Chapter 889: Rule of Will, Raikou's Speculation

ic beasts."Could the headmaster, Lin, please explain this"As he went on, his gaze shifted back to Lin Yue.Here it is!Lin Yue's heart sank.As soon as the other party spoke, he understood their true int...Could the Xuandi Mark be alive

Shen Changqing recalled the deep meaning in Xuan Di's eyes when the imprint disappeared, prompting him to think in this direction. However.

The imprints of power that appeared before, as well as the will of the restricted area, were devoid of any emotion. Both acted purely on instinct.

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But the final Xuan Emperor seal was a little different. Thinking about this.

Shen Changqing couldn't help but ask, "Do these powerful imprints derived from the Heavenly Dao rules have their own consciousness"

"I'm not sure. The imprints that can be manifested by the Heavenly Rules are left behind by the top powerhouses of a certain era. Beings of this level can no longer be measured by common sense, and even I don't understand them very well."

Qingyi spoke. Upon hearing this, Shen Changqing stopped asking further questions.

He looked at the chaotic Restricted Zone before him. As the will of the Restricted Zone was defeated, the entire chaotic Restricted Zone calmed down completely, just as usual.

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But Shen Changqing understood.

From now on, the infamous reputation of the Chaos Zone will become even more fearsome than ever before. Unless something unforeseen occurs.

It is estimated that only a few cultivators would dare to enter the chaotic forbidden zone. No one knows for sure.

Whether the Forbidden Zone Willpower ultimately fell, or simply returned to slumber, or perhaps hiding within the chaos of the Forbidden Zone, healing itself.

A terrifying existence capable of defying the celestial rules, enough to make all races of cultivators shudder in fear. If it could be said that.


The former chaotic restricted zone, it only had the reputation of being dangerous. As long as one had good luck and enough strength, they could safely withdraw.

So now the chaotic forbidden zone, is truly living up to its notorious reputation. The will of the forbidden zone has awakened.

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Now who dares to set foot in the chaotic forbidden zone even half a step

Even the top celestial deities would likely turn pale at the mention of the Chaotic Forbidden Zone, too afraid to even set foot inside. After all, the terrifying power displayed by the will of the forbidden zone this time is enough to strike fear into the hearts of all cultivators.


"The Chaos Zone is off-limits now, it's a pity about those Rule Stones!" Shen Changqing shook his head regretfully, but there was also some relief in his heart.

Luckily! I ran fast enough.

Otherwise, once the will of the restricted area awakens, you will inevitably perish within the chaotic restricted area.

From this incident, Shen Changqing also understood a truth, that is, one should not underestimate any dangerous place with a reputation for being restricted.

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Shen Changqing also thought of the death zone.

The Chaos Zone has the will of the zone, who knows if the Death Zone has the same

...The only thing is that the Death Zone's will is still dormant, not yet awakened. If and when the Death Zone's will awakens, it will undoubtedly be a cataclysmic catastrophe.

"Heaven and Earth possess the Heavenly Dao!"

"The Restricted Area has the will of the Restricted Area!"

> "Perhaps the Heavenly Laws also have will!"

Shen Changqing looked up towards the boundless heavens. In his heart, he seemed to see a pair of indifferent eyes, devoid of any emotion, silently watching him.

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Or so.

These eyes are gazing at all living beings. The will of the rules!

Qingyi said: "The rules of the heavens exist with a rule of will, which is normal. It's just that the rule of will does not contain emotions. Its purpose of existence is only to maintain the stability of the heavens."

But only when a threat to the safety and security of Heaven appears will the Rule's Will take action.

Just like the birth of the will in the restricted zone right now, threatening the existence of all heavens, the rule will acted instinctively.


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But similarly, once the Will of the Restricted Area retreats back to the Chaotic Zone, the Will of Order will no longer intervene, because in the eyes of the Will of Order, the Chaotic Zone is an equal existence.

As long as the will within the chaos zone does not leave the chaotic zone and does not endanger the heavens, then the rule will not intervene. Hearing Qingyi's words, Shen Changqing nodded slightly.

Thus, the rule will is equivalent to an orderly existence, only striving to maintain the stability of the heavens and devoid of superfluous emotions.

"Of course! If the heavens had feelings, then this would be a catastrophe for them!" Qing Yi said.

With emotions comes selfishness, and with selfishness comes desire. If order has desire, then it becomes a nightmare for all beings. Therefore.

The will of order has no desires, nor can it have them. Shen Changqing understood this clearly in his heart.

He cast a long look at the chaotic forbidden zone, then turned and walked away.

At the same time, the tribulation dissipated.

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Many deities who hid in the shadows came to the edge of the chaotic forbidden zone. Looking at the calmed forbidden zone before them, each deity's face showed a look of apprehension.

Has the willpower of the forbidden zone fallen

The one asking the questions is a god master from the Yunlong Divine Clan.

The Cloud Emperor shook his head upon hearing this: "If the will of the Forbidden Zone were to fall, the Chaotic Forbidden Zone would collapse. However, the Chaotic Forbidden Zone is only returning to tranquility now and has not truly collapsed."


It seems that the Will of the Forbidden Zone has not perished. It has not perished!

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Then the chaotic restricted zone before our eyes would elevate the danger level by countless orders of magnitude.


The Saint Emperor's voice was cold and emotionless: "The Will of the Forbidden Zone has now awakened, and the rules of the heavens have severely wounded it. Whether it will fall back into a second sleep is yet unknown."

The present chaotic forbidden zone is no longer a place where living beings can set foot.

The might of the Forbidden Zone's will is not something even the God Master can resist. Even if a God Monarch were to enter, it's estimated they would find it difficult to get out alive." The God Monarch is very powerful.

Completely dominates the God Lord.

But even the most powerful divine sovereigns, when faced with the Heavenly Laws, could only choose to retreat.

The Heavenly Demon that was recently killed possessed strength that surpassed even the limits of a God Master, reaching the level of a God Sovereign. However, it was still obliterated by a single strike from the heavenly tribulation.

Therefore, it can be seen.


The overwhelming might of the celestial tribulation.

But even with such overwhelming tribulation, it couldn't completely eradicate the Forbidden Zone's will. Instead, the Forbidden Zone's will shattered the tribulation and forced the summoning of ancient power imprints to drive the Forbidden Zone's will back into the chaotic Forbidden Zone.


The power of the Forbidden Zone's will, is beyond even a God Lord's description.

The will of the Forbidden Zone has revived, even ancient beings within the Sacred Temple might not be able to match it. From now on, the Holy Race is forbidden from entering the chaotic Forbidden Zone even a step without an order.

The Saint Emperor, having said this, looked at the powerful beings of the Holy God Clan behind him and commanded in a deep voice. "Given the current state of the Chaos Zone, anyone who enters is walking into a dead end."

Having heard this.

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Phoenix Emperor's eyes narrowed, a flash of divine light appearing within them, as if trying to see through the chaotic scene within the forbidden zone.

This emperor is very curious. Why would the will of the Forbidden Zone awaken Since the ancient war, the chaotic Forbidden Zone has formed for several epochs, and there has never been a case where the will of the Forbidden Zone awakened.

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Now that the Forbidden Zone's will has awakened, the question arises: what caused it Although the Forbidden Zone's will was defeated by the Heavenly Rules this time, could it be the root cause of this great calamity

"These matters, we must still treat with caution!"

A deity present upon hearing this, nodded and said: "The Phoenix Emperor speaks with reason. The power of the Forbidden Zone's will is enough to shake the heavens. If a great calamity arises from it, it could be explained."

Although the Forbidden Zone's will has been cast back into the chaotic zone by the rules of Heaven, as long as it hasn't perished for a day, there's still a chance for it to walk out of the chaotic zone again.

As for why the Forbidden Zone Will awakened, I'm afraid it would take a powerful being within the Shrine to calculate. The Forbidden Zone's will is too strong.

This level of existence, even the Lord of Gods cannot calculate it.

Only by invoking the strong individuals within the shrine could one possibly deduce anything. Just at that moment.

The chaotic forbidden zone trembled slightly, with crimson eyes piercing the void. The Phoenix Emperor only felt a wave of violent energy wash over him, and his eyes were instantly filled with excruciating pain.

"Hmph!" he grunted.

The Phoenix Empress' eyes instinctively closed, and when she opened them again, two lines of blood tears had flowed down her cheeks. "Your Majesty!"

The sudden change caught the other powerhouses of the Zhu Feng Divine Clan off guard, causing their expressions to shift.

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The Phoenix Empress waved her hand, her face grim: "Don't worry, it's just a minor issue. The will of the Forbidden Zone has indeed not fallen. Just relying on its gaze could wound this empress."

Such an existence is truly extraordinary!

He wiped the blood and tears from his face directly, then looked at the other strong men present, and said faintly: "As for the affairs of the chaotic forbidden zone, the Zhu Feng Divine Clan will not participate. Everyone farewell!"

Then he spoke.

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The Phoenix Empress led the strong warriors of the Zhu Phoenix Divine Clan away. On the other side.

After the Zhu Feng Divine Clan left, other divine clans also departed one after another, including the Lei Ze Divine Clan's strong warriors. The Thunder Emperor himself was in seclusion, seeking a breakthrough opportunity. If he hadn't sensed the disturbances in the chaotic forbidden zone, he wouldn't have emerged to investigate.

Now that the chaos in the restricted area is over, Lei Huang doesn't have much reason to stay. However,

As the Lei Huang was about to depart, he glanced vaguely in another direction in the void, where a familiar aura lingered.

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This breath.


The Thunder Emperor would never forget. "Lift up."

"Why was he here Could his presence be connected to the chaos in the Forbidden Zone" The aura radiating from Shen Changqing was something Lei Huang would never forget.

This is the great enemy of the Raze God Clan.

When Lei Huang sensed Shen Changqing's aura, he couldn't help but connect the incident in the chaotic forbidden zone with the other party. After all, many recent disturbances in the myriad heavens were related to it.

When it comes to causing trouble, none could rival the prowess of Tianzong's sect master. However,

The moment the thought arose, it was dispelled by the Thunder Emperor.

The Forbidden Zone's will was an existence beyond comprehension. Even a cultivator who had reached the peak of power, someone potentially capable of ascending to become a god, would be unable to establish any connection with such a being.

In Lei Huang's view.

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Shen Changqing should have also sensed this fluctuation, which is why he came to check it out. There are quite a few cultivators who would act in such a manner.

"It's a pity that all the cultivators who entered the chaotic forbidden zone have perished, even the Divine Kings were not spared. Otherwise, we could have learned something from them."

The Thunder Emperor shook his head inwardly.

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During the time of the Chaotic Wasteland, many divine kingdoms fell from the boundless void.

These fallen gods are none other than the god kings within the Chaotic Forbidden Zone. It's obvious.

When the will of the Chaos Zone awakened in the chaotic zone, all cultivators within the chaotic zone were spared no mercy and were completely eradicated by the will of the zone.

So-called immortal gods and undying kings, before such existences, are nothing but a joke.

Please: wap.99mk.infowings in the void. The power of the Threefold True Fire transformed into a sea of fire that swept across all directions. 。The weakest of the Nine Great Lords of the Sword God Clan are at the sixth lev...