Chapter 804: Ye Bai, Come Home With Me!

n the car.Beside the seat, there were two purple cute, it clashes with his identity.Secretary Liu turned around, smiling: "Tomorrow, you can see the little girl. After so long, it's time to...Lu You didn't go back to her apartment; she drove her car back to the Lu family villa.

It's quite a coincidence that both Lu Shuo and Lu Xun are at home, because in half a month it will be Lu Chen's birthday… Originally, Lu Xun was supposed to prepare a birthday banquet, but she couldn't make up her mind, so she called Lu Shuo back from the company.

The couple were sitting and discussing something.

The sound of a small car came from the courtyard. Lu Shuo listened for a while and asked his wife, "Did you invite someone over Who could it be at this hour!"

Lu Xun shook his head: "I didn't ask anyone!"

When they were alone, Lu Shuo was the most mischievous. As he got up, he said to his wife, "I know! You specially invited me home for a world of just the two of us! Right"

Lu Xun's face flushed red with embarrassment.

He is so shameless!

Two people were playing sweetly. Lu You walked in holding the child. The maid immediately saw her and hurriedly took the child, while saying, "What's wrong, Miss Your face is pale without a trace of blood! Come on, I'll make you some red sugar ginger tea... To be honest, you haven't taken good care of yourself this month."

The maid is talkative, but her concern is genuine.

Lu Shuo saw that his sister was out of sorts, so he took the child and gave him to his wife. Then he told the maid, "Make a cup of calming tea for the young lady."

The maid felt she had spoken out of turn and did not dare say more. She went about her work.

After everyone left,

Lu Shuo helped Lu You to sit on the sofa, he rarely behaved this gently: "What happened Tell your brother about it."

Under the crystal chandelier, Lu You's face was still pale.

She looked at Lu Suo then at Lu Xun, before finally speaking in a hushed voice: "Brother, Sister-in-law... Ye Bai isn't dead! I saw him, I really saw him! I saw him several times. I thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, I thought he was really gone! But today, I saw him clearly, it was him, it truly was Ye Bai... He didn't die! He's alive, just unwilling to come home!"

Lu Shuo was stunned, as was Lu Xun.

Lu You's voice trembled: "I know no one will believe it, but Ye Bai is really still alive."

And once again, a long time passed.

Lu Xun spoke first, her voice soft: "I believe in Lu You, and I believe Lao Bai is still out there."

As she spoke, she began to sob.

Besides being close friends with Ye Bai, she was happiest about Lu You... But even though she was excited, she didn't dare to cry easily, for fear that her husband would be jealous.

Lu Shuo stared at his younger sister for a long time.

He was a man of calm temperament, rarely acting impulsively. But this time, he believed in the miracle that Lu You had seen.

He was willing to believe that Ye Bai was still alive.

At this time, the servant brought calming tea. Lu You initially had no desire to drink it, but Lu Xun coaxed her into finishing it. The tea, with half a sleeping pill subtly added by Lu Shuo, made Lu You fall asleep quickly on the sofa.

Lu Xun reached out and probed: "Asleep"

Lu Shuo got up, pinched Xiaoye Hui's chubby cheek, then scooped his sister up and walked upstairs. "She's really heavy, but she needs to have a good sleep first. She doesn't look very well."

Lu Xun accompanied Xiaoye Hui in playing.

In a while, the husband went downstairs. He probably had sore arms from holding things, and he shook his arm as he walked down the stairs.

Lu Xun couldn't help but whisper: "Lu Shuo, aren't you getting old You can't even hold Lu You who is so light!"

Lu Shuo paused in the middle of the stairs.

His eyes held a certain wickedness.

As he slowly went downstairs again, he said leisurely, "When I held you before, you didn't dislike me being old! Last time when I held you, even several tons of cars shook."

Lu Xun's face was flushed red.

She bowed her head and covered Xiaoye's ears: "Stop corrupting the child!"

She doesn't understand! She's still so young!

Lu Shuo walked over and sat beside her, bringing Xiao Yehui onto his lap to play with… He didn't speak, but Lu Xun knew him well after all these years of marriage. She could tell that he was thinking about Ye Bai.

She kept quiet and continued to look over the birthday plan.

Suddenly, Lu Shuo spoke, his voice thoughtful: "Just now, Lu You came back and only talked about Ye Bai's affairs. She didn't tell us about Zhang Baiyan's mother passing away. Just now her secretary called me and said that Lu You went to the hospital and also let the child see... for the last time."

Lu Xun was stunned.

Lu Shuo stroked her hair and sighed softly, "I guess he's finally let go! Since Mom and Dad aren't in City B, why don't we go to the Zhang family It's just to give our little Ye Hui some face."

As he spoke, he leaned down and gently kissed Xiao Yehui's soft cheek.

Lu Xun looked at him vacantly.

Lu Shu smiled gently: "What's wrong, are you stupid"

Lu Xun boldly said, "I just think you're in a surprisingly good mood now. In the past, you would have definitely cut off all ties with the Zhang family. Lu Shuo, you are truly magnanimous now."

Lu Shuo was teasing her: "Am I not generous to you Just now when I heard that Ye Bai was still alive, your excitement wasn't any less than Lu You's. How about it, do you want me to settle accounts with you"

Lu Xun didn't dare to provoke him any longer!

She lowered her head to work, Lu Shuo watched her quietly. After a moment, it was he who spoke softly, "I'm just as happy as you guys that Ye Bai is back."

Lu Xun was stunned for a moment, then let out a soft hum, his eyes subtly turning red.

Lu Shuo moved aside the book on her lap and pulled her into his embrace.

Xiaoye was squeezed, his chubby cheeks were deformed, and he resisted with cries.

A peaceful and tranquil time!


Only the Lu and Ye families know about what happened to Ye Bai. For now, we'll keep it hidden from the outside world.

After all, Ye Bai did not go home.

Lu You pressed down again and again before restraining herself. She didn't use the connections of her two families to search for him frantically. In Lu Shuo's words, this man had long legs, and he didn't want to come back. Even if you caught him, you wouldn't be able to keep him. He had to come back on his own...

Lu You still thought of him.

In the spring night, she stood on the second-floor balcony looking out at the city lights. Lu Xun came over to keep her company.

"All the children are asleep! Lu Chen really wants to hold Ye Hui and sleep, saying she's so soft and adorable. But little Ye Hui is quite opinionated and wants to sleep with her older sister."

Lu Shuo and Lu Xun have two children.

The eldest son was Lu Chen. When Lu Chen was a few years old, they gave birth to another son, Lu Ci. His name was given by Lu Xun... As for the reason, everyone in the family knew it, but they just didn't speak of it.

Lu Ci... Lu Shuo is the mercy that heaven has left for Lu Xun.

Lu Xun mentioned her two children, her expression softening. She was loved by her husband and treated well by her in-laws... Even though she was no longer young, she still looked innocent and pure, taking good care of herself to look like she was in her twenties.

Xiao Ye followed Lu Ci to sleep, and Lu You was reassured.

Lu Ci's temperament was very similar to Lu Xun's... So in private, Lu You always felt that her brother was stricter with Lu Chen, but more indulgent towards Little Ci. It was probably because the little daughter resembled their mother more.

A spring night is beautiful, yet it carries a touch of coolness.

Lu You pulled at the shawl around her shoulders, her beautiful face glowing faintly in the darkness.

Lu Xun looked at her, and suddenly felt that she was different.

There's light in his/her eyes!asually, fell in love with him.Her expression was fragile and helpless, with a touch of grievance.Ho Shao-ting really wanted to swallow her whole and take her back to reality.He didn't say anything el...