Chapter Ninety-Seventh: Frey Knew the Knights' Rules We

Lanqi said, "Someone wants to kill him," was true.Along the way, the carriage passed an ancient stone bridge. The mottled beige bricks bore witness to the passage of time, and beneath the bridge, the...Chapter 98: Frey Knew the Rules of the Knights' Academy well

Frey, Rance, and Huberian walked down the path leading to the School of Knights. [I hope readers remember our domain name here.]

Let me know if you need anything else translated!

Along the way, the three of them didn't say anything to each other, they just walked silently.

The jacarandas on either side, like guardian spirits, are artfully placed and silently swear allegiance to the mystery and tranquility of this campus. When spring arrives, these trees proudly display their lavender blossoms. Their beauty and vibrant life force always attract many students and residents from the capital city to admire them. At that time, this place becomes extraordinarily lively.

At the end of the path, a long-standing wooden building is hidden.

It has only one layer, but it is as spacious as a small dojo.

From afar, you can see that many of the windows' glass panes are broken. The passage of time has left indelible marks on its wooden walls.

However, the inside of this seemingly forgotten building was teeming with life. Various noises echoed from within—laughter, shouts, roars, and booming sounds all mixed together, sounding like a frenzied mob brawl.

"This is it, all that's left of this team are a bunch of stubborn louts. Even the head physician can't stand them."

Freyton stopped his steps, pointing to the wooden house in the distance and said to the two people beside him.

He was referring to the headmaster of their Knights' Academy, not Lord Loren, the headmaster of the Wise Men's Institute.

"Fray classmate, how will you negotiate with them later"

Lan Qi looked at the young man with a rebellious air and asked.

In Lance's eyes, Fray was half-wearing sunglasses, his gaze as sharp as a hawk's, coupled with the intense aura of explosive power he exuded, giving him the feel of a ruthless gang hitman.

Although this type of person might not usually seem like someone who's good at friendly communication, Ranch knows that during official duties, if one negotiator appears tough and the other appears gentle, using a change in attitude to disrupt the other party's negotiating will and soften their stance is a good tactic.

"Let me try negotiating first. I'm still pretty familiar with the rules of the Knight's Court."

Frey first made sure that the weapon was secured inside his shirt pocket, then looked towards the direction of the wooden cabin.

Then, please.

Lance nodded. After all, he belonged to the Academy of Sages and didn't quite understand the rules of the Knightly Order. This was a good opportunity to learn.


When Huberly witnessed Fray's previously habitual bandit-like behavior, a sense of unease washed over her.

She believes this is absolutely not "the rules of the Knights' Academy"!

But she thought about it carefully.

Of the three, Ranchi is most likely to resort to trickery and deception when negotiating. Even as a half-demon, he isn't well-liked by others.

Ultimately, it is still "local" Frey who is most suitable.

As a martial artist, he must understand the way martial artists communicate better than anyone.

"If you need any assistance, we will be happy to help."

Hubert spoke up.

Thank you.

Frey leaned his head and stepped forward.

The door stood ajar, as if inviting passersby to enter.

In fact, the doorknob has been eroded by time and can no longer be locked perfectly.

Three members of the student council arrived at the door, their eyes fixed on the dimly lit hall.

Inside were gathered several burly men, some sitting and some standing, each looking like a formidable fighter.

Even Frey, who looks like he could fight well, is just a normal young man compared to them.

The oppressive aura emanating from that group of fighters was like an unstoppable wave of wild fury.

However, among these fighters, an absolute commanding presence belonged to a woman with long, crimson hair. She seemed to be of a completely different rank than the other members.

Though she was tall, she seemed quite petite compared to the group of burly men. She also had a wild fighter's appearance, with her hair tied up in a high ponytail and bangs swept across her right eye. She wore a crop top and pants, with bandages wrapped around her arms and legs.

Her aggressive gaze made her look very domineering.

"At the head is Tsul'vienne, a third-year student of the Knight Academy. She's upright in character but quick to anger. She's a sixth-rank Gold-tier challenger, and attempting to subdue her through force is highly improbable. The primary difficulty lies in simultaneously managing the five fourth-rank fighters positioned at three o'clock and suppressing the numerous fourth-tier combatants."

Frey pointed at the target in the house and whispered intel about him to his two companions.

Ranch and Huberly both turned their eyes to Frey, nodding in agreement.

According to Frey, the intention is to avoid a direct conflict, and both of them fully agree.

Violence not only fails to resolve conflicts between students, but actually exacerbates them. This goes against the principle of harmonious coexistence in the school environment and will negatively impact the Student Union's reputation. It is also uncertain whether today's demolition work can be completed smoothly and on time.

So today their work goal must be to reach a friendly agreement that is convincing for both sides.

"Hey, you three over there! What are you whispering about"

A burly man seemed to notice the subtle movement at the entrance. His voice, like a raging storm, whipped up the air in the hall.

Hubert was taken aback, taking a step back with caution. She wasn't adept at dealing with such rude and violent fighters.

However, Lanchi remained quite composed. He pushed open the door and calmly asked:

"Hey everyone, is this the room for the Fighting Spirit team"

That's right.

The woman with deep red hair inside the wooden hut replied, a hint of disdain in her voice.

Her facial expression also began to become serious and unkind.

The air of composure emanating from this group, their words spoken with an almost patrolling air of authority, made the fighters in the arena instinctively think back to the Student Council.

So, what brings you here

The thugs inside the hut all shouted in unison, their voices seeming to possess a magical power that could strike fear into the hearts of the newbies and make them collapse to the ground.

But the three student council members standing at the entrance were clearly no ordinary people. They stood motionless, completely unfazed by the threats from those burly men.

We are the Student Union's staff. According to the decision of the academy and the execution order of the Heton Kingdom Royal Fire Department, we need to vacate this house and demolish it today.

Hubberley adopted a businesslike demeanor, her tone resembling that of a bank clerk collecting a debt.

As long as she has Lance backing her up, she's not afraid of anything.

As soon as her words left her lips, a domineering aura instantly filled the entire wooden house, as if directly refuting her statement. Roars of anger echoed continuously.

"This is our important place, you bunch of spineless cowards, get out!"

(The End)

[ ]nts, proposed allocating funds to repair the dilapidated building. However, the administration rejected the proposal. They argued that approving such a request, which violated team management regulat...