Chapter 1819: The Green Concubine

tered the black hole with ease.Seeing this, Che Yutao and the others' eyes lit up, their faces filled with delight.Let me know if you have other text you'd like me to translate!"The power of the restr...The woman crushed the streamer of light, pondered for a moment, and her face instantly paled, looking like someone who had just recovered from a serious illness.

She rose gracefully, pushed open the door, and saw that outside, the mountains were lush green and the river meandered, a truly magnificent view.

There was a path of blue stone winding down the mountain in front of the cave.

She didn't leap into the clouds, she walked slowly, appearing even more delicate. She seemed unable to withstand the mountain wind, and her every glance evoked pity. Anyone who saw her would feel compelled to embrace and comfort her.

> As he had just reached the halfway point of the mountain, a man suddenly appeared from within the forest.

This person was tall and strong, dressed in black armor, with a golden tiger tail trailing behind him. He must be a transformed tiger demon.

“I wonder where Qing Fei is going I shall send a message to the Marquis’s residence and ask for the Marquis himself to accompany you. The Marquis has given orders, etiquette cannot be disregarded, we must not tarnish the reputation of the Marquis’s household.”

The tiger demon stood in front of the woman, bowing respectfully without being subservient or arrogant, and asked.


The woman known as Qing Fei's eyes flickered, her brows and gaze radiating a captivatingly alluring charm.

Unfortunately, that flirtatious glance was directed at a blind man.

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The Tiger Demon remained steadfast, unmoved, blocking Qingfei's path with unwavering resolve.

Being unable to bear it, Qing Fei lightly coughed and softly said, "I wish to visit the Marquis at his residence. There is no need for such trouble. Please lead the way quickly."

The Tiger demon was slightly taken aback, but didn't ask any further questions. He immediately bowed and said, "This subordinate obeys your command!"

As he spoke, the tiger demon waved his right arm, and a line of demon soldiers surged out of the forest, carrying a finely decorated red palanquin.


Qingfei, with her delicate and boneless waist, entered the palanquin.

The demon soldiers immediately, under the command of the Tiger Demon, stepped on the demonic wind and ascended to the clouds, traveling along the river.

The Hou Mansion is not far from here. Before Qing Fei became the mistress, this mountain was also known as the Hou Mansion's annex.

Not long after, this demon army descended from the sky and marched straight toward a towering peak that stood out among the others on the riverbank.

Before they even got close, a torrent of demonic energy billowed from the peak and surged towards them.

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In the midst of the demonic energy, there was a squad of demonic soldiers clad in armor, imposing and formidable. The style of their armor differed somewhat from that of tiger demons and other such monsters.

At the head was a leader with a hooked nose and wings on his back. Just as he was about to open his mouth to scold, he suddenly saw the tiger demon and the red sedan chair. He instantly changed his expression to a smile and ordered his subordinates to make way on both sides, waiting for the sedan chair to approach. He bowed deeply: "Greetings, Your Highness! The Marquis is currently in seclusion at the mansion. The Marquis has instructed that you may enter the inner courtyard directly without reporting."

The tiger demon nodded to them, led the team into the mountain, and came to the front of Hou Mansion. A plaque inscribed with "Xiahou Mansion" was hung above the gate.

Upon entering the Marquis's manor, all the demons were able to pass unimpeded and went straight to the inner courtyard.

Though it was a demon cultivator's manor, the Hou Mansion's layout and furnishings were extremely elegant, even more opulent than some human clans.

On the other hand, Daoist masters were not fond of extravagance. They were content with a simple dwelling, often just a hut made of three or two thatch mats.

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It is said that someone ridiculed the demon cultivators for painting tigers but ending up with dogs, not knowing what the great way is.

The Zhongfu Palace was the residence of the Demon Marquis. Without the Demon Marquis's command, the tiger demon dared not proceed further. Qingfei entered alone, her figure like the wind ruffling willow branches, and even her back carried a strange allure.

The demon soldiers carrying the palanquin were dumbfounded. They were slapped twice by the tiger demon and dared not look up again.

“My friend, you have finally agreed to meet me. Have you thought it through Will you agree to be my demon concubine”

Qīngfēi stepped into a courtyard with a artificial hill and lotus pond, and immediately a deep voice came from within. The door opened, and a man in a brocade robe walked out.

This person was tall and slender with eyes as bright as stars. His jawline was adorned with a three-inch long beard, half black and half white. His long hair followed the same pattern, with a clear division between black and white, which was quite unique.

He was Xia Hou. Unlike those demonic soldiers, he showed no trace of a demon cultivator's features. He had completely transformed into human form; if one concealed his demonic aura, no one would suspect his origins.

Qingfei walked onto the stone bridge over the lotus pond and stopped at the octagonal pavilion in the center of the bridge. She looked towards Xia Hou and said with a cold smile, "What if I don't agree What are you trying to do by having your subordinates constantly call me Qingfei"

Xiahou let out a hearty laugh, strides confidently into the pavilion. "My intentions are known to all! My men lack etiquette and speak without restraint, they have offended you, and I will surely punish them."

Unwilling to dwell on this any further, the Qingfei looked at the most vibrant lotus in the pond and said in a low voice, "My wounds have healed."

"Oh" Xiahou detected the subtext and sized up Qing Fei with a glance. "Do you want to go now Isn't that a bit hasty"

Qingfei scoffed, "Rushing Do you intend to wait until you create even more chaos at the altar, completely disrupting it, causing the divine power and illusions to transform wildly, turning everything upside down before taking action"

Xiahou pondered for a moment, then lightly nodded. "Daoist friend's worries are not unreasonable. It seems Daoist friend has also seen this. We and the Dao Court will inevitably have a battle at the Ju Shan Chi Zhi Altar. According to Wang Ye's words, this battle is extremely important, concerning the very foundation of our Gui Fang nation. It is truly possible to disrupt the altar. Moreover, the demons are gradually expanding into the territory of the Dao Court, and the Dao Court will sooner or later be unable to bear it. At that time, when this general receives the Wang's order, it will be difficult to escape the battlefield. Now is indeed the best time to take action."

Hearing this, Qing Fei's face changed several times. Although Xia Hou didn't reveal the true secret, it could be seen from these contents that the Ghost Fang country had deep plans.

After a moment of contemplation, Xia Hou realized that Qing Fei remained silent, staring intently at him. He smiled faintly and said, "Rest assured, my friend. I will immediately request fox blood from the King for you. It is said that this fox blood belongs to the legendary nine-tailed spirit fox clan and is extremely valuable. Even if I risked my life and fortune, it would be difficult to obtain a single bottle without my unwavering loyalty to the King. Please don't disappoint me."

The only thing Qing Fei cared about was when the Ling Xue would be in her grasp.

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"As per our previous agreement, once this Hou receives the celestial spirit treasure tomorrow, I shall immediately hand over the fox blood to my Daoist friend. What do you say" Xiahou said.

Qingfei shook her head, "I will take you to find the spirit treasure, and then you give me the fox blood. Whether or not you can take the spirit treasure depends on your own ability."

Xiahoujue insisted, "My friend, don't forget what you said. That treasure might only have a spirit, not necessarily a naturally born spiritual treasure. Although I admire you greatly, I can't treat this matter lightly."

Qing Fei's brow furrowed tightly, and she said coldly, "This treasure possesses a spirit, there is no doubt about it! I will tell you the truth, because I feel indebted to you for healing me. Show you sincerity, don't you want to go back on your word!"

Xiahou remained unmoved, his expression unchanged. He said, "Daoist friend worries too much. Regardless of the circumstances that gave rise to this treasure's true spirit, even if it hasn't reached the rank of a posthuman spiritual treasure, exchanging for fox blood is more than enough. This Marquis would certainly not be stingy, but I need to personally confirm it."

Seeing that Xiahou didn't yield an inch, Qingfei, although displeased, couldn't force him. She could only helplessly agree.

"It is not too late, let's set off today."

Xiahou Lei was as swift as the wind and fierce as thunder.

Qīng Fēi didn't expect this, she asked in surprise, "Don't you want to ask for some help"

Their trip was to enter the depths of the forbidden area, where danger lurked everywhere. Even though Xia Hou had cultivation at the late stage of the Cave Xuan realm, he still needed to be cautious.

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Xiahou let out a cold snort, "What kind of help do you want Do you want to tell that white-haired monkey"

The Qingfei's face revealed a sudden realization.

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She knew that Xia Hou had not been under this Demon King before, but for some unknown reason, he had offended his former master and sought refuge here soon after.

The Ghost Country, while claiming to be a unified nation, is actually a collection of territories ruled by individual demon kings. Each king operates independently and their relationships with one another are complex, marked by both alliances and animosity.

The Supreme Saint of the Demon Country, is shrouded in mystery. Like a dragon appearing only at its head and disappearing from its tail, he remains unengaged with worldly affairs, only revealing himself during battles on the Dao Court battlefield.

Only when the time comes will the demon kings unite as one, otherwise they are not short of open and secret struggles.

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If the Taoist court were to disappear, it would not be surprising if the Ghostly Kingdom crumbled on the second day.

Xiahou sought refuge, and old friends had long since distanced themselves from him.

Although highly regarded by the Demon King and known as the second most powerful demon marquis under him, Xia Hou's foundation was too weak. He was targeted and ostracized by the first demon marquis. Xia Hou also desperately hoped for a war between the Gui Fang nation and the Dao Court, eager to make his mark and turn the tide.

The other demon marquis dared not participate in the fight between the two powerful figures, fearing for their own safety. Even if some demon marquis approached him, Xia Hou did not dare to fully trust them.

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As for the demon soldiers and generals under his command, entering Mount Qishan was like going to their deaths.

Xiahou returned to his room without hesitation and arranged his affairs.

If Xiahou could obtain the spiritual treasure of the next day, whether it was presented to the demon king or used himself, it would be a great boon. How could Xiahou not be tempted

Looking at Xia Hou's retreating figure, a subtle glint flashed in Qing Fei's beautiful eyes, which she quickly concealed well.

After several hours.

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Xiahou, claiming to be in seclusion, closed the Zhongfu.

Thinking that Qing Fei had taken the initiative to enter the mansion, the subordinates only thought that the Marquis was enjoying himself in his amorous pursuits and had no doubts about it.

Without alarming any demon soldiers, Xiahou and Qingfei quietly left the mansion, concealing their tracks all the way to Gu Shan's treatment altar.

At the same time, Mo Xingdao and Hong Yizi were also on their way.

Here are a few ways to translate the text you provided, keeping in mind that the context matters for a truly accurate translation:**Option 1 (Formal):**> ...the mountain of [name of person or place] was before him.**Option 2 (More literal):**> ...the mountain stood before [name of person or place].**To choose the best option, please tell me:*** **Who is "具山治" ** Is it a person's name, a title, or something else* **What is the context of this sentence** Knowing the surrounding text can help determine the most appropriate translation.Let me know, and I can give you a more precise translation!

Two figures quietly appeared.

Hong Yuzi looked around, gesturing to Mo Xindao, and then dove into the auspicious clouds.

Mo Xingdao was also looking around, but there were no other figures here. Could Hong Yuzi not have invited any help

After passing through the auspicious clouds, traversing the golden palace, and entering the Nine-Curve Star River, they returned to the path they had walked last time.

This time there were no demons causing trouble, so there was no need to worry about disturbances during the ceremony. The two of them moved very quickly.

Reaching the end of the Cloud Path, about to begin the trial of Divine Skill Illusions, Mo Xingdao spoke up, "Let me lead the way ahead."

Hong Yuzi's figure paused slightly, turned to Mo Xingdao, and smiled: "Since Daoist Mo is willing to help, this poor Dao is naturally delighted."

Mo Xindao shook his head and said, “At the deepest point, I’m afraid Mo could only barely protect himself, finding it difficult to help my friends. All I can do is offer some help here, sharing your burden.”

As he spoke, Mo Xingdao darted forward, charging into the illusory scene first.

Hong Yuzi put away his divine powers and followed behind.

One illusion after another was broken through by them. With their previous experience, Mo Xingdao didn't find it too difficult.


The waves surged.

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At this time, the two of them appeared above a stretch of seawater. The sea wind blew in their faces, carrying a salty tang.

In the perception of the five senses, this place is indistinguishable from the real ocean. If one were not able to clearly see the boundary of seawater, it would be difficult for ordinary people to imagine that it was a mirage created by supernatural powers.

This stretch of sea is like a piece cut out from the vast ocean.

Mo Xingdao jumped into the sea without hesitation, and immediately felt countless undercurrents pressing in.

These undercurrents carried astonishing power, utterly chaotic. The deeper they went, the stronger they became, enough to crush a nascent soul cultivator into paste.

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Mo Xingdao's magical treasures appeared one after another, opening up a straight passage to the seabed.

All the way down to the deepest point of the ocean, a sea eye suddenly appeared ahead, like a closed circular water gate.

Mo Xingdao's figure dashed forward, breaking through layers of water waves and charging to the edge of the water gate. With a swing of his arms, they suddenly grew into massive hands, gripping the edge of the sea eye and pulling open a gap with all their might.


Mo Xingdao's arms trembled, bearing the terrifying force of the backlash, he transmitted his voice urgently.

Hongyuzi easily leaped over Mo Xingdao from behind, passed through the gap, and disappeared into the sea eye. Mo Xingdao followed closely and squeezed out of the gap. The sea eye immediately closed, returning to its original state.

But at the moment of closure, a glimmer of light close to the color of water silently emerged from the sea eye. Caught by the current, it drifted everywhere in the sea.

During the process of being swept along, one endures the scourging of undercurrents, and the glow of prohibition flickers on and off.


After an unknown amount of time, a hand suddenly grasped the point of light and rose to the surface.

The visitor was Qin Sang. He spread open his palm, and in it lay a light blue orb.



A crack appeared on the surface of the ball, and a hummingbird, no bigger than a butterfly, flew out from it.

The kingfisher is a vibrant emerald green, like the finest jade meticulously carved. It takes flight, circling Qin Sang, as if alive and in motion.

"You are... Qin Daoist"

The kingfisher hesitated for a moment.

This is a puppet meticulously crafted by Mo Xingdao for this occasion. The puppet's body contains Mo Xingdao's consciousness.

No wonder Mo Xingdao hesitated. Qin Sang's appearance had changed drastically at this time. His body was covered in green hair, and his aura was very strange, with poisonous smoke emanating from his whole body.

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Qin Sang deliberately did not refine the residual poison in his body.

Since he had decided to deal with Dao Ting Immortal Official, Qin Sang had to consider the possibility of failure and offending Dao Ting. His true identity absolutely could not be revealed.

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Poison is the best disguise, sparing the need for other pretenses. Paired with some arcane arts, no one could link him to Daoist Qingfeng.

Of course, when using supernatural powers and treasures, one should still exercise caution.

"It was me."

Qin Sang nodded.

Mo Xingdao spoke rapidly, "The divine illusion at the bottom of the platform will affect my connection with the puppet. It will soon fall asleep, and when I sense it again, it means we're close."

Qin Sang nodded, "Don't worry, fellow Daoist. I have already made the arrangements and just wait for you to lure Hong Yuzi into the trap."

The kingfisher nodded, then circled Qin Sang in flight before landing on his shoulder and falling silent.

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Qin Sang glanced sideways, turned and flew towards the sea, quickly moving within the sacrificial platform. Not long after, he returned to the poison domain.

Having passed through the poisonous domain, I arrived at the black night vision I had seen before.

Qin Sang entered without hesitation. He had already explored and discovered that the lightning in the night was not thunder, but a force that seemed like sword energy, yet somewhat similar to the void rift, very peculiar.

He deliberately avoided the lightning flashes, traversing through the darkness and arriving safely at the end.

Thus, after passing through several illusions in succession, Qin Sang finally stopped at a particular illusion.

This place also has the aura of wood spirits, but it is very thin and cannot be compared to the Illusionary Forest. It cannot support a spiritwood body for a long time.

But this was the most suitable place for an ambush Qin Sang had carefully selected and informed Mo Xingdao of its location.

Mo Xingdao will find a way to lure Hong Yuzi closer here. Hong Yuzi wants to help Mo Xingdao find the images from his memories, he can only trust Mo Xingdao's judgment.

In addition, Qin Sang had also made other arrangements elsewhere. If Hongyuzi brought help, he would also find a way to separate them.

Since Hong Yuzi came alone, all the arrangements were in vain.

(End of chapter) have never seen a monster dare to enter our homes. But after entering the mountains, it's uncertain. It is said that many people who gather medicine or chop wood have mysteriously disappeared in the...