Chapter 120: She Was His Poison

th Ye Wen, because he hadn't found any solid evidence. 。This recording must be valuable because Du Peng would only say it at this time after confirming its worth. 。Su Qin and Sister Yang were already...Qiao Shunchen's reaction that day was indeed a bit extreme, otherwise he wouldn't have remembered nothing.

Thinking about what he had no clue about that day, Qiao Shunchen felt annoyed, hating himself from the bottom of his heart. 。Wait, did you drink water Also, that dizzy feeling from the other day is the same as the last time I was drugged by Ban Yue and Xuan Xuan. 。Could it be that..."Is the water alright You drank it yourself, didn't you"Song Xinzhe suddenly thought of the key to the problem. 。"I drank it myself but Song I-eun helped me open the cap." 。It's very possible that there is something wrong with that bottle of water. 。Suddenly, Qiao Shunchen woke up. He picked up his phone and called Sun Xu. 。"I'll send you a location, check the surveillance there." 。After giving the instructions, Qiao Shunchen sent Sun Xu the address where he had stopped to buy water at that time. 。"What are you trying to prove Even if Song Yiren drugged the water, can't you guarantee that nothing happened that night" Song Xinzhe splashed a basin of cold water on Qiao Shunchen. He didn't think this was the key to solving the problem. 。I can't remember what happened that night, but if she really did something in the water, at least it proves I didn't take the initiative. That way, I would feel less guilty about Wenwen. 。" Qiao Shunchen blurted out unconsciously, saying something he only realized afterwards why he felt guilty about. She wasn't his wife, so why would he feel like he was betraying her" 。Joe Shun-chen's words caused Song Xin-zhe's lips to curl into a smirk of derision. 。Who just said Qin Jingwen was just a way to relieve loneliness, and why would relieving loneliness feel guilty 。< Qiao Shunchen, Qiao Shunchen, I want to see when you'll admit your own heart > 。Then just wait for Sun Xu's news and see if you have wronged Qin Jingwen. 。"After Song Xizhe finished joking, he raised his glass. " 。Come, let me have a drink with you. 。" The two people clinked glasses and drank in one go. 。"Oh well, there's no point thinking about it anymore. You must be angry because you're hiding from someone. Just try to coax them." 。Song Xinzhe was guiding Qiao Shunchen, but Qiao Shunchen was still pondering with an empty cup in his hand at this time. 。"Winnie isn't that kind of person who cares about petty things, I think she is angry because of Song Yiren." 。Could it be that Song Yiren went to her office to show off this matter, and then got angry because the two of them argued, and then Song Yiren threw Wenwen's computer

Qiao Shunchen put all of this together and found that there was a high possibility

If Qin Jingwen knew about her relationship with Song Yiren, she would be disgusted by his touch, would rush him home, and would never turn to look at him. 。"I think what you said is possible, but unless the two people talk, no one knows what happened between them." 。“ Song Xinzhe also didn't rule out this possibility, after all, he knew what kind of person Song Yiren was, and it was very possible for him to do such a thing. 。However, through this incident, Song Xinzhe thought of more complex situations. 。He cleared his throat and continued speaking. 。"Shunchen, now only two women have made you so flustered, if Ye Wen comes back, it will be even harder for you to deal with." 。Better to clear up these relationships quickly. Since you don't have any extra thoughts about Qin Jingwen, don't give yourself trouble. 。"Song Xinzhe, as a friend, was earnestly reminding. 。Actually, he said that because he was afraid Qin Jingwen would get hurt. In the end, the person who gets hurt the deepest might be Qin Jingwen. 。However, to be fair, Qin Jingwen is a good woman. 。If I hadn't met you, I would have really tried to pursue her. 。Even in this situation, Song Xinzhe still doesn't forget to tease Qiao Shunchen. 。"Don't even dream about it, or I'll make you pay." 。"Joe Shunchen said domineeringly, as if Qin Jingwen was his wife, absolutely not allowing anyone to touch her, even his best friend. 。"Song Yien doesn't influence anything, I'll find a way to break up with her soon." 。 。“Everything happens for a reason, and it shouldn't happen the way Song Xinzhe said.” 。"Alas... I don't understand why Qin Jingwen willingly stays by your side." 。I don't want the car you gave me, I don't want the house you gave me, not even the tuition money. 。 。I just can't believe it, are there really such foolish women in the world 。"After Song Xinzhe finished speaking, he raised his glass again, but this time he noticed something was wrong with Qiao Shunchen. " 。"What's wrong Did you get a headache" Song Xinzhe worriedly stood up, before he could even reach Qiao Shunchen's side, Qiao Shunchen dropped his cup in pain and slumped on the table. 。"My... medicine is in the car" 。Qiang Shunchen used up all his strength to speak in a broken, halting voice. 。“You've had too much to drink, you can’t take medicine” 。I surrender, go lie down in your bedroom. 。"Song Xinzhe once again felt helpless, and this time might be the worst because he couldn't take medicine, not knowing how long Qiao Shunchen would be in pain. 。Song Xinzhe carried Qiao Shunchen to the guest room. By the time he placed him on the bed, Qiao Shunchen was in so much pain that his face had turned pale. 。Seeing Qiao Shunchen continuing to develop in a bad direction, Song Xinzhe was somewhat flustered. 。At the same time, he recalled Qiao Shunchen's just-said words. 。At this point, Qin Jingwen was the only one he could turn to. Even if she had no medicinal effect, her spiritual comfort and support would be better than his own as a man. 。Song Xinzhe picked up the phone and called Qin Jingwen. 。"Come to my house right away, Qiao Shunchen has a terrible headache." 。“Song Xinzhe’s words were clearly laced with anxiety, making Qin Jingwen’s heart skip a beat.” 。"Where do you live I'll go there right away." 。Give him the medicine first if he has it. 。Qin Jingwen didn't care about being angry anymore, she didn't care that she was wearing pajamas, she didn't even change her shoes, wearing slippers, holding the car keys and ran out. 。She kept talking on the phone with Song Xinzhe throughout this process, never putting her phone down. 。"He drank a lot of alcohol and can't take medicine, it's very easy to be fatal." 。"Why are you still drinking Then you should give him a massage, gently, don't use too much force. " 。Qin Jingwen, hearing that she couldn't take medicine, became even more anxious. 。"Alright, I'll press it for him. Come quickly, and I'll send you the location link." 。After Song Xinzhe finished speaking, he hung up the phone and began to try giving Qiao Shunchen a massage. 。"Don't touch me, I'm fine, I can... I can endure..." 。“However, Qiao Shunchen disliked being touched and directly rejected…” 。Song Xinzhe had no choice but to watch helplessly as his friend writhed in pain. 。Fifteen minutes later, Qin Jingwen finally arrived at Song Xinzhe's house. No one knew how fast she had driven, as the distance between the two places could take at least twenty minutes at its fastest. Yet, Qin Jingwen broke the record. 。Qin Jingwen ran in barefoot, and when she saw Qiao Shunchen rolling on the bed in pain, tears of heartache welled up in her eyes. 。"How are you Can you hold on"At the same time she spoke, Qin Jingwen had already run to Qiao Shunchen's side and sat down. Then, just like the last two times, she let Qiao Shunchen lie on her lap and began giving him a gentle massage. 。"Just bear with it, it'll be fine soon." 。The tears dripped, drip by drip, still trying to soothe Qiao Shunchen. 。Qin Jingwen discovered that the moment she felt the most heartbroken was at this very instant. 。Compared to the sight of him with Song Eon, this is simply the kind of heart-wrenching pain that feels worse than death. 。Hearing Qin Jingwen's voice, he lay on her lap and felt the gentle pressure of her hands. Although the pain didn't disappear immediately, his heart felt a lot more at ease. 。“I can bear 。Joe Shun-chen gritted his teeth, hearing the worry in Qin Jingwen's voice. If he said he couldn't hold on any longer, Qin Jingwen would be even more worried. 。"Well, it'll pass." 。Qin Jingwen comforted him, but she couldn't bear it any more than Qiao Shunchen could. 。Seeing the pain etched on his face, devoid of any color, watching his lips turn pale with agony, observing his sword-like eyebrows perpetually furrowed together in distress, Qin Jingwen knew this pain was unbearable, more agonizing than death itself. 。Her tears of heartache were still flowing, but Qin Jingwen turned her face to the side for fear that they would drop onto Qiao Shunchen's face. 。It's natural to feel sympathy, but she was also a little annoyed. 。Knowing that they are sick, why would they still drink and harm themselves 。"Why are you drinking so much Just don't drink if you don't want to." 。"Even though Qin Jingwen couldn't help but ask, her voice was soft and gentle, sounding more like concern than reproach. " 。"If you're feeling down, have more to drink" 。"

Joseph endured the pain as he answered, at this time he felt that it would be better to speak his heart. 。Why are you in a bad mood You shouldn't be feeling down when your mind is clear. 。His heart was pure, he waited patiently for that woman. Why would he be in a bad mood Why wouldn't he treat himself kindly, make her feel sorry for him 。Because of you, because of your inexplicable anger 。"Joe Shunchen gritted his teeth and endured the pain as he spoke. If it weren't for Qin Jingwen, he wouldn't have drunk so much alcohol. If he hadn't drunk, he wouldn't have a headache." 。There is no such thing as coincidence in the world, everything has a reason. 。Qin Jingwen turned her head and cried even harder. 。Then what are you saying Say it out loud so it doesn't seem out of the blue. 。When he got excited, Qiao Shunchen suddenly stood up and glared at Qin Jingwen. At this moment, whether it was a headache or drunkenness, all were temporarily overshadowed by Qin Jingwen's words. He just wanted to know why she was angry. 。When he glared at Qin Jingwen, when he saw tears in Qin Jingwen's eyes in that instant, his heart softened all at once. 。Qin Jingwen turned her face slightly, took a deep breath, gently wiped away the tears from the corner of her eye, and then turned back with a serious expression. 。She was angry because of him. She was angry because she couldn't control her own heart. She didn't want to endure this kind of torment, but she had to bear it. 。With whom could she share such pain 。Joe Shunchen went on to warn her with another round of sarcastic remarks, didn't she bring this upon herself 。"Lie down, or I leave." 。Looking at Qiao Shunchen bearing the pain so stoically, Qin Jingwen's heart ached. 。Otherwise, she should leave immediately. If she flies far away and doesn't appear in front of him, she wouldn't give him a headache. She isn't his medicine; she is his poison. 。Jiao Shunchen didn't speak again, afraid that Qin Jingwen would leave, so he quickly lay back on her lap and stopped talking. 。He didn't want Qin Jingwen to keep crying, because seeing her tears hurt his heart. 。Song Xinzhe, who had been standing on one side, turned and silently left. 。It seems Qiao Shunchen was right, Qin Jingwen can cure his illness and he's already become dependent on it. 。He gave Qiao Shunchen a massage, but Qiao Shunchen refused physical contact. 。And when Qin Jingwen gave him a massage, he naturally accepted it. 。The two people were chatting, accusing each other. It could be seen that Qiao Shunchen's heart was relaxing little by little, and his attention was being diverted, and the pain wasn't so unbearable anymore. 。ng the child be heartbroken >" Let me know if you need anything else translated! 。If you let him wallow in misery, Xiao Xuan's depression will likely relapse. Do you really want to see your child suf...