Chapter 1280: Record

I could cheer him on and try to mend our relationship.Did he succeedHow powerful was this person when they were in the lower realmThe fairy's face flushed red and then white, remembering when she had...Chapter 1280: Records

Chapter 1280: Records

What's wrong

Ye Fusheng couldn't help but frown, because it was impossible to be later, and he was also very sure that he hadn't missed anything in his sight, but why wasn't there Jiang Caiani's name

Could she still be alive

That shouldn't!

This marriage certificate was read many times in the mortal world, and I confirmed that there were no traces of writing. Everything appeared only after arriving in Fengdu. If Jiang Caimiao were still in the mortal realm, why would she bother coming to Fengdu to sign a marriage contract It's very unrealistic.

"The simplest way is still to find Wei Zheng. He was transferred last year, so he must know where Jiang Caini is. But the bigger problem is, where is he"

Ye Fushen raised his head to look at the bookshelf in front of him, as well as the densely packed records. He had a vague feeling that Jiang Caidi's secret must be hidden within the bookshelf. If he just left like this, even if he found Wei Zheng, it might be a pointless effort.

The problem at present is that it cannot be found.


Ye Fusheng's mind flashed with a hint of surprise, he quickly picked up the record from twenty-one years ago and flipped through it again, discovering that there was neither Jiang Caimiao's name nor Ye Wuji's name on it!

"He died twenty-one years ago and also came to the underworld, so why isn't he in the records"

Theoretically speaking, as long as one enters the City of Ghosts (Fengdu), they will inevitably enter the Judgement Hall.

Even if a leaf reaches the profound and immeasurable realm of no extremes, if it has not entered the Judgment Hall, its record will still state so.

"It seems... there are indeed a lot less!"

Ye Fusheng quickly walked to the front and picked up last year's record, looking for names on it. There was no Ye Zhantian, the former head of the Ye family, nor his grandfather's name.

Even many well-known people don't have it.

"If there were no records of those cultivators from the real world, it would be understandable, after all, their celestial souls return to heaven after death and are left behind by the upper realm as attendants. But Ye Zhatian and my grandfather were both martial artists, they must have entered the City of Hades, why is there no record"

All unregistered individuals share a common trait: they are extraordinary people. Ye Zhentian is considered ordinary, yet he is also the head of the Daxia First Family.

"Could it be... they have separate records"

Thinking of this.

Ye Fu Sheng quickly retreated two steps, scanning the bookshelf, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It wasn't a random guess, but there was indeed a common thread.

After looking around, it is very disappointing that all the records here are identical, except for new and old.

After thinking for a moment.

Slowly turned his head to look outside the door. There was another house across the way. Since he'd come this far, he might as well give it a try.

I listened carefully outside the door, seeing no movement. I quickly opened the door and rushed to the house opposite. As soon as I pushed the door open, my eyes widened in surprise.

There are bookshelves and records here, as expected.

And unlike the previous records, which all had blue-green covers, these records have covers in three different colors.

Ahead is red.

The right side is purple.

The left side is gold.

Only hundreds available.

Ye Fusheng casually picked up the red record in front of him. As soon as he opened it, a familiar name caught his eye: "Ye Zhentian".

Those previous records were only a few brief sentences, but this one is a whole book. It provides a detailed account of Ye Zhentian's birth date, his ups and downs throughout life, his several periods of success and failure, and even the cause of his death is written very clearly.

He quickly put it down and picked up another one. Since he knew the entire record belonged to one person, there was no need to read through it too much. He glanced at the name on the cover and saw it wasn't Jiang Caimiao, so he quickly put it down.

Very soon.

I have finished reading almost four hundred red-marked records, including many familiar names, as well as some I'd heard of but never seen. There were also names I had never even heard before.

But without exception, these people should all have been outstanding figures in the mortal world.

Here I am again, back to the purple record.

Opening the first one, you'll hear about a major founder of a dynasty.

I looked at another one, the same one I had heard before. It was once a famous scholar who was renowned throughout the country.

After looking through them one by one, the individuals recorded above were all renowned figures who left their mark on history. Even centuries later, people still remember them. There are about two hundred such individuals.

It's a shame there is no ginger clay!

Quickly reached the golden sealed page record, quickly flipped it open.

The first name is... the late king!

Open the second... is an emperor from decades ago.

Open the third one...

The fourth one...

"The golden covers record only emperors, with only a few hundred copies existing. This proves that the records are not of all emperors, but rather those who achieved great feats or had resounding fame."

"But, there's no ginger clay yet!"

Ye Fusheng wore a serious expression. He had just thought that extraordinary people would have individual records, and he had indeed found them here. But why was there still no record of Jiang Caidie among these records of extraordinary people

If records for both houses are complete, wouldn't that prove she's still alive

If Yin and Yang are separated, there is no way to recover!

"No... there's no Ye Wuji either!"

Ye Fusheng's whole body tensed involuntarily. How could there be no Ye Wuji here

Or, are there still any unforeseen aspects


He caught sight of two books in the corner, their covers pure black and almost indistinguishable from the bookshelf. He hadn't noticed them before.

Quickly walk over and pick it up.

When he opened the envelope, "Ye Wuji" was written on top.

The font color is different from everyone else's.

Other people, whether scholars or emperors, wrote in black ink. But this one... was written in blood red, incredibly eye-catching.

Ye Fusheng's soul body trembled uncontrollably, not out of fear, but because this record belonged to his biological father. He had only seen him a handful of times and just once from the front.

I knew nothing about him before.

This record, it's all he has!

"Ye Wuji, born in..."


The city gate.

"Captain, they were the ones who attacked first! We were forced to retaliate!"

"Yes, if we don't fight back, they can shatter us completely. Look at us, our souls haven't fully recovered yet, full of cracks."

Two ghost messengers complained pitifully.

"Fart, it's you who want to steal the credit! If you behave yourselves, how could we have made a move"

"That's it, you didn't guard the gate properly and now you dare to steal credit You deserve to be punished! I should have scattered your souls and spirits!"

Two guards roared angrily, their faces were bruised and battered, they looked like they had taken a beating.

The ghost soldier, hearing this, was also enraged: "You're full of crap! We take responsibility for not guarding properly, but one of our duties is to search all suspicious individuals. That man was very…"


Team Captain Gu's outburst was abrupt, his face as black as the bottom of a pot. He was fuming inside, wishing he could give them a good thrashing, but now wasn't the time for that.

gritted his teeth and said, "You can talk about your conflicts later. Right now, I only want to know if there have been any suspicious people entering the inner city, yes or no!"

The guard, upon hearing this, instantly bowed his head, his whole body trembling incessantly.

The ghost messenger guessed the culprit in his heart, it should be the one who smiled back at the city gate, but he dared not speak out, he could only remain silent.

"Is there or not!"

The squad leader roared again, drawing his weapon as he spoke: "If you don't answer, I'll execute you all right here."


The guard blurted out, then nervously added, "Well... I think so!"is whole body trembling!Terrifying, simply terrifying.A strike of tens of thousands of thunderbolts, how could this person be unharmedHow is that possible!"Zhu... Zi Ge"The pothos was unconscious all...