Chapter 441: Ranchi had already become more noble than Talia

istened in the soft morning light, appearing ancient and serene. {Google Search}Lance walked leisurely, a sunny smile on his face.Thus, Talia's killing spree was resolved.He could handle it easily.Nex...Chapter 442: Lance is already more noble than Talia.

Helms Deep prison, six levels below. ◆Search.◆

In a realm of illusions, a black-haired girl stood alone amidst a hazy dance of light and shadow.

Those green eyes, like two bottomless lakes,靜靜 reflected the changing scenery around them.

The black-haired, green-eyed girl who had been repairing the prison gate just moments ago suddenly felt the boundaries of the prison corridor begin to warp. The space started rippling like water, and then a rain of blades fell from the sky.

The blade and sword gleamed silver, piercing through the girl's body in an instant, staining the metallic sheen with a crimson.

However, the young girl walked over them like an immortal, step by step, continuing to focus on her repair work.

On the black-haired, green-eyed girl's skin, every wound was deep to the bone, blood slowly trickling down the blade.

Before long, the blood evaporated into the air as if it had never been there.

The illusion dissipated, leaving no tangible harm on the dark-haired green-eyed beloved poet.

But before they reached the metal door of the other cell, the flames began to twist and writhe on the ground like living things, shifting from deep red to gold, spreading endlessly across the floor.

The great poet continued to walk into the flames. The fire burned her snow-white skin, charring it until it was bloody and black, emitting a crackling sound of burning. Yet she still walked on with composure, as if feeling no pain.

"Fortunately, it was me who came. If Huberlian had entered the [Path of Suspended Dying], he would have been in serious trouble."

The figure with black hair and green eyes moved their mouth slightly, muttering to themselves.

He knew these illusions were false, so as a staunch materialist with an unwavering heart, he did not feel the slightest bit of fear.

As for pain, since he was controlling a clone, the main sensations were retained by the original body. Although the pain in the illusion was very real, it wasn't severe enough to make him faint.

As Lance was thinking, the inferno suddenly cooled down, transforming into a vast expanse of ice and snow.

The edge of the prison rippled again, forming a deeper world.

The great love poet was drawn into a new phantasm by an irresistible, intangible force. All around him was boundless darkness and piercing screams.

The heavy snow fell from the sky, each flake unique in shape, glistening and translucent, with a black sheen that cast the world before the great poet into gloom. This corrosive toxic snow, upon contact with his body for even a fleeting moment, would instantly rise in a plume of vapor.

Yet, on the tranquil eyelids of the great poet, tiny ice crystals glistened. His steady breath turned into white mist in the cold.

Bearing the pain, maintaining bodily balance and moving forward.

Along the way, I don't know how many times illusions appeared, or how many times collapses were witnessed. The figure of the great poet of love remained unchanged, diligently completing his prison repair duties.

After a long time, even the illusionary realm seemed weary. The figure that slowly walked down the corridor remained unmoved,

and the magic barrier of "Suspended Path to Reincarnation" ceased its fluctuations and fell still.

Silence, sustained in this hallway.

After the counting had ended, the howling of the wind gradually grew louder, as if the grim reaper of winter had swept across the empty corridor.

This time it wasn't an illusion, because the interior of the sixth layer was a frozen prison covered in frost and snow.

Around her, snowflakes and translucent magic coalesced in the air, forming a biting cold that swept towards the figure with raven hair and emerald eyes, encasing it within its domain.

In the deepest center of Helrom Prison, the unbreakable nine-tier ancient barrier began to ripple, activating its supreme incantation and causing subtle ripples that spread a hallucinatory mist.

In mid-air, a powerful and heavy magic converged. It not only possessed the fluctuations of [Suspended Path to Reincarnation] but also appeared more profound and filled with power that instilled fear in all living beings. It was as if an ancient demon lord from the Demon Realm had reached across time and space with its colossal hand.

The great love poet with black hair and green eyes was surrounded by a semi-transparent halo. Magic gathered and intertwined in the air, while at the same time, a blast of icy cold suddenly surged towards the poet's brow.

The magic grew ever stronger, causing even Antanas and Sinora, who were on the other side of the sixth layer, to feel an indescribable sense of oppression.

In the transmission hall.

"Wang, she did it"

Xin'ola gazed at the frost-covered dome of Level Six, her eyes wide with surprise. "

She wasn't even sure what the conditions were for obtaining the Great Demon Tribe Mark in 《Suspended Path to Reincarnation》.

"She definitely succeeded; these mental trials posed no difficulty for her at all."

Antanas nodded. She was now quite sure that the new king had also caused a similar disturbance on the negative fifth floor just moments ago.

Although Antanas still didn't know how the king had managed to defeat his own phantom so effortlessly and unscathed.

Now I feel Wang is becoming increasingly unfathomable.

It's truly Talia's good fortune to have such a wise new king.

Sixty meters below, Wang's situation was both intriguing and unsettling for Antanas and Sinora. They were curious yet hesitant to investigate, choosing instead to wait patiently according to his orders.

Once the authority of the sixth floor is unlocked, they will immediately confirm the cell of Truth Praine and rush to open it, waiting for the King's arrival.

In the depths of layer six, the frozen prison...

All great poets were imprisoned by an invisible force, and the surrounding space formed a realm of isolation.

After the numeration, light and shadow, as well as magic, quickly shattered, condensing into a translucent imprint on the brow of the Great Love Poet——

【Suspension Mark】

Category: Soul Stamp

Grade: Orange Epic

Class: 1

Passive effect: Gain a small boost to mental attributes.

【Note: The approval of the suspension by Tiberius.】

"……Has your spirit grown stronger"

Lanche felt the fifth mark. He'd never encountered a mark that was simply an added base attribute before, the most straightforward and blunt passive ability.

The suspended Thae'lirius, before his death, should have been an ancient demon lord whose psychic power reached its peak. After his death, he transformed into this grand demon trial barrier.

It seems that the Heart Trial bestows a defensive imprint, while the Might Trial grants an offensive one. As for the imprints bestowed by the Great Demon Race, they are determined according to their own characteristics.

However, these three conservative mages from a hundred years ago in the demon world are unlikely to be attack-type marks. So when she asked the renegade Sinora for a mark before, she was worried that her own mark was poor and became timid. Unbeknownst to her, Ranchi actually doesn't pick and choose marks at all.

"If I got another mark, would the demonic traits change a little"

According to Huberley, when a demon's mark reaches six, they will further demonize.

Then even as a demon, he would be more noble than Talia.

Besides, Talya is a former bankrupt heiress while he is a modern entrepreneur. Their concepts are completely different.

(The End)

[]or tens of meters, crafted entirely from mithril and magic crystals. They radiated a chilling aura while simultaneously appearing incredibly magnificent.In the waiting area, many candidates who saw th...