Chapter 324: Ranch and Imperial Capital Prison's School

fading into history and not being passed down.This directly resulted in its numbers being quite limited in any given era.Epic cards might not always be suitable for your own deck, and binding them es...Chapter 325: Ranchi and Imperial City Prison's Campus Collaboration Project

"We will do everything we can to capture the criminals of the Ghost Party and effectively and efficiently train them into cost-effective labor. Then, we will implement this mechanism to increase the productivity of our city-state. And based on the value of each prisoner, we will issue bounties. Adventurers and mercenaries from our province and other provinces who are capable will see what we are doing and become bounty hunters joining us, even vying to uphold justice."

Lance lightly raised a finger towards the distant snowfields, giving several lords directions.

"Human desire is like a boulder rolling down a mountain, once it starts, it can't be stopped. Actual interests are more effective than anything else. From the beginning, I felt that the game of interest between you was unnecessary."

It could have been a win-win situation, but instead of finding common ground, they're busy competing with each other.

Lanchi also couldn't understand why these people were doing this.


Others lowered their heads and dared not speak, afraid that the goddess was looking at them.

He felt that their previous rivalry, compared to the governor's words, was actually more human-like.

This person was a war criminal during wartime.

But they dare not say it.

And after passing the test of conscience...

I definitely think it's worth a shot.

Both the lord and the local people have long suffered from the Ghost Party.

Furthermore, if it could operate, disregarding the inhumane aspects, the profits might actually be legitimate!

What about the specific legal risks and operational risks

The lords asked with concern.

An excessive or overcrowded prison population, they lack control and the cost of housing inmates is extremely high.

This is the most troublesome core issue.

"There's no legal risk as long as we draft the documents reasonably. Even if the House of Commons tries to pass amendments to block this 'prison labor leasing' possibility, the House of Lords has the power to delay its passage. And that time difference would allow me to make this plan more widely known."

Once Larch had finished, the other lords all nodded in stunned silence.

Regardless of the attitude of the House of Commons, it is likely that the peers in the House of Lords, even those residing in the South, would largely approve of this "prisoner labor leasing" scheme.

Even once seeing the North perfect it, they might even be eager to implement it in the South as well!

As for the operational risks, this is simple. I've already made a plan. For high-level criminals, we can sell... no, transfer them to the Imperial Capital. Our school actually has a long-standing cooperation with the Herelom underground prison in the Imperial Capital. Next month, I have invited Warden Bakas to our school for talks. If successful, perhaps the prisons of the Imperial Capital could also achieve capacity reform.

Lanche's original intention was that, since he couldn't really kill the students, in order to adapt to the culture of the Protoss Empire, Lanche decided to change the immediate execution of stubborn students to sending them to prison for reform education.

Although the strongest fighter in prison, warden Bakas, left the Imperial City border prison to head for a school in the southern city district, theoretically it could increase the risk of the prison being raided that day.

But no one in their right mind would do something as crazy as a jailbreak.

Lanche would absolutely not allow any imperials to do such lawless things.

> "…"

Several lords listened with surprise, exchanging glances filled with fervent eagerness.

If powerful prisoners could be directly sent to the imperial capital for quick disposal, it would not only solve our problems but also undoubtedly generate a significant new source of income!

The Ghost Legion now looks like it's worth more than arcane ore!

It was as if something within them had been completely unlocked. At this moment, they were free from any psychological burden and only wanted to quickly complete this magnificent feat!

"Lord Loch MacAllister, you are destined to become the greatest politician in the history of the Protoss Empire for a hundred years, and your accomplishments as Governor in Frostwind Province will soon add another feather to your cap in the Imperial City of Helorum."

All the nobles, filled with immense reverence, eagerly bowed and said:

Although it may be difficult to assess how history will view Rocky Macassi in the long run, and members of the Ghost Party who experienced this disaster would surely harbor a deep hatred for him.

But at this moment, he is undoubtedly the leader who saved the people of the Snowy Plains province from disaster!

Lance shook his head slightly.

He seems to think the lords misunderstand him.

I've never been a politician. If I had to label myself, I'd say I'm more of a manager or businessman. I don't want war, I don't want people being misled anymore. Just focus on improving the economy and getting people to live happy lives.

Lanche simply said,

"But Coralis did say that next month, a talk show from the Helstrom Broadcasting Company wants to invite me on. Since I'm now Governor, they'll have to change my title during the interview."

He smiled and sighed.

Here's the translation:Herloom Broadcasting Company was founded in 1723 and is headquartered in the city center of Herloom, the capital of the Protoss Empire. It is the largest news media in the Protoss Empire. Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Although it is a public media outlet funded by the Protosian Imperial Treasury, its management is overseen by an independent regulatory committee separate from both the Postal Ministry and the upper and lower houses of Parliament. Its independence and autonomy are guaranteed by the Protosian Royal Charter.

And on the streets of Helrom's bustling market district, you often see programs played on giant screens that belong to the Helrom Broadcasting Company.

Meow meow meow!

The cat boss raised its neck and meowed a few times in Ranch's hands.

To be invited to participate in a special interview program by Hello World Broadcasting Company is an accomplishment in itself. Unless the topic is highly regarded and approved by the editor-in-chief, producers, and the committee, such an opportunity wouldn't usually arise.

It can't even imagine Hyberlian in the glittering imperial capital of Helorum, looking up and seeing Ranchi in a suit on stage, calmly answering questions from a host during an interview!

More than a month ago, I seemed to remember Xu Bao's entrustment to keep an eye on this guy's business...

It seems like I've really lost control now…

I'm guilty, meow!

"Duchess Cloris Berenguer"

The rest of the lords exclaimed in surprise.

She is the most outstanding student in our school.

Lance nodded calmly.

All the lords present privately sighed in admiration, "Indeed worthy of the Governor-General's status, to even have dealings with the House of Duke Berlenhald."

Both Lord Morotius Berengar and Lady Cloris Berengar, the holders of [Primal Slate - Necromancer], are figures of immense power within the Empire's aristocratic circles.

Mixing with the governor, the future is bright.


Lanche watched the subtle reactions of the lords, not expecting that this simple sentence would make them revere him even more.

Despite being in the Heton Kingdom of South Continent with his classmates witnessing him spending time with the Duchess's daughter every day, they didn't show any increase in respect for him. This gave Lance a feeling that "Huperlian had already been stripped of his noble status."

On second thought, I think it's still normal over here in the North Continent.

That is the correct reaction when people learn they know a duchess.

Everyone should show more respect to the people in the ducal family.

This trip to the northern continent brought Ranchi a lot of work experience and insights, and he believes that he will definitely be able to apply them back in the southern continent.

Please do not force a connection between the two books; they are independent stories, with only minor Easter eggs. Reading one book does not affect your enjoyment of the other.

[ ]s book should be a witch herself."Thus far, Lance closed the book in his hands.For him, who had always been practicing both demon and human magic scripts, this book of magical script written during th...