Chapter 438: Ranchi's Biggest Weakness

eward for Lance.Even the previous record of 21 points, the reward was still anything you could choose from the art department.During this special period, the vice principal had warned them to strictly...Chapter 439: Ranchi's Biggest Weakness

Huberly looked at Daria the jailer with confusion, but she didn't hesitate or disobey. She took the Great Poet to the spacious desk in the grand hall. [I hope readers remember our domain name here.]

Antanas was still absent-minded, while Synolla quietly followed behind, maintaining impeccable etiquette.


Hubberly stood across from the desk, his gaze falling upon the discarded staff lying on the floor. He found it gave Daria, the warden, a rather priestly appearance.

The three prison wardens within Helrom Prison's inner layer were originally elite members of the Protoss Empire's magic special forces before taking their posts at Helrom Prison. They were also outstanding graduates of the Protoss Royal Magic Academy many years ago. While the upper two layers focused on combat tactics, this layer is home to healers as well.

My belief is in the Wind God, not so many constraints.

Darcy the warden seemed to sense Huberly's confusion, lit a cigarette, and began to speak about her beliefs.


Huberly just nodded and said nothing.

Although they are both religious personnel, the deities they believe in may not be the same.

Besides the Church of the Fate Goddess and the Church of Resurrection, there are many other churches that worship different deities. However, none of them are as large and influential as these two historical powerhouses.

However, for all churches, the source of magic is based on scriptures passed down from the divine age. Even if the world were to be destroyed countless times, the traces of the Book of Genesis would remain undestroyed.

The Book of Creation has thirty-seven chapters. The first chapter is the chapter of primordial void, and the last chapter is the chapter of destiny and reincarnation. These two chapters do not leave behind any spells. The remaining thirty-five chapters all record spells that can be interpreted.

The difference between sorcery and magic lies in the fact that sorcery relies more on resonating with the world, or resonating with deities that exist on the conceptual side, while magic relies on oneself.

Therefore, the effects of divine magic used by priests are not only related to the "Spirit" and "Magic" attributes, but also to the unique "Faith" attribute of priests.

If you believe in the Fates, your faith attribute will apply to all spells in Chapter 35. If you believe in a specific deity, your faith attribute only applies to a single chapter, but it significantly enhances the effects of spells within that chapter.

While Hubert doesn't currently know many divine arts, she has seen numerous wind-based divine arts in the chapter of "Storm and Freedom". Besides a few offensive divine arts, most are geared towards powerful support like group healing, high shields, damage reduction, and control.

Even with her already high spirit and magic resistance, the prison warden, Dariya, is further boosted on this level. Her wind-based divine arts allow her to mitigate much magical damage, while her control-type divine arts can restrain prisoners within the prison, even pushing them back. She is practically invincible.

So, how can we obtain your evaluation and approval to proceed

After a moment's thought, Huberlyan asked again.

To find the prison cell of Truth, Praine, you must first meet the warden's prerequisites.

"Just drinking is enough, the more you drink, the higher I'll rate you. Have a good time drinking with me, and I'll let you go. Otherwise, you'll have to practice more."

Darien, the warden, grinned and pulled out several bottles of wine and glasses from a natural icebox, placing them on the table as if they had been waiting for ages.

"Are you really okay like this"

"Howeberly asked, puzzled."

According to Lanche, the warden on Level -5, Ms. Melissa, is a very fair type. As long as you complete your work, she'll give you an evaluation, and then you can unlock the permission to visit inmates.

And now this warden of the sixth level, Daria, isn't bad either, but she's just too lenient. She has no organization or discipline whatsoever.

How can a prison guard still lead the intern guards in drinking heavily inside the prison

"It's fine, I'm a disciple of the great sage Isis. With that old geezer watching over me, you lot don't have to worry about anything. Besides, Protoss Empire couldn't find anyone better willing to guard this layer anyway. I'm not afraid to die guarding this place, so what are you going to do, fire me"

Deacon, the warden, shrugged with a nonchalant air.


Although Huberlian had heard that the possessor of the [Primordial Slate - Light] was the long-lived national spirit, Empress Isis, he thought it wasn't quite right to call such an old geezer a "long-living species."

When Antanas and Sinora heard the name Isis, their expressions instinctively worsened.

Both of them have been beaten by the Imperial Grand Sage Isis.

"Actually, alcohol is a good thing on this level. It can be courage-giving and blur one's will. It's a necessity."

Dariyah the jailer poured the drink with practiced ease, raised her cup in a toast, and a barely perceptible smile curved her lips.

"The elite of Protoss Royal Magic Academy, who could reach this sixth floor, would shrink back from a single cup of wine How disappointing."

She looked at their hesitant expressions, her eyes twinkling with a mixture of provocation and amusement.

Here you can drink the public's snowfield strong liquor.

This is a special version of Helrom Prison, with enchanted and harmonized properties that are difficult to obtain elsewhere. The negative sixth floor offers unlimited refills.

For alcoholics, it's a paradise.

Of course, the first time someone drinks it, they might pass out after just one cup and even damage their throat.

Although it might be considered a bit immoral to get all these Protoss Royal Academy students royally drunk tonight, there was a certain thrill to it for Dariya.

Hyberlian stared at the cup of wine handed to her by Daria, the warden. Familiar with both poison and antidotes, she knew this drink was dangerous. Just the scent wafting from it felt like drinking a shot of strong liquor.

She hesitated greatly over whether or not to take it and drink it all at once.

The jailer was obviously a seasoned drinker, an old hand at spirits, and it was unclear how many cups he'd need to pour before she'd be satisfied and grant them permission.

Huperlyan didn't usually touch alcohol, but she figured that if she inherited her father's physique, she should be able to handle it. At least, she felt nothing when eating the eggnog-flavored chocolates made by Itkheret at Tata's place, and according to Tata, those were pretty strong. Tata bought them mainly out of curiosity.

Finally, the Great Love Poet felt Hubleyan's hand tighten on his slender arm. The Great Love Poet's vacant eyes cleared.

He turned his cheek to look at Huberlian, and Huberlian looked at him as if she had seen a savior.

Her invincible ranch is back!

"Don't worry, I got it."

The great poet looked at Huberlian and then at the jailer, Deria, quickly understanding the situation.



The great poet looked out at the snowfield, his gaze fixed on the crystalline liquor in his glass, silent.

How could it be wine...

Because of this thing, he almost got killed by a woman when he left the house. To this day, he remembers the lesson and the taste of roast pigeon.

The End.

[ ]ia put pressure on Lance.Let me know if you have any other translations you need!Besides the help these great love poets could bring to Lance, there was another reason Lance had to summon the great lo...