"I don't think there's much to talk about." 。See you tomorrow night. 。Xue Yao still didn't give Chu Yang a chance. 。She thinks she's gone above and beyond by helping to cover for Qin Jingwen, and it's also out of face for Qin Jingwen. 。There is nothing left to talk about regarding Chu Yang. 。Since Tang Danni was about to give birth and it was inconvenient for her to go out, Qin Jingwen chose Tang Danni's house as the location. 。Everything had been arranged in advance. Song Xinzhe also switched shifts with other doctors. 。Even if they celebrate the New Year in advance tonight. 。"Where are Chu Yang and Xue Yao Is Chu Yang busy with work" Qin Jingwen was bustling around in the kitchen while chatting with someone helping her. 。"That's perfectly normal for someone in such a high position to be busy." 。It's okay if you arrive late, our dinner isn't ready yet. 。“ Tang Danni stood by and couldn't help, but she chatted with him without any problem. 。"Almost ready, dinner will be ready soon." 。Dani, your due date is coming soon, are you all readyQin Jingwen turned her head and asked Tang Danni, looking at her round belly, she felt especially tired. 。"Ready, the hospital is ready, and everything needed for the baby's birth is prepared." 。I'm just waiting to unload now. 。I'm almost exhausted. 。"Tang Danni was indeed very tired, especially these days. Even breathing felt like a painful chore. She couldn't sleep soundly at night either." 。Only now do I realize how difficult the process of pregnancy is for women. 。Just a few more days and we'll be done. 。"By the way, have you hired a postpartum confinement nanny"

Qin Jingwen continued to ask.

"No, my parents and both sets of grandparents all insisted on taking care of him personally." 。Four people taking care of two people should be no problem. 。I respect their opinions so I didn't hire a nanny. 。The two people were chatting about having children, and Song Xinzhe and Tao Chen on the other side couldn't get a word in edgewise. 。 。"It's old-fashioned for the elderly to take care of children, and they may not do a good job with your diet during your confinement period." 。I've already arranged for a monthly nanny for you. I'll let her know to go to the hospital when you get there. 。Qin Jingwen thought Zhou Tao's arrangements were thoughtful, but she didn't know that Tang Danni hadn't hired a nanny. 。If only she had known to book two at the time, then it would have been more thoughtful. 。"I want to die for you, how could you be so good to me, even booking a nanny for me." 。Now it's hard to find a postpartum confinement nanny. 。Tang Danni said sleepily, walked clumsily to Qin Jingwen's side, and unexpectedly kissed Qin Jingwen's face. 。“Do you like it or not, don't be a pervert when I'm kissing you” 。"Qin Jingwen said jokingly, a happy smile on her face. 。Since her family fell apart, Tang Danni has been the one helping her 。Getting married means having one more Song Xinzhe to help out. 。Qin Jingwen owes Tang Danni a lot of money, one month's wages is just a drop in the bucket. 。Although this gold medal nanny's price is not cheap, Qin Jingwen felt that this was the most worthwhile thing she should do. 。"That's right, such a pretty and fair face is meant for men, how come you always kiss it" 。If you're into this, I might just make a sacrifice. 。Tao Chen was making jokes without any hesitation, but Song Xinzhe on the side couldn't stand it anymore. 。The real husband is here, Tao Chen, just stand aside. 。“A serious and funny remark from Song Xinzhe made everyone laugh uncontrollably.” 。"By the way, Winnie, there's something I want to tell you. " 。I didn't get your permission to bring Shun Chen over as well. 。He is not busy with work today. 。If you feel embarrassed, I'll tell him not to come. 。"Song Xinzhe acted first and reported later, and he didn't sincerely prevent Qiao Shunchen from coming. 。Qin Jingwen's movements paused for a moment after hearing this, and she didn't speak. 。"You're just saying this now, how could you be so embarrassed not to let him come " 。Tang Danni glared at Song Xinzhe. 。Joe Shunchen coming over will definitely affect Qin Jingwen's mood, anyone can see that, yet Song Xinzhe deliberately does this. 。Since Mr. Qiao has come all this way, there's no need to go back and forth. It's more lively with more people. 。" Tao Chen instantly understood Song Xinzhe's meaning and quickly helped him speak well. 。"Come if you want, I'm fine." 。Finally, Qin Jingwen spoke, and the atmosphere immediately grew heavy. 。"By the way, I went to visit Song Yien two days ago..." Tao Chen found a topic to cover up his previous anger, but before he could finish speaking, Tang Danni interrupted him. 。I'm really happy, don't even mention those annoying people 。Song Yi'en and Qiao Shunchen, both of them would affect Qin Jingwen's mood. But these two people appeared one after another, they must have done it on purpose, otherwise they would have something to do with Qin Jingwen's worries. 。There's something a little off about this, I feel like I should tell you, or else I might forget. 。" Don't interrupt me, listen to me finish. 。Before speaking, Tao Chen reminded Tang Danni to avoid a repeat of the previous situation. 。When I went there, someone was meeting with Song Yiren. He came out and then I went in. 。Then Song Eon asked me if I had seen the person who just went out, and then she asked me who that person was. 。"Tao Chen stopped there, he believed these people had all heard the discrepancy. 。"Seeing her, did she not recognize him" Tang Danni was interested in this topic, but she didn't have the composure of Song Xinzhe and Qin Jingwen. That's why she was the first to ask. 。"Yes, she doesn't know 。And this person has already seen her several times. 。"You think that's a little suspicious"

Tao Chen didn't think it was anything special at the time, and didn't pay much attention to it.

But even now, there are still many suspicious points. 。"It's really suspicious, what does this person look like, male or female"Tang Danni asked eagerly. At this time, Qin Jing and Song Xinzhe also stopped their movements and looked at Tao Chen seriously. 。“He’s a man, and he's quite old, at least 55 to 60 years old.” 。But this person is very classy, dresses very well, and looks like a wealthy person. 。" Tao Chen described the person he saw on one side, and he didn't miss even the most subtle details. " 。People of this age can't be Song E-un's friends, let alone her father. Her father is a fugitive and couldn't possibly visit her in prison. 。"This is really strange, she doesn't seem to recognize the people who have visited her several times. " 。" Tang Danni was analyzing seriously, but she never expected this old man to be who he was. 。"Dani, do you remember when we went to see Song Yien She said living in a single room was good and the food was good too"Qin Jingwen opened her mouth and asked Tang Dani, her expression unusually serious. 。She and Song Yien's feud is far from over, and Song Wei has been running away all the time. 。She had to suspect something was amiss. 。"Remember, she even said it was Qiao Shunchen who arranged it for her" 。"Tang Danni thought about Song Yien at that time and found it funny. Even though she had been imprisoned, she was still arrogant and boastful. Tang Danni thought that there was no second person in this world who could be so brazen." 。"Joe Shunchen said he hated Song Yien so much, he didn't even help her arrange..." 。"Since Qiao Shunchen didn't help, could he be related to this person"

Qin Jingwen also analyzed, although she didn't know who this person was, it must have been someone with money and power to help Song Yien arrange these things. After all, not many people in prison can live in a single room now."

Upon closer thought, Tao Chen's description of this person seems to fit the standard of a wealthy individual. Thinking about it this way, the two seem more and more alike. 。This could 。“ Having said that, Tang Danni also felt it was very possible. 。At this moment, the doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting several people's analysis. 。This time should be Shunchen, I'll go open the door. 。“ Song Xinzhe took a step towards the door, but Qin Jingwen stopped him. ” 。I'll go open the door, you come and cook. 。Qin Jingwen finished speaking and immediately went to open the door. 。She didn't want to cook, nor was she rushing to open the door because it was Qiao Shunchen. She had something she wanted to tell Qiao Shunchen privately. 。As she reached the door and saw in the video that it was indeed Qiao Shunchen, Qin Jingwen opened the door. 。She didn't let Qiao Shunchen come in, but walked out herself. 。Joe Shunchen felt particularly warmed by the sight of Qin Jingwen opening the door for him. Just as he was about to greet her, Qin Jingwen's voice beat him to it. 。Since you're here, why not cooperate a bit and don't put on such a grim face that makes everyone uncomfortable. 。Qin Jingwen wasn't issuing a warning, nor was she negotiating. She was giving an order. 。She knew that Joe Shunchen was here, no matter what expression or state he was in, she would be affected. 。But she didn't want their business to affect others. 。"Hmm 。" Qiao Shunchen gave a low reply with a single word. He couldn't laugh along with everyone else, but Qin Jingwen said he could cooperate." 。Please come in. 。Then Qin Jing and Qiao Shunchen walked in together. 。Two people walked in together, the scene was quite harmonious. 。A man of talent and a woman of beauty are a natural match, perfectly suited in both temperament and appearance. 。"Oh... It's such a pity that such a well-matched couple isn't together." 。"

Tao Chen, who was peering into the kitchen, said regretfully. " 。 exactly five rooms. Although the rooms aren't very big, they're quite comfortable to live in. 。And this place is very close to Jingyi's school, so she can save some time going to class. 。"Qin Jingwe...