Chapter 806: Bo Chen, Miss Luo might have been kidnapped

aff member rushed in, his face pale with anxiety. "Mr. Wang, your...your wife is here, making a scene in the hall demanding to see you!"Wang Yanglian's face instantly drained of color. "Impossible! Th...She quietly lifted her eyes, without a sound. However, this was not necessarily an opportunity to escape.

"Miss Luo is indeed clever. The big shot said that he wanted you to die in despair and pain! We have no choice, if we don't want to be hit by a car, then Miss Luo has to endure this hardship." The kidnapper got into the car as he spoke.

An underling beside him peered through the car window, watching Luo Ningxi's thin figure and nervously asked, "Boss, will this work What if she runs away"

"Hmph, where could a pregnant woman possibly run to We promised the Golden Master we would torture her well. Don't get in our way!"

The bandit leader, after finishing his words, honked the horn provocatively a few times, urging Luo Ningxi to run quickly!

Lu Ningxi's hands were tightly bound, preventing her from moving. Behind her, the sound of car horns honking incessantly filled the air. She could only struggle to run, straining her eyes to observe her surroundings.

This is a desolate wasteland, deserted and uninhabited. The only way out is the path in front of you. This road wasn't originally meant for cars, but these people deliberately drove them here to torment her.

Although her heart pounded with anxiety and a growing ache in her stomach, Luo Ningxi gritted her teeth, running while meticulously observing her surroundings, calculating every possible escape route.

Intersection, intersection...

At that moment, Luo Ningxi suddenly realized that the road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and there was a fork in the road that was hard to notice if you weren't paying close attention!

Her eyes suddenly flashed with a glimmer of agility. She turned her head, using peripheral vision to gauge the distance between herself and the car. Once she was sure, she ran in that direction without hesitation!

Beep beep —

The robber driving the car saw Luo Ningxi suddenly speed up, and he hurriedly pressed the accelerator. He didn't even notice the fork in the road ahead!

The bumpy road combined with speeding caused the entire car to be unable to stop, and it drove directly off the road!

The sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground was unbearably sharp and grating!

Lu Ningxi didn't have time to think, but her mind was remarkably clear. Ignoring the weakness in her body, she mustered all her strength and fled along the path into the depths of the forest.

The kidnappers could catch up at any time, she had to find somewhere with people immediately if she wanted to escape safely!


Suburban cemetery.

Yu Chengnan held a large bouquet of white water lilies in his hands and walked slowly into the cemetery.

Today is Longningxi's mother's death anniversary, so he specially brought flowers and drove over to try to bump into her. He also wanted to get closer to her emotionally. But when he arrived, he didn't see the woman's figure in front of the tombstone.

He frowned slightly, took out his phone to glance at the time, then strode to Shen Wanru's tombstone.

I only saw a mess...

White lily petals were scattered on the ground, and the offerings beside them had been overturned. It was obvious that there had been some sort of argument here.

A sense of foreboding washed over Yu Chengnan. He immediately took out his phone and called Luo Ningxi several times, but all calls went straight to voicemail.

"Could something have happened Otherwise, this place wouldn't be like this!"

A growing sense of unease and anxiety gripped him. He crouched down, his fingers tracing the marks on the ground, his brow furrowed in concentration. He then pulled out his phone and made a call to one of his subordinates.

"Go check where Longning Xi is, tell me where she's at now, fast!"


Outside the Li Group's building.

Mu Xiyin stood at the entrance of the building in a delicate little dress.

She came to look for Li Bichen, but was told he hadn't come to the company today.

Drop --

The mobile phone in her palm suddenly vibrated. Mu Xiyin glanced at the phone screen and finally received a message from Jian Ningyi.

They succeeded over there.

Mu Xi Yin's eyes lit up, and she immediately replied with a thumbs-up.

Following Jian Ningyi's text message again, 【You have to do what you promised me, or I will never let you go!】

I will take care of the cleanup. Don't send any more messages, or you might arouse suspicion.

A trace of disgust, barely perceptible, flashed across Mu Xiyin's eyes. Just then, a familiar black Rolls-Royce pulled up slowly to the entrance of the building. Mu Xiyin was very familiar with that car; it was Li Bochen's ride!

He's here!!

Mu Xi Yin thought of the message Jian Ning Yi had just sent, quickly adjusted her emotions, and put on a nervous look, running over anxiously!

After handling the news about Shengshi Group, Li Bochen came to Li's Group for a formality.

Who knew that as soon as she got out of the car, she saw Mu Xi Yin rushing over.

Before he could speak, Mu Xiyin suddenly said anxiously, “Bo Chen, Miss Luo… she might be in trouble!”

"Luo Ningxi What's wrong with her" Li Bichen's brows furrowed, thinking of the inexplicable phone call, a layer of icy frost suddenly condensed in his eyes.

"My friend seemed to have seen Miss Luo being bundled onto a truck by several men near the Dong郊 Cemetery. Something felt off," Mu Xiyin stared at Li Bichen, her face full of worry, "Miss Luo, wouldn't she be kidnapped"


Li Boche's face instantly turned dark and menacing. Thinking again of the phone call he had hung up, a bad premonition kept flooding his mind, leaving him with only one thought --

Find her right now!gner. Is it really likely she would handle the diamond setting herself"Mo Yao looked at Li Bochen with difficulty, but was met with a cold stare."You look like you've never seen the world! My wife is...