Chapter 124: Ranchi wasn't even afraid at all

with Lance.Pay more attention to the people around you. If you also like her, don't keep her waiting too long.Lanche simply stared at the distant horizon, without looking at the young master of the C...Chapter 125: Lanci wasn't afraid at all.

The ground floor hall of Lichtenstein Castle was occupied by a brief silence. [Write to here I hope the reader remembers our domain name]

The elegant stone corridor, the luxurious fireplace, and the paintings hanging on the walls were all bathed in the soft light of dawn.

Since the young master was so candid and revealed a lot of information, there shouldn't be much doubt about his identity.

As for the twin guards behind him, they didn't intend to say anything just yet.

Frey nodded, remembering that these three were 【The Young Master and his two Bodyguards】, then looked at the three women standing diagonally across from them.

"We are from the Krell Empire."

A graceful maiden with a noble air nodded politely. Her demeanor exuded elegance and humility, her long brown hair as smooth and silky as satin.

But she didn't seem inclined to say much, not even when meeting Frey's cold gaze unflinchingly.

She emanated a powerful and steady aura of magic, surely that of a traditional mage. On either side stood a tall, dashing female knight with hawk-like eyebrows and piercing eyes, and a petite, timid white-robed cleric with tearful blue eyes.

This is a very standard Holy Paladin build.

Since their words went no further, Frey didn't waste any more time on them. He mentally labeled them 【Imperial Women's National Team】 and turned his gaze to the last three.

We are from the Northern Continent and are clergy under the Goddess of Fate, serving the Saintess.

The priest, adorned in a pure white robe with intricate golden thread embroidery along the edges, stepped forward and bowed respectfully. His eyes were gentle, radiating kindness and tenderness.

Behind them stood an executioner clad in heavy armor and a red cloak, and a holy knight in shining silver armor.

Their faces were etched with determination and courage, their eyes unwavering and piercing, as if burning with the flame of justice.

Do you three know Lauren

Fred blurted out.

There was a sense of parity in his words, akin to being on equal footing with Laurent. The three of them were taken aback, wondering what status Frey held within the Ikereth Academy.

Of course, even we in the Northern Continent are well acquainted with the deeds of Lord Loren, the Great Oracle.

The priest replied and had his companions each perform a spell.

From the way the priests use their magic, it's almost believable that they're truly ordained.

But it is also possible that the Resurrection Church has moles within the Fate Goddess Church.

These three can just be called 【Saint's Followers】.

By now, Frey had basically figured out the background of everyone present. Although he was sure that two of the nine people were definitely impersonating someone else.

Specific job titles and identities, aside from those willingly shared publicly, will be conveyed individually through writing at a later time.

Do you two have anything to say

Frey stepped back and came to the side of Lance and Hubrian.

Hubertine didn't quite know how to express her identity, so she only gestured with her eyes for Lance and Frey to turn around. Then, with the hand behind her back, she lightly traced characters in the air with her fingertips, signaling to them both that they were 【actresses】.

"I understand."

After learning her identity, Frey and Lance became even more convinced that perhaps there were other challengers with similar types of backgrounds. There wasn't much they could do directly to help the detective; revealing it would be both suspicious and dangerous.

Therefore, the difficulty of Frey's reasoning has increased even further.

Even if he were to question everyone's identity afterward, the traitor could easily fabricate a flawless alibi.

As long as the betrayer possesses enough intelligence, it's nearly impossible to deduce their identity from their position. That is the mechanism of the Shadow World.

After Huai Berlian and his party had finished their exchange, Lanchi turned his gaze back towards the hall.

He strode forward with ease, raising his palm to face the crowd.

Hello everyone, here I'll briefly say a few words.

"My identity is that of a 【lawyer】, and I am familiar with the laws of the Huning Empire. Nowadays, the Huning Empire has fully embraced the belief in the blood ancestor. Any act of rebellion against the rule of the Blood Clan will be met with the severest punishment. Similarly, humans wishing to enter any city must undergo strict identity registration."

Regarding the information about **geographers**, I have a supplementary point. The imperial defensive barrier of the Honing Empire is now controlled by blood races, and it has an air defense effect. Non-blood races cannot use any flight magic or tools. I believe we can corroborate this later.

Ranchi's words, like a stone dropped into a lake, created ripples, sending every person in the hall into deep thought and analysis.

Another one who exposed their identity, even more openly and boldly.

And in this young man's emerald eyes, his gaze was bright and honest, his voice carrying a kind of peaceful power that could dispel any doubts or anxieties.

This kind of pure and gentle aura makes it hard to believe he could be a bad person.


If those people were really the villains, that would be a terrifying movie beyond imagination.

Saying that, Lance sighed helplessly:

"If I'm not mistaken, there is some very bad news. The only bridge leading to the city-state has most likely been destroyed. We are now trapped on this cliff by the defenses of the border and the terrain."

So, the Shadow World's requirement is that we must accurately deduce the traitor and apprehend them. Once we accidentally kill the traitor, the Blood Clan Earl will come for us all, won't he

Frey smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes as he asked Lance.

After those words fell, the expressions of the others became rather awkward.

Their faces displayed a kaleidoscope of expressions: some awestruck, others contemplative, and still others grave. Their eyes shifted constantly, like an ever-changing canvas.

In this closed space, everyone seemed to become more acute and sensitive, almost feeling the tension and anxiety in the air gradually intensifying.

Just the words "terrain lockdown" and "Blood Clan Count" were enough to make all the challengers present turn pale.

Even in the mortal world, they know that the blood race are terrifying beings that no ordinary creature can stand against.

The blood race's innate abilities and immortality have always made them formidable opponents. Throughout history, powerful humans who fought against them often suffered heavy losses, depleting their ranks of valuable high-level warriors.

Even if theoretically, when the sun rises during daylight, vampires would be greatly weakened, there is no possibility of surviving an entire night under their hands.

Even without mentioning racial oppression, the challengers from rank five and below on the field are not even in the same league of power as a Blood Clan Earl. Any one of them would be instantly beheaded by the Blood Clan Earl, reduced to nothing more than a plaything for him to slaughter and amuse himself with.

>Nature is inescapable.

Ranch answered Frey calmly, his demeanor as still as a quiet lake.

Even in the face of such danger as blood races, he remained unfazed.

Hubert glanced at Lance, feeling a slight bit reassured.

As long as Lan Chi remains in this state, she is not afraid.

>More to come tomorrow!

(The End)

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