Chapter 1445: Afraid of Death

where the man's domineering lips had been teasing. He captured her thin lips without leaving any room for escape,Of course, such a thing could hardly satisfy Mo Yunjing. He directly forcefully pry ope...Yunliu was too lazy to bother with these foolish people. She just watched them jump around now, the sword in her hand becoming a little difficult to hold.

If it weren't for their prince not having given the order for them to act, how could he tolerate such brazenness from these people

Mo Yunjing's gaze swept over the soldiers who had been clamoring with that man. A flash of ferocity crossed his dark and deep pupils, finally settling on the leader.

Standing beside Mo Yunjing, Yunliu and the others all sensed a faint murderous aura emanating from their prince.

Those who could be targeted by their prince were oblivious to the danger approaching, and still dared to shout recklessly.

Yunliu narrowed her eyes slightly and silently lit a candle for him in her heart.

"King of the North, actually so many days have passed, the Red Nation hasn't made any moves. It seems they won't be taking any action. Your territory is in the North after all. Perhaps you should return first"

Since being taken over by the King of Beijang, they have lived a miserable life. Every day before the rooster crows, they are called up for training.

Originally, in their camp, they could have drinks and meat every few days. But ever since the King of the Northern Border arrived, not to mention alcohol, even meat became scarce.

If Yunliu knew they were so desperately craving meat and alcohol, he would definitely give them a good beating.

They drink and eat meat that they get by using their soldier status to 'rob' those poor peasants.

Yes, it's about grabbing.

Those common people would dare to refuse them when they reach out for things Isn't that just robbery

Upon hearing this, Yunliu was so furious that she wished she could give these people a good beating. They didn't deserve to be called soldiers; they were nothing but a bunch of shameless bandits.

They specifically bully the helpless common people.

As a true soldier, he felt utterly humiliated.

When they were in the northern frontier, the northern frontier army dared not reach out to the people for even a grain of rice.

Not only did he refrain from demanding anything from the people, but he also shared the military rations distributed by the imperial court with them during years of famine.

Let's weather the storm together.

Because they knew how important food was, and how difficult it was to get some meat these days, the prince had people raise livestock specifically for the Northern Border army, to meet their needs.

But they have never reached out to the common people.

So when he learned of the so-called soldiers in Youlan City's deeds, he was filled with anger, wishing to personally beat them up.

They want to eat meat and enjoy any food besides military rations. It's one thing if they don't figure out a way themselves, but it's shameless of them to repeatedly steal food from the mouths of the people.

It is unforgivable.

At this moment, hearing that this person dared to drive away their prince, Yunliu turned to Mo Yunjing, "Your Highness, after these days of investigation, this person is the one who repeatedly led the charge in robbing grain from the people's homes. At the same time, he is also the one who advocated taking those good women to the army to serve as military prostitutes."

Not only did they steal the villagers' grain and livestock, but whenever they set their eyes on a girl from the village, regardless of whether she was married or not, or whether she was willing to sell herself for money, they would directly kidnap her to be a military prostitute.

Such behavior is worse than that of a beast. Those commoners and girls have no way to fight back, so they can only weep bitterly. After all, they are the so-called city guards, with weapons bestowed upon them by the imperial court.

In this situation, the common people had no other choice but to accept their fate. Even if they reported it to the officials, it would be useless because the officials protected each other and any complaint would go unanswered.

When Yunliu first learned about this, he wanted to kill the person directly. But he thought that by using this person, he could find out if there were any other vicious creatures behind him, so he could only bear with him for a while.

These people came, and they've pretty much finished their investigation. He was also planning to get rid of these parasites in the military camp within the next two days, but who knew that before he could even make a move, these people started jumping out and acting recklessly.

Just so, let's settle this today.

Mo Yunjing's obsidian eyes were unfathomable. At this moment, he was just staring at the person, his thoughts completely unknown to everyone.

The man was still oblivious to Death creeping closer and closer. After he finished speaking, he didn't receive a response from the King of Beijiang. Plus, the people behind him kept supporting him, so he became a bit arrogant.

He took two steps toward Mo Yun Jing, then spoke in a sarcastic tone, "North Border King doesn't want to leave. Could it be that he wants to turn You Lan City into another North Border City"

"......" Let me know if you have any other text you'd like me to translate!

Yunliu really couldn't figure it out. What kind of brain did this person have Or did he have some powerful backing even stronger than their prince, that allowed him to speak to their prince like this

What's most important is that after this idiot finished speaking, there were still people who came out to play along with him.

Then the so-called imperial censor sent by the emperor also stepped forward. He looked at Mo Yunjing and said slowly:

"General Rong speaks plainly, but with reason. Your Royal Highness is the King of Beijang after all. Your fiefdom is in Beijang. Now that the crisis in Youlan City has been resolved, it's indeed against protocol for you to stay here any longer."


Yunliu could no longer bear it. He took two steps forward, his sharp eyes fixed on the censor, "As for the matter of lifting the crisis in Yulan City, I wonder where you gleaned this information from"

"Isn't that so Ever since the King led his army to repel the Red Nation's troops, they have remained quiet. Every piece of news coming from the Red Nation in recent days has stated that there is nothing unusual about them. Is this not enough to raise any questions"

"The official understands that General Yunliu desires military glory, but war is extremely cruel. Once it begins, regardless of the outcome, many soldiers will be sacrificed. Since the Red Nation has quieted down, why not call off this conflict and allow both nations' citizens to return to peaceful lives"


Yunliu was so angry that she almost wanted to thrust her sword into these people's heads.

One by one, their heads must have been kicked by a donkey

The people of the Chi nation are eyeing Yulan City with greed. With only their prince and the Yun family army gone, these scattered soldiers guarding Yulan City couldn't hold out for more than a few days.

In this situation, if we don't severely cripple the Chi army and make them afraid to attack again in a short time, once their prince leaves, he isn't exaggerating. With just these hundred thousand soldiers in Youlan City who have long been pampered and useless, along with these generals whose brains seem kicked by a donkey, Youlan City will definitely be captured.

By then, how many ordinary people would be displaced and slaughtered by the enemy

As soldiers, from the moment they entered the barracks, they understood that their mission was to sacrifice their lives to ensure peace and stability for the people.

Now, to save a few soldiers' lives, they would even say something that disgraces the honor of being a soldier.

What's most chilling is that this statement was actually agreed with by most of the soldiers present.

Yun Liu's cold eyes swept over the people below who nodded in agreement. He let out a sneer, "A bunch of cowardly wretches."

Please support me a lot! Gold tickets, silver tickets, collections, all are welcome!both your safety and mine. Therefore, I dare to make a request of you."Mo Yunchen rubbed his fingertips against the edge of the table beside him. His dark eyes stared at Mo Junyi for a moment, then no...